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Wild Camping & Bushcraft with ZedOutdoors


In this video myself and Zed spend some time wild camping in a deciduous woodland in spring. Its an amazing time of year to camp out with bird song and new growth everywhere. Be sure to check out zeds video of our outing below.

A link to Zeds video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bThDSH35IiU


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Tags: bushcraft,bushcraft skills,camping,survival,wilderness,zed outdoors,zed outdoors youtube,mcq bushcraft,mcqbushcraft,mcqbushcraft axe,mcqbushcraft gear,mcqbushcraft knife,bushcraft skills channel,bushcraft skills uk,mcqbushcraft and zedoutdoors,mcqbushcraft tarp,tarp camping,wild camping,bushcraft fire lighting,mcqbushcraft woodland,bushcraft camping,bushcraft gear,camping gear,bushcraft fire lighting methods,mcqbushcraft ferro rod,mcqbushcraft tarp setup

Video Transcription


hi there guys it's Mike from mcq bushcraft here and welcome to another video on the channel I'm joined by friends of mine in this video Sue's ad from Zed outdoors and guys we've done quite a few videos together mainly on edge channels doing wild camping and bushcraft and it's been about a year hasn't it it's been quite a while it's been ages so we have a chat the other day that we come out for a wild camp it's spring the weather's been really nice although typically now right we're expecting rain so next port of call is to get the tarps up and get the shelters set up so we can have a comfortable camp so we thought we'd bring you along with us I hope you enjoy the video so tarps up looking good nice and tall so you can walk underneath it tall enough for me anyway instead sorry we're going to sleep on the ground tonight we were going to be in our hammocks but it's such a nice night and it's been dry for probably the last two weeks so the ground is very dry when it would normally be really boggy here as I've experienced and shown you in other videos you can see how big this 4x4 tar fist really designed for group work but it's fantastic if two of you are coming out maybe three four of you and you just want to carry one top and distribute the kit between you [Laughter]

what making me feel inadequate most more solar compared to you so it's as if it's a big sore little sore scenario check that out it's a great source and it's actually not really that big this is the 330 330 millimeters so 33 centimeters and what is that a sensitive silky Zubat right yeah and you were talking about is the only one off-camera and yay amazing so and you were talking about because of the curvature in it knowledge made yeah the curvature is quite quite incredible really I mean I've used this sword for a while actually but I've never had my own I've always used it in a volunteering group like being hedge laying and closing and because they're quite expensive I think you're looking at like 70 quid or 60 65 pound for one of those right and I never really justified spending the money and always used Basil's or stuck around with the little backhoe which is okay for small stuff but this thing is I'm incredibly good it's a pulse or Japanese pull saw so it cuts on the full stroke as you can see as it makes its way through but very very good saw I mean outperforms my bow saw the only thing it doesn't outperform the base or on is the cost of replacement blades and right the upkeep and if I had to replace the blade on this it would quite a lot of money I think it sort of 40 pounds for a blade maybe more but yes I mean this is Hawthorne it's quite a hard word to curve over the blaze this literally makes the effort and it's sort of eliminates that same with force you have to like try and place sometimes all you don't need to put too much on a normal store but it just does it all for you and just goes through really thick logs very quickly so yeah great so I'm really impressed with it anything would say a sheet isn't very good because it stabs in the mud mm-hmm you can mount it in a different way I haven't done that yet but so essentially you'd wear it primarily when you're actually using it and then yeah so that's done I'll mount it when you've kind of finished yeah it's absolutely yeah


that means that are they're busy collecting some tinder we've got crammed full some birch bark and I'll see some dry grass here dry material that we can use as a nest I've done a fire layer of ash sort some hazel a brace at the back which is quite big because if we're going to use the cram ball and this mess material which we are going to you need much bigger gap between the actual tinder bundle and the base of the raft is it's that much more praying being smothered so first things first going to check inside the crumple and that's what you want to see really nice spacious material inside and that's really dry as well which is brilliant the weather's been pretty good to us recently so with crambles they can be tricky to light I usually chop mine up into pieces by putting my hand on top of the knife and just pushing down like that to avoid any accidents because there can be a bit firm I'll break this up a bit more see this down on the ground here we are we've got a bit of a breeze today which just really helps this method of fire lighting once you get comfortable and you've got the fair rod in the right position it's quite easy it's just if the cramp ball is nice and dry and then you can transfer this across to a larger piece just to buy you some time and then we've got on to the larger piece you can put that to one side facing the wind so the wind blows in and keeps the crumpled lip for you same with that piece there but this should be enough to get the tinder bundle going if not I'll just break another little piece off inside of that and then we'll put that in there like so and that'll be that'll be perfect so get the nest built or re crunched up open it up we've got our small sticks just there ready to go so we'd have to worry too much about that


