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Waldhandwerk 10200+ Subs Giveaway completed.


End of the Giveaway, Beendet, Abgeschlossen seit 15. 02. 2014 24 Uhr. Thanks my good Friends! Vielen herzlichen Dank an all meine Abonnenten! You are Amazing! https://www.facebook.com/Waldhandwerk http://waldhandwerk.de/ Waldhandwerk Bushcraft - Survival Trainings:


http://www.youtube.com/user/vranger for Joe Vogel German Survivalist.

Bergzeit Outdoorshop: http://www.bergzeit.de?pid=215


To join the Giveaway, pls write in the comment sector, "I am in", "Bin dabei" and you´re in ;) The Prizes are a: Hobo Stove from

http://www.bushcraft-essentials.com/german/outdoor-kocher/bushbox-xl.html https://www.facebook.com/BushcraftEssentials and a Mora Bushcraft Black, http://www.hkgt.de/shop/messer/mora-of-sweden/mora-messer-_mora-of-sweden_-bushcraft-black.html End of the Giveaway Entry, Ende der Teilnahme. is the 15. Februar, 15 February 0 Uhr Midnight MEZ Drawing Ziehung am 16.02.2014 The first winner can choose between the Knife or the Bushbox XL. Selfmade Woodgas stove, Tarp, Poncho setup, knots, shelter, fire, cooking dynamit sausage, Erbswurstsuppe kochen, Dosen Hobo and a big THANK YOU. Musik: Daniel Barg © http://www.youtube.com/user/Danuscha94

Tags: Bushcraft,Survival,deutsch

Video Transcription

About the Author

Waldhandwerk - BushcraftSurvival

Waldhandwerk - BushcraftSurvival

Waldhandwerk is very skilled bushcrafter. His videos contains always very interesting tips and tricks.

You can find all his videos on his YouTube channel.

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