Far North Bushcraft And Survival

Far North Bushcraft And Survival will teach you about many long forgotten tricks and tips of the old time woodsmen. Not only will you learn about bushcraft / woodcraft but you will learn many things that will help you to survive in a less than ideal "survival" situations as well.

You can find all his videos on his YouTube channel.

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Title Created Date
Make A Condo Tent From Tarps 10 June 2014
Natural Cordage Survival Friction Fire 17 May 2014
Camp Cooking Lid Starts Fire 10 May 2014
Friction Fire Using Punk Wood Hearth 10 May 2014
Alternative Bow Drill Friction Fire 20 April 2014
Ravpower 10400 mAh Power Bank Review 15 April 2014
Woodstove Baked Bread While Hiking 23 March 2014
Natural Foot Blister Prevention From The Woods 19 March 2014
The Wilderness Supplies My Sore Throat And Cough Remedy 19 March 2014
A Wilderness Stimulant For Fatigue 16 February 2014