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Bushcraft Basics Ep01: Introduction


Bushcraft Basics is a training series for beginner Bushcraft enthusiasts who want to build a reliable set of gear for the outdoors that they can use competently along side basic skills.

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Tags: woodland,forest,mountains,river,lake,tinder,Survival,Bushcraft,survivor,knife,knives,valley,axe,camping,tent,footwear,hunting,fishing,backpack,clothing,boots,primitive,nature,shelter,shooting,shotgun,rifle,rucksack,flashlight,torch,craft,plants,trees,education,wilderness,family,hobbies,fun,animals,game

Video Transcription

hi there guys it's Mike from mcq bushcraft here and welcome to episode 1 of bushcraft basic skills for those of you watch the channel you'll know me very well you would have seen a broad range of videos covered on the channel over the years that it's been running for those of you who are new to the channel and this training series welcome my name is Michael McCullen I'm a bushcraft instructor and enthusiast and it's a subject or broad range of subjects I'm incredibly passionate about and this video is going to be an introduction to the training series bushcraft basic skills I'm going to give you a bit of a flavor about what's to come what your game by watching it from where you'll be at the end so what is bushcraft basic skills and what were you gain by watching it well it's a video training series that is aimed at people who are right at the beginning of their bushcraft journey I think when you're starting out in bushcraft it can be incredibly overwhelming the word bushcraft alone is like putting a small umbrella to try and cover the earth all the subjects beneath of the earth and the umbrella is the word bushcraft and it's a word that doesn't really do all of those subjects justice it encompasses all outdoor living skills and skills that date back millennia and they're incredibly enjoyable and rewarding to practice and these experiences are very valuable and you'll find when you're practicing bushcraft you're completely immersed in what you're doing and that's one of the beauties of it when you first start out there can be some enormous hurdles to climb over and you can sit there and simply rack your brain at how these things are actually possible you'll look at the people out there who are doing bushcraft new thing I want to have that experience I want to start getting involved in that it looks fulfilling and enjoyable how do I go about it and it's a it's a fair question and it's something that's not often answered too frequently these days and where'd you go to do bushcraft and what are the legalities surrounding it obviously my experience will be biased to the British Isles because that's where I live and reside so my knowledge of the legalities around bushcraft in this country are clearly going to be aimed at people that you live here too but if you're abroad and you're watching this video series you'll still be able to take skills away from it almost everything it's just the legalities that you might need to look up yourself back where you live at home but also equipment and the gear that you need to do these things with I think there's an enormous emphasis on gear these days and the commercial world has really picked up on it like they deal with every single thing they view as a hobby and they they suddenly throw tons of accessories at it to make us buy things and think we need them this craps about what you don't have not what you do have and what I advise people to do if they're starting out is don't rush out and buy loads of equipment watch this training series and let your experiences dictate what equipment you need I meet a lot of people who wish to run out and buy all the gear and have it there and then you can't do that even I can't do that I've been doing it for years and years and years and Mike it still develops every day that I'm out here because my experiences teach me what I need and what I don't need and that's how you build kit so in this video series we're going to start right at the beginning and we're going to focus on where you can go to do bushcraft accessibility to land because in some parts of the world there is vast wilderness but I'm in the British Isles and the wilderness and the British Isles is really up in the north in Scotland where they have vast wilderness up there and much better laws but for people to go out and explore these areas but you can have incredible experiences all over the country you just have to be proactive and do some groundwork and all these things are very obtainable for you so this is the thing we're really going to focus on first we're going to then build a kit together right from the start but I only just build items on recommendation I'm going to explain why these items are good and what they're good for so you have a clear understanding of why you have this kit and then we're going to use the kit throughout the series we'll be using different pieces of equipment you'll be gaining experience in the field using these things and your experience will then grow from there and then after the series at the end of it you should be very competent you should have a solid kit the good understanding of where you can go and what you can do and it can only ever get better from there develop from there onward hopefully everything I've explained has given you a good flavor for this training series and it's got you ready for episode 2 bushcraft basic skills will be out every Saturday 5:00 p.m. UK time alongside normal content on the channel and in next week's episode we're going to have a look at accessibility to land and we're going to talk about the legality surrounding it please have a look at the description for useful links and also all of these videos for bushcraft basic skills will be on my website on my blog in chronological order as they come out thanks again for watching and I'll see you in next week's episode take care guys

About the Author



I'm a UK based outdoorsman who started hunting and fishing with my friends when I was young.

Educating yourself about your surroundings and having the core skills to sustain yourself using your environment is a lost curriculum in the United Kingdom. We are well provided for, so well that "why do anything if somebody else will do it for you". This lifestyle has drastically disconnected people from having the knowledge and skills required to spend even one night in the woods and not get hungry.

I love being outdoors and have never lost the desire to learn and practice skills that I get a sense of natural connection from. Hunting hangs controversy in the minds of many, but in my eyes there is nothing more natural if you choose to eat meat. I appreciate that not everybody hunts in moderation though.

Thanks for reading
Michael McQuilton

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