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Bushcraft: the fire in the dry season


Here in Italy we had so many "accidental" fires that I felt important to underline the importance of fire control; bushcraft is a wonderful activity for you and your family but it's important to have the safety of the nature as our first priority

Tags: bushcraft,survival,fire,accidental fire,steack,camping,starting fire,firesteel

Video Transcription

hello my friends it's been a while since my last video and let me cause I've been very busy at work and even if a former the color mask in a baby you couldn't believe it but I work in some places really exposed to the Sun anyway I've been a bit busy at work and then also the around here we had the many many fires I want to call them accidental fires but for me they are really something else

just because I really believe that they are not accidental at all on the contrary anyway guys regardless all these fires that destroyed much water around here we'll make a small fire today and cook a good stick showing a level one that is possible to have a fire even a dry season when it's not raining for a mini month you can make a good fire control it and have a good stick without making any damage around


as I said in many videos this is a really beautiful activities booth craft is really a beautiful activities activity and there for me it's really bound the lower the network every one of us that love this activity can't be against the network so it's a pity that sometimes many of us are pointed a finger to because they we start a fire in the open and it's important that everybody who sees these videos knows that we love the network and we can't ever make any damage in there in this beautiful environment it's impossible for us and this is a whistle must be really clear to everyone watch these videos

I love this part of the wood this is a beautiful forest especially in this season

the colors are really wonderful very very hot let me I and you cut a tiger like this you don't need to cut it all the way through as I was saying you don't need to cut the log all the way through you just be the make a good cut then also these are perfect to put the first moment moments of the fire because they are really dry inside and can make a good pencil side sticks for your fire to start you see these are really really odd okay last one okay as usual I will do the combine because of this Irvine as a fire starter

in the season starting a fire is not a really difficult task on the contrary as I said there you have to pay much much attention not to to control it so always to control it not to put a risk the wood and environment around two rocks to make a good yield from the firm the flames what's the type of wood it's important because if I am if the would that make many sparks around it's a bit dangerous he fess parker go down there it could be set on fire all the wood around okay well these are goods for the stick this is for me the maximum height you can take without the risk during room summer not necessary to put too much wood on it eventually for the ashes are to put a spittoon you want more ashes you can always put more sticks on the fire later


when you look I'm neither this heart failure family


we always see the same seems to me I laughed a lot you knew that I [Music]

all the days the stock sale [Music]

all this I will see how and every time watching [Music]

a lot of things you know [Music]

remember our

they are


okay away


and I will wander [Music]

we will pop when they ask again [Music]

so what's the head you count on the clouds out there sky so the worst case might start realize [Music]

that guys I have to apologize with you but I have a cost me that the microphone was off in the last in the last shot so you won't hear any sound from the camera I'm really sorry about that anyway I want you to know that I like your company and your support I really love to make this narrow place with my dog following my dog on them [Music]



About the Author

Greywolf Bushcraft

Greywolf Bushcraft

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