Bushcraft Origami - The 10 Best Tarp Setups
I don´t know if it really is 10 setups and I don´t know if they are the very best, but it sounds cool. There are many small tweaks that can be made to these setups to make them work in different scenarios. Just be creative! If any of you know any setups that you think is better, please let me know.
I guess that with a different shaped tarp there would be other options. In this video my tarp is 3x3 meter.
Here are some of the videos that inspired me to make this video. I guess they explain a little better what I am doing :)
My Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NorwegianWoods-1274879525871214/
#norwegianwoods #scandinavia #norway #bushcraft #camping #hiking
Tags: Bushcraft,Origami (Hobby),nature,survival,Survival Skills (TV Genre),shelter,tarp,Tarpaulin,Holiday,outdoor,camping,wilderness,sony a7,shure vp83,wildcamp,wild camp,overnight,forest
Video Transcription
hello and welcome to no reason words as you can see back in the woods another trip another all-nighter and this place is really close to where I live it's called baby and the river the creek that runs down that way it's one of the best spots in this part of Norway to catch Solomon but I'm not going to catch fish today because this area is really regulated and they have to have to buy this fishing card this fee to be allowed to actually catch fish and I think also the season is ended so you can pile them at this late in the summer but anyways it's really beautiful spots so I hope you like the same ring I know that I did that's only one coffee I plan for this this didn't kick is to test out some new setups for Matar there are some setups I used many many times and I've seen on some of the videos on the YouTube that there's really interesting interesting ways I feel that I definitely should should check out that's what I was I'm hoping to do on this this little trip so how many of you this is probably old news but for me it's not we'll see how this goes I think
after I finish this coffee and and enjoyed the scenery but in wine I'll pack up my stuff move up today to the other side of this small lake where the river actually continuous quite a bit I can see if I can find a nice spot to pick up my my camp
Maybach and do some testing with the tarp as well wizzy as you can see here I found my my camp camping spot full night I cleared some room between this Driessen I think I'll put my Mohammed right here it's a nice place and now I just turn the camera and you can see that I'm right next to the to the water again at this this spot the water is is just moving quite slowly past my my camp spot so it will not make too much noise to keep me awake this night so it's getting a little bit late so I think I'll do the the tarp setups in the morning it's a it's a really good spot for putting up tarps because there's quite a lot of trees hey I just heard a moose right out next to the website hopefully it all back so I can catch him now the the Sun is going down it's really getting dark for me so I think IRA I'll go to bed it's a little bit chilly but I think this will be very good night there would be no no rain so I didn't pick up the tarp so I can just line my hammock and look at the stars because it's a it's a clear sky it's it's one of the good things with this hammock camping I think if it's good weather you have the I have the mosquito net so I don't care don't get all the mosquito bites and I can still smell all the smells from the from the forest and I can see the stars that's good this is the thermometer again it shows 11 degrees Celsius and I think 52 for night something like that the forecast said that it would be between 8 9 degrees during the night so it's a little bit colder than the last trip I was on but shouldn't be any problem can really feel that the summer is ending the the air has changed quite a bit so I think the the only thing left for me to do is to go into my sleeping bag and hope for a good night's sleep I'll see you in the morning we can do some hard testing some origami good morning so it's it's breakfast time just made myself some junk food I had a good night's sleep it was just a little bit colder than I was expecting but it was I didn't get cold because I had a good sleeping bag that's important I woke up in the middle of the night had to go to the pee I looked at the temperature it was it was six degrees that was in the middle of night and it's important to know that the coldest part of the night is always in in the morning right before the Sun starts to heat up everything I made a couple of phone calls this morning and I heard it was between three and four degrees Celsius at the coldest this morning so should always should always prepare for that this is the hammock I slept in this night as you can see I didn't pick up my tarp because I didn't expect any rain and I didn't come any rain but my talk was close by so if I woken up in the middle of the night with a little bit of rain I could probably put it up in like three minutes so yeah but anyway I didn't have any rain this night but I want to try to do some different setups with the torque as I said so I think maybe the first the first one I will put up is it's the kind of shelter habit on top of my my tarp I've done this a few times a summer since I bought this this hammock setup and for all this this test I'm going to do today I'm using the same tarp it's a three by three meters just some yeah some cheap it's called the dobreff yen it's the brand it's this is quite good good tarp but it's not nothing special I think I'm also going to use some of this tent pegs I have some paracord line that I'm going to use and for some of the setups I