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bushcraft cooking: sausage and beans


wild cooking in this foggy day

Tags: bushcraft,camping,survival,open fire,knife,axe,outside cooking,starting fire in the wet,wet fire,wild life,bushcraft cooking

Video Transcription

it's not the perfect condition to stay in the open and to cook but give some effort you can do whatever you want in the in the open anyway there the cover of this wood will protect me from the rain that it's not heavy anyway and the fog is not a problem for me

I know very well the trail the trucks and I can follow them without any problem even in the dark with the ground like this extremely wet and full of moist the in my opinion the best

method the to start the fire is feather sticks to try to use progress or even put it in your jacket to write up with three different it's too damp you see and the only way is to use feather sticks in my experience anyway I'm not an expert but I always use the fantastics are you find a good peaceful blog of a decent size and split it and take the middle of it to to make elastics

at the fire of it [Music]

that were yellow jacket my dog is for the hunting season [Music]


there are better ways to use the X if I have a big log and down and maybe a small forest accent instead of this outdoor I will use other methods but in this case but routing works pretty well you just a sharp two button here not here okay

anyway guys now it's time to reveal the the Miller of today it's been saying a sausage this good sausage that smell really good tomato and others onions so let's start


you leave the audience at least three or five minutes and then you are the sausage and after that the the tomatoes the weather is not the best but I'm having a good time anyway you see guys we are at the end of this day and I'm glad you join me for this this day out and even if it's not the good weather as you can see it's not a good weather at all and I can say without any problem that for me it's been a beautiful day see you soon guys

About the Author

Greywolf Bushcraft

Greywolf Bushcraft

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