Learn Bushcraft skills by videos
watch the best bushcrafters explain techniques and skills

New Place for Bushcraft and Survival Trainings


Second Bushcraft Area in Bavaria opening ceremony, Einweihungsfeier "AUENLAND" Vielen Dank an Ulla und Michael https://www.facebook.com/Waldhandwerk http://waldhandwerk.de/ Waldhandwerk Bushcraft - Survival Trainings:


Bergzeit Outdoorshop: http://www.bergzeit.de?pid=215

Handdrill practising, wild cooking, good people and a great time, special guest Mr. and Mrs. Tito ; ) https://www.youtube.com/user/Naturliebe Neues weiteres Bushcraft Gelände in Bayern. How do make eggs in the coals. campfire overnighter. Tarp setup.


http://www.classicwings-bavaria.de/ Eier aus der Glüt, kochen am Lagerfeuer, bushcraften erlaubt.

Tags: Survival,Wilderness,Outdoor,fire,wild,cooking,nature,Deutschland,Österreich,Austria,Überleben,Gear,Kit,knife,Adventure,Bushcraft,setup,shelter,survive,gear,kit,skills,how,to,Kurse,Training,Kurs

Video Transcription

About the Author

Waldhandwerk - BushcraftSurvival

Waldhandwerk - BushcraftSurvival

Waldhandwerk is very skilled bushcrafter. His videos contains always very interesting tips and tricks.

You can find all his videos on his YouTube channel.

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