want to use some of these small small loops I can I try to show you how I do it and yeah so I just get onto it the first thing I did I flipped up this and I think it's called a Ridgeline in English it's just a rope that's connected a little bit above the ropes for the that holds the hammock on every only child so the next step after effect of this this line I take my my talk and I connect it close to the end of this this line on each side in a setup that's referred to as a diamond diamond setup as you can probably see now I've attached the torque in a diagonal kind of way on the other side I just took a tent peg like this put it through this this loop and just head it down so you get like this the steep steep roof above the the hammock and that's really good because the rain easily just runs off it and many times I want a little bit more more air inside so then I just attach a line to this can go quite far away this can this will give a little bit more room around the hammock and that can be good I'll try to take this down so you can see
as I hope you see now I lifted this side up and I get a little bit more more space so I can put some some on my luggage and some of my gear and and still let it be protected from the from the rain so this is my my usual setup with with the tarp above my my hammock it's it's just a diamond setup that's lifted a little bit above the above the ground usually I put this lines on each side but if it's if it's really windy it can be it can be good to put this lower and if it's really no problems with with rain at all you can tie this line a bit higher if you find a tree or something so you can make it stand out more like a like a roof or something I took down my my hammock and without the hammock I don't think this setup is really useful maybe if you bend yourself some kind of bed so you can raise yourself a fair distance above the above the ground the setup might not be a really good one but just for sleeping it's right on the ground
I think this setup doesn't give much protection against wind and rain there's a bad way that I've used many times and I have this ridge line you can put the tarp up on the other way around and that will give you a much better back wall it's more like a lean-to shelter I'll show you as I see now I have the same ridgeline but I attached the one of the long ends of the tarp to this to this Ridgeline and I tightened it off and I'm packing it down and on the back side this gives me a lot more room inside the inside the tarp and it's it gives more wind protection from the back side this is more like the easiest lean-to set up with this 3x3 made at heart there are some modifications you can do to this this setup I'll try to show you you can probably already see what I do I've taken the back wall and instead of taking this the furthest corner I went in to the next attachment point and pack that down on the each side and I brought the leftover piece from the outside in as a floor inside my I have my tarp setup if you if you try to tighten this a little bit little bit more it will be a little bit more room inside there's also some other ways I can show you later what the main thing with this with this setup is that you get the waterproof floor and I've used this setup a few times in the winter when it's snowy and wet so you can put your sleeping mat and sleeping bag right on top of this of this floor and they still have a fair amount of protection from the rain so I think this is a useful useful setup you see I did exactly like the last set up just the opposite way I took the and take the the end of the back wall to the to the ground and I took the tarp over the the ridgeline
and I attached the first attachment points on this side to the ridge line and I made a little roof this way this is moving in the direction of the of the a-frame but you still get a lot more air in into this and you can also see a lot more out so and it gives a lot more height than a regular a-frame I'll show you later
and this this kind of setup is quite good if you if you're going to have a fireplace like a campfire in the in front of the setup you can even tie this this middle point with the line out to give it even more room so we can put like the fireplace in in this area and you'll get a lot of the heat going up under the roof but just be careful because this this stuff is supposed to be a fire resistant but it's not fireproof I believe it will burn some holes in it if you get get these little flying embers to land on it but this is this is a good setup I think it gives a lot of a lot of drive space underneath and you also get a lot of wind protection from the backside and as with all of these examples you can of course tie them down a lot better this is just for demonstration and for me to see how how they look as you can see I made a more traditional a-frame I made this set up a few times son it's good for what it is if you're going to sleep on the ground you get a good stiff angry on the on the sides to make the rain just run off and you also get the wind protection from both sides you also get a lot of air going through that can be a good thing and it can be a bad thing
the good thing is that you don't get all this condensation what I did for this setup I moved the ridgeline a little bit lower
