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Late afternoon tea in the snow wood


Tags: bushcraft,survival,camping,tea,featherstick,wood,fire,hiking,snow

Video Transcription

you know my friend today just a short video I have taken a dislike afternoon out and we have just an hour of daylight had and so we will have a walk and a good key in this beautiful park really far from my home I'm here again for work and I'm very glad of this occasion to pay in this beautiful land a bit of snow around also and we see what we got let's go now


there is what I'm not in the multiple portal apartment one around and is color this

you want to see what what's on the top of her this is molar kill here it's very tip dispatch that I'm following it's a about half an hour okay I wonder around and now it's time to find a good place to start my fire okay i guess i will sit here and I grabbed the fire right there in front of me with the cover all this big guy here this part that wasn't in the snow is it wet for our job you have to fill to the touch the water that is more dry than I then harder if you don't have the time or you don't want to split the wood or anybody you don't have the right wood at your disposal like in this case I don't want to spend too much time splitting the wood so I will take this that I feel to touch that is dry enough and make the feathers and the fantastic from here you can also make when you make the feather stick and you want to use just one feather stick to start your fire you can make a thicker own feathers at the start of week of it and then make tiny feathers to capture the sparkle of your file still really tiny you see this are really thin in this article


look if you pay attention you can make just winger a 1 a strike of the further fire still see the final fellows just take the fire very quickly and then you use the others to continue on it I like very much to me to be the pot hanger for my teapot but in a moment like this when I am imaginary and I don't want to spend much time to find the wood to carve it with my knife and so on I just use the base but I always make for my fire sick and I put it on it and it's also quickly sometimes the only sound that I can hear here is a of oak I've seen flying around me before nobody's in this wood or minimize and that's good for me winds keeps changing now it's storming as I said keeps changing


you see that important to make a good heat shield there is not only for the heat reflector but also for the wind because like in this case haven't done anything to prevent this and the as you consider is the wind changes direction direction you can do anything you can't do anything in while if you have a good hip chill there the window you keep flowing like this I also forgot my glass so I cut the bottle of water in the house as usual I get back through the dark and will be the fog

About the Author

Greywolf Bushcraft

Greywolf Bushcraft

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