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Bushcraft Survival, Easy Bow Drill with Hand Drill Materials + Give Away Drawing


Bowdrill technique with Handdrill spindles, skills, tips, wild edible, primitive, friction fire making (ember) and Winner announcment from the Archeer Monocular Telescope: http://amzn.to/2jEGTyg

Give away from the last video. Congrats to the winner.

https://www.facebook.com/Waldhandwerk http://waldhandwerk.de/

Waldhandwerk Bushcraft - Survival Trainings:

http://www.vivalranger.com/kursuebersicht/kurse-in-bayern http://vivalranger.com/index.php/seminare/buchen

Bergzeit Outdoorshop: http://www.bergzeit.de?pid=215

Unbreakable Eyewear https://goo.gl/z3hLl4 gloryfy


ember Easy Bow Drill with Hand Drill Material, Bushcraft, Survival. Ramson, wild garlic foraging. feuerbohren üben.

MORA ELDRIS NECK-KNIFE und Neck Knives Review, german: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Dysfuq68PY


Tags: Survival,Wilderness,Outdoor,fire,wild,cooking,nature,Deutschland,Österreich,Austria,Überleben,Gear,Kit,knife,Adventure,Bushcraft,setup,shelter,survive,gear,knives,skills,how to,Kurse,Training,Kurs,Überlebenstraining,Tipps,tricks,tips,full HD,Wildnis,Waldhandwerk,BushcraftSurvival

Video Transcription

About the Author

Waldhandwerk - BushcraftSurvival

Waldhandwerk - BushcraftSurvival

Waldhandwerk is very skilled bushcrafter. His videos contains always very interesting tips and tricks.

You can find all his videos on his YouTube channel.

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