it's about chest height when I'm standing so inside this setup I can't stand upright it's just for sleeping I can sit but not stand and I also just fast the midpoint to the ridge line and 110 peg in each corner if you want to make this a little bit more secure you can fit a few more pegs along the outside of the of the setup it's it's pretty sturdy as you see now I've done a small modification to the a-frame it's a little bit more in the ballpark of of the diamond setup I have had above my my hammock I could probably use this one above the hammock as well but since this this tarp is attached in a square knot the diagonal direction it gives me a little bit less roof above the ends of the hammock so this this is a little bit shorter this is actually the just at three meters of the width of the hammock but I've just moved the the ridgeline to a place just above my head level if I had something to climb on I could probably
I attached it even further up so I can get more workspace inside and the four corners I have about two meters also of of line down to a peg just to keep the sides tight I have just the four out of corners if you want this to be more sturdy you can probably use more more lines along the bottom line of the the tart but I think this this kind of setup is it's useful if you want to have a workspace and still be protected from the rain because this gives a lot of area where you can sit and stand under the roof of the tarp so it's a pretty good setup I would say maybe even better if I had like half a meter or so more Headroom but still good this is yet another setup it's it's the tarp mounted in the diagonal the diamond direction how I did it I just took one of the corners and attached it to a line and tied it to the tree and then I went to the opposite corner down there and tightened it up and just pick the pick the corner into the into the ground then I took the the two other corners and just put them out and tied them down so it's two of the sides is connected to the
to the to the brown and one corner is up close to the tree and and I've done this before and I think it's interesting because it's starting to be more like attempt it's really a really good space inside this setup yeah I think I could use this and it's if I had this this line a litte bit further it would be quite okay to have a campfire in front of it so yeah now I've done a small modification to this diamond setup I found a small rock and put it on the inside of this tarp I think it's important to find a rock that's not sharp that will damage the tarp so it's a pretty round little nice smooth little rock and I put a loop around it and tie the top the to a tree so I lift have lifted up the the backside of the of the space inside this tar tent and I can see him from the outside that it it looks a little bit more roomy yeah it's a lot more room inside I've seen this modification down to this lean-to setups as well you can just take the the back wall and put some rocks or pinecones or something like this inside the tarp and make a loop from a from a line and just tie them up is when you give a lot more room inside I think with this setup it give the easily asleep like at least two people maybe three inside this this setup yeah it looks good as you can see now I've done even two more modifications that's this same setup the first thing I did I moved the tie in to the tree a little bit lower as you can see it's about my my waist level the other thing I did I took the corner on this side of the tarp and moved it in so it's 90 degrees straight down from the it's not a Ridgeline
but from there from the top of this tarp setup and what this did for me is that I could flip a part of the tarp inside to make a small floor inside so maybe this will make this this diamond tarp setup a little bit more more useful in the in the winter time because then you can stay away from the wet ground I would say that the setup would be really good for one person to sleep in on yeah just one person because it is a triangle the space is a triangle and it gets a real life really short on this side but it's it's good because I have some roof that I can put my my backpack and my gear under so we stay out all the weather and I have this floor and I have a little bit of room above my my head it's more it's more than I have inside my my hammock with the mosquito net but it's yeah it's it's just a place to sleep not not to work here I've done another kinda setup with the diagonal the diamond direction of the tarp this is more like small like a lean-to kind of setup what I've done I picked up the ridgeline and I attached a line to one of the corners of the tarp tied it out maybe two meters of line and I think it's from the tip until the ridgeline it's about maybe one third of the of the length of the whole side of the tarp and then touched it to both sides the end of the the end of the tarp is the corner it's down there and there it's the furthest furthest corner and instead of like the regular diamond shape I did earlier I went in maybe like 1/4 of the way and I pick down both sides and I flipped this on the inside so I get on a floor inside a dry floor I think this setup would be pretty good to sleep in because you get a lot of air and they're quite much dry space it will also be a really nice setup if you want to just have a little bit of space to do some easy easy work maybe some carving or some small projects also good for for cooking I think it would be safe to have a small campfire in front of it maybe not underneath but right outside I think this I think I'll be using this little setup in the future for sure I like it this is the same setup from a slightly different different angle I just want to mention with all of this kind of setups especially especially this one I think if I've made the a tie out point with a small rock in the back here and tie the line so I can push this back wall a little bit further up it would be actually even more useful this is yet another variety over almost the same as the last one but in this setup I I put up the tarp in the square