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Survival Medicin - Urine, Urin


https://www.facebook.com/Waldhandwerk http://waldhandwerk.de/

Waldhandwerk Bushcraft - Survival Trainings:


Bergzeit Outdoorshop: http://www.bergzeit.de?pid=215

Let me tell you a few points about the important yellow stuff out of your body ; ) Notfall Medizin Urin

Tags: Waldläufer,Survival,Wald,Wood,Wilderness,germany,Bushcraft,Outdoor,nature,wild,edible,Deutschland,Österreich,Austria,Knife,Water,hydrated,dehydratet,how,often,drink,able,dehydrated,hydrogenated,first,aid,wounds

Video Transcription

About the Author

Waldhandwerk - BushcraftSurvival

Waldhandwerk - BushcraftSurvival

Waldhandwerk is very skilled bushcrafter. His videos contains always very interesting tips and tricks.

You can find all his videos on his YouTube channel.

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