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Naturliebe meets Waldhandwerk, Wild Edible Plants


https://www.facebook.com/Waldhandwerk http://waldhandwerk.de/

Waldhandwerk Bushcraft - Survival Trainings:


Bergzeit Outdoorshop: http://www.bergzeit.de?pid=215

Together with my friends, Tito from http://www.youtube.com/user/Naturliebe and his wife on a hiking trip. With foraging wild edible, good views and much fun. Vorsicht, Rinde, Blätter und unreife Früchte vom Gewöhnlichen Schneeball sind giftig, bei der Frucht ist es strittig, aber sie schmeckt ohnehin schlecht! Stay away from the Viburnum opulus Snowball Tree its middle poison! Schout outs http://www.youtube.com/user/Andersbork http://www.youtube.com/user/JoeandZachSurvival

Pflanzliche Notnahrung, Bushcraft and Survival Food Hagebutte rose hip raw awthorn Weißdorn Nelkenwurz gegen Zahnschmerz carnation turmeric against toothache Giersch Aegopodium podagraria ground elder horses cows alp Alm, Brunnenkresse. Pflanzliche Notnahrung, essbare Wildpflanzen, Pflanzen zum essen.

Tags: Waldläufer,Survival,Wood,Wilderness,germany,Outdoor,fire,wild,cooking,nature,Deutschland,Österreich,Austria,Überleben,Gear,Kit,Mora,knife,knives,Action,Adventure,Bushcraft,camping,hike,hiking,Mountain,edible,foraging,Sonntraten,pflanzliche,Notnahrung,Hagebutte,roh,essen,rose,hip,raw,hawthorn,Weißdorn,Nelkenwurz,gegen,Zahnschmerz,carnation,turmeric,against,toothache,Giersch,Aegopodium,podagraria,ground,elder

Video Transcription

About the Author

Waldhandwerk - BushcraftSurvival

Waldhandwerk - BushcraftSurvival

Waldhandwerk is very skilled bushcrafter. His videos contains always very interesting tips and tricks.

You can find all his videos on his YouTube channel.

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