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Bushcraft: the sound of the wood after the rain


Tags: Bushcraft,camping,survival,rain,wood,joker knives

Video Transcription

hello my friends today it's raining a bit but nothing serious as you can see and anyway the temperature is a really good I can also almost say that I prefer the rain to the Sun in this season anyway we will have an afternoon tea short video will resupply my water source at the camp and spend a few times together drinking a good tea so stay tuned let's see [Music]

as you can see my friends we are an individual the clouds and I really like this weather I like to be in the mist and you can see the the clouds and the sky and also after a storm like this yeah the sky is really clear you can see there really in the distance after after weather like this and also you can hear the birds after the rain singing you hear the sound of the rain it's beautiful

let's get to the surf and the water source and fill my my bottle here that I will need in the summer to brush myself unfortunately in my place there is no water I usually try to find a good spot where you can find the water but in this case I have to adapt to the situation because it's I have another other places where there is a river and also other water source but this I like this particular spot because it's really difficult to get there and I can stay there without any intrusion from the outside and then I can be really like at home nobody comes to there since that my work of the other day at the water source is still working very good there's more bridge this really good keeps raining and instead of choosing down ERISA is worsening but I don't care [Music]

just a few drops of rain won't Killa give me

next I will make a good table for this spot which I like very much accuse my friends I didn't want to make a big fire because I don't need it the temperature is a really good and I'm leaving in a few minutes so to be a waste to use too much wood and of course this means that you have to drink with some smoke I love the sound after the rain of the birds and the forest that comes alive again

this is the blast guys I don't know about you but for me after a day at work him this is a really blast something to charge my batteries I've been also like lucky because the rain stopped while I was making the fire so good for me anyway guys thanks to you thank you for the company thank you for all your comments which I like very much to read and I hope to see you in that in the next video

this is one of those beautiful moments that you can have during your trips in the wood


About the Author

Greywolf Bushcraft

Greywolf Bushcraft

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