wind's coming this way no swirling everywhere


oh yeah they return this upside down get the heat in there so I just had to get the camera out of the way as we had a big plume of flames coming towards it so just put the bundle down twigs got straight on top everything's nice and dry you can see that it's going quite happily and because of that brace at the back we've got lots and lots of air being able to circulate around be drawn in and we're not smothering it if we pulled that brace out everything drops down much closer initially you'll have big big problems with that we can take that break right now and actually use it put it on later and in the meantime we just get lots of slightly larger sticks on top of the fire there just so all those small twigs don't burn away to nothing and just leave a sort of some ashes nothing

evenings drawing to an end we're getting some thinner on I've got some Chilean rice and dad's got something a little bit similar we're just going to have something to eat get our bed rolls out and enjoy the rest of the fire for the evening

releasing daylight's that we're going to get an early night and to see you in the morning


well it's bright and early in the morning and it was quite a pleasant light but just looking at the fire here I thought I'd show you a little trick about getting the fire going in the morning

if you remove some of the ashes from the top and it's been a dry evening or dry night you should be able to find some embers still lit just blowing on the fire lightly usually reveals them so we've got one just there still going this large one here still smoking and it means you can get the fire going with these embers another trick is to use your ferrocerium rod on some of the charcoal that you've created and a bit like char cloth that lignite really easily especially if it's a nice softwood it's got a lot of space in it it will put this ember in here just turn that upside down like that no good all these takes here just get these on top trying not to crush it just keep them a bit elevated at first such a heat can penetrate through them and we'll just let the rest of the bundle ignite

so all we're hoping for is for that fuel wood to start burning so for the bundle once it's done its job and the fuel woods Litton the file will be established and you can see some of that fuel wood there is actually less now because you've got a nice consistent flame it's continuous in one area not just fluttering which is usually what it's like when the bundles burning and that's our fire for the morning done we just need to top that up just statistics [Music]

while guys comes drawing to an end we've packed our kit up we're just waiting for the fire to burn down to ashes completely so we can get it cleared up get a slice looking like no one's been here but Zed brought some hot cross buns with him this morning didn't eat like a chair oh very nice burnt one yes sitting out there in your cooking and I still bought one and I was they were kids and I appreciate that all right but Sir needless to say you should check out his channel if you're not aware of that he does the tremendous amount of work here on YouTube a lot of green woodworking visiting people all around the country with various skills basket weaving

lots of natural crafts which is mainly your thing isn't it it is your varied more tools as well as wild camp and base camp yeah yeah you've got some cool videos coming up as well base camp constructions and doing some things at the base camp carving all sorts of stuff so it's worth checking out his channel these are some really good work here on YouTube and if you're interested in seeing another version of this videos Ed's been filming here as well so you can go over to his channel I'll put a link in the description and you can check that out as well and see it from a different perspective but you can see him making me look like a total idiot well it's all not really fine but yeah thanks for watching guys really appreciate it and we'll see you very soon in

the video take cast focus [Music]

About the Author



I'm a UK based outdoorsman who started hunting and fishing with my friends when I was young.

Educating yourself about your surroundings and having the core skills to sustain yourself using your environment is a lost curriculum in the United Kingdom. We are well provided for, so well that "why do anything if somebody else will do it for you". This lifestyle has drastically disconnected people from having the knowledge and skills required to spend even one night in the woods and not get hungry.

I love being outdoors and have never lost the desire to learn and practice skills that I get a sense of natural connection from. Hunting hangs controversy in the minds of many, but in my eyes there is nothing more natural if you choose to eat meat. I appreciate that not everybody hunts in moderation though.

Thanks for reading
Michael McQuilton

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