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Bushcraft Sweden: Ep04 - Hunting Capercaillie & Black Grouse


In this video Emil from Camp Lapponia takes us out with his pointers to hunt for Capercaillie & Black Grouse. Its an action packed fast paced day navigating through boggy terrain and covering a lot of ground.

For hunting trips in southern lapland contact Emil at Camp Lapponia below.


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Tags: Hunting Capercaillie & Black Grouse,mcqbushcraft hunting lapland,mcqbushcraft hunting black grouse,mcqbushcraft grouse,mcqbushcraft hunting sweden lapland,mcqbushcraft hunting wilderness,mcqbushcraft sweden lapland,bushcraft hunting wilderness,bushcraft hunting,Bushcraft Sweden,mcq bushcraft,mcqbushcraft crayfish,mcqbushcraft,hunting videos,mcqbushcraft tarp,mcqbushcraft knife,mcqbushcraft clothing,bushcraft,hunting,wilderness,mcqbushcraft shotgun

Video Transcription

hi there guys Mike from mcq bushcraft here with Megan again and we're here with email which is a hunting guide for today

he's a local hunter in the area does a lot of different types of hunting takes people out he has a very good understanding of this landscape around him and today we're out for either cacti Lee or black grouse and we're here with emails pointers he's got two pointers with him and we're gonna be going out for the day and caching hopefully something to eat which we can cook out in the woods or even take back with us if we get a little bit more put in the freezer for another day so hope you enjoy the video and should be quite an active day so I'm going to need to take this jacket off because it's going to be quite fast pace so for people who watch the channel this this kind of hunting is completely new for me hunting with dogs and email I've got to just treat me like a beginner if you explain to me what it is we'll sort of be doing I guess your guide us as we go as well but yeah - tell me a bit about it you can hunt Capri Kelly and black grouse in many many different ways okay but now in the beginning of the season we very often do it with pointing dogs right and these birds are not like a fastener or a grouse they will not stay very well for the dog right so they running in front of the dogs so we need to be very fast and little bit aggressive in the in the way of hunting yeah you can't stop behind the dog when the dog is pointing you just past the dog and think that the bird is far in front of there of the dog okay and of course what makes this very interesting is also you have many different kind of birds there is pepper Kaylie black grouse asshole grouse and the term again and you never know what kind of bird it is when he's pointing okay so so it's gonna be quite exciting them really yes yeah well we're using it under and over you probably know I'm used to assign beside but she's probably where I find out on a better shot than under and over like everyone says but yeah let's go then you see see what we can get yeah thanks very much

just find some jogger fungus here on this perch lots of Chagga fungus all around here just going to take a little piece there we go we continue with Wonder good wind important to have it's more difficult when you go with the wind for the dog show you just pick up a scent problem is we need to go backwards factors we can't we can't have wind against us all the time those go-go

it's tiring work very soft ground yeah yeah it's like walking in the snow all the time yeah it's just just in case some of you didn't know what was happening there was a bird but it flew and I didn't see the bird I just heard I saw the dog was pointing and then I heard it flew and dog work running after and I was like probably an old bird I was like one of the dogs just running off yeah in some direction yeah you you're enough aggressive in your home yeah yes okay I saw you're awful another nice it's not fresh but it was we probably would find more pressure one said you call this a couch yeah like a very deep w1 DS yeah must be really warm for them yeah like a five-star hotel hi hi hi he took your bird

he killed it yeah it couldn't fly probably sometimes when they change feather so we don't need you to be a good shooter we get food anyway dog sit on it for us blimey it's a female a young one so why did he kill it no you kill it because he could the bird the dog is predator he was anointing but then he understood he can take this bird or it was maybe maybe it couldn't fly at all maybe there was hunter here before who was shooting at Hitler can be whatever but it can also be when they are changing feather that they can't fly very bad very bad holy fuck much yeah we got something today though we have something to eat yes with and we didn't even need to use cottage okay oh yeah NIC formatter stick hey Nick

hey we pretty much know where they are he handles all of them in there and down now it's normally better to wait little bit okay because now they just drop down and they don't move at all I said it's very difficult for the dog but if you wait some time they will start to move again and eat and then it would be easier for the dog find them so we wait there for 10 minutes sounds good



oh good

a big old male they make these noise yeah that was a first for me old male who make this sound right and they fly up and you can also see that they're beautiful yeah and you can see the male it's not a big different male a female may have more dark brown on the chest these feathers and in the winter they become totally white rice okay why so gradually start to shed yeah these feathers and produce more white ones yep it's quite a nice person Airport

probably get a few few more for the pot well we've got a one curtsy of the dog and this one here say yeah good day we will see ya but maybe there is a second one so you can go to the bill it's in the tree nice try now Cara sexy he's pointing there's really no wind today so I cut out the breasts they have bigger breasts than a normal Sheikh and she can have big legs but they have very thin legs I see there is almost nothing on the legs but the breast is very nice but the legs can be good to make a soup and you can also take the heart and the muscular stomach to make the soup quite big breasts and you see the Capri Kayla have one inside fillet which is more light that's very very soft and then the bigger one is dark the same color like the Potomac the old big male he have double size of each breast big male kappa kya Caprican like the one we saw in the key in general yeah in your camp so that would have an enormous yeah yeah but not so not not very taste with the grill like this the big one old one that you need to commit gets old I suppose yeah tough very tough yeah yeah but this is young birds now the Potomac and is old but the copper kill is young it will be very delicious

squat clothing looks great probably not bloody enough for Meg this towards the center here's that is absolutely delicious hmm you got try some amazing I know you want some too so if you go back in time 200 years it was very often the Sami people made cheese from the reindeer milk and to keep it over the long time they smoked it in the in the semi Hut we put it up in at the roof where the smoke anyway went out and then they had cheese for the whole winter and now this is little bit forgotten in Sweden nobody are used smoked cheese anymore so me and my wife was talking about this and decide to start a new company who now is producing smoked cheese Lapland cheese very good to grill or yes to eat as it is it's delicious yeah well guys I hope you enjoyed that video just want to say a really big thanks to email here for taking his site and working with the pointers and helping us a it was it was a really interesting experience for me and getting to cook them at the end was was great wasn't it because obviously you're working really hard covering a lot of ground through very very boggy terrain and it's nice to be able to eat what you've caught at the end of it I must say that the Kappa Kayleigh the young Kappa Kayleigh that the dog caught was was amazing it was really delicious yeah it's very soft meat because they didn't eat the pine right at all they only was eating blueberries and fruits from the nature so in the window and they're eating the pine needles they toughen up they're more tough yes okay we got lucky then I guess right time of year for mmm the soft me so thanks for watching guys I hope you enjoyed the video thanks again and yeah see you again in another one take care

About the Author



I'm a UK based outdoorsman who started hunting and fishing with my friends when I was young.

Educating yourself about your surroundings and having the core skills to sustain yourself using your environment is a lost curriculum in the United Kingdom. We are well provided for, so well that "why do anything if somebody else will do it for you". This lifestyle has drastically disconnected people from having the knowledge and skills required to spend even one night in the woods and not get hungry.

I love being outdoors and have never lost the desire to learn and practice skills that I get a sense of natural connection from. Hunting hangs controversy in the minds of many, but in my eyes there is nothing more natural if you choose to eat meat. I appreciate that not everybody hunts in moderation though.

Thanks for reading
Michael McQuilton

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