direction if you know not the diagonal so I have the same height of the ridge line and as you can see it's a little bit less than one meter above the ground because this this tarp is three by three meters and as you can see on the frontier I've attached like 1/3 of the of the length of the tart to this side of the old original and one third on of the length to this side so it's about one meter across on the top and one meat down on each side after at the attached the front of the of the tarp I went in on this side I think maybe like two meters two-thirds of the way along the the bottom of the torque and I staked it down and I did the same on this side about two-thirds of the way in and stated in staked it down to the ground and I took the meter that's left on the of the back side and just flipped it inside so I have about one meter of floor and I also on this I could have done this on the on the last setup as well
I put put a rock and aligned to the back to bring the backward back wall a little bit further up and I think from both these setups I would have benefited if I had taken two to tie out points on the back to really tighten up the the tarp and make a really nice space inside this the setups because for me this really feels like a proper tent and the opening is 1 by 1 meter and I don't know the the length of the backside here is probably two and a half meters it would be no problem at all for me to sleep here I think this is a this is mostly like one man set up it's not for two or three people but maybe three people and I also think this is really good
if I put a campfire in the front of it it would make some make a really nice dry space to sleep in to store all the equipment and to do a little bit of easy easy tasks so yeah I think this is also a really good way to use a 3x3 tarp this is the same setup from a little bit different angle so easier to see the outside this is another tent variety for this one I made the triangular tent I took on the on the far side the back side and I took the one of the long side of the other square town tarp and paint the town tight then I took the two other points and brought them together and tighten them in this point so it makes a three by three by three meter triangle on the ground then I took one of my small rocks and tied it to a line and brought this over the ridge line that I picked up pretty high for this one and I try to get it in the position where it's tight on all the old walls and since this to end I'll go together like this it makes nice entrance for the full attempt when I went inside it's quite quite good room in there I would say it's enough room for maybe two people to sleep with with quite a good amount of equipment and I don't know if this is the the best way to fit it up what I was hoping for for this to try this setup was to find some kind of tree with a big branch that I can tie it to I also seen where I got our idea on the internet I don't remember the channel but thank you you put a stick inside a lot of this tarp setups can be done with the sticks on the inside instead of this this rocks or pinecones or whatever you have handy but at least for this test I choose to not put anything inside because I think it takes up a little bit of the room so if if I could get away without putting any sticks and poles inside my park shut up I feel that it would be a better better space inside of it so but this triangular setup I think it's pretty neat it's good especially if I put down some more some more tent pegs I think this would be really really sturdy and it's
completely locked from all sides so it would protect from all the elements snow rain wind whatever it's guessing it one here's another setup it's really really like a tent it's a little bit difficult to actually explain everything I found this the setup as I did with a few of the other ones I've tried on the YouTube so if you type in DD tarp tent setup then I think you find you find a really good explanation of how to put up this one and I have to say it's interesting because it's almost completely concealed from the from the elements and they have a pretty good room inside and I would say two maybe three people can sleep in it it's not I would not consider this to be a quick and easy tarp setup kind of deal
it took me a little little fumbling about to figure out all the all the different places to put the stakes and and the lines on a couple of other videos I've seen this setup they've used walking sticks inside but I managed to do it with my ridgeline and and two rocks it's I think it's good because then you don't have to have to take to have to have the the poles inside the tent gives a little bit more room but then it needs something to tie it tightly so it depends on the environment I guess at this point I am lying with my my feet just a little bit from the from the back wall and I think it's still a good a good meter or so to the front of the of the tempt at least half a meter until I get exposed from the opening I don't think it's high enough to sit sit on my knees but it's good as a shelter I think this is interesting setup maybe the most fiddly one I try today but still is good here is the tarp tent from the homicide we can try to explain really simply how I did it this decide the back back side is one of the sides of the of the tarp and I went in about one third so I think it's about one meter between the two two pegs here and you can see there's another meter up here so I just peg down this length it's folded in the same way on the other side and it's played down on these two two sides and then I have I went over to the to the other side this is the corners if I the square this wall of this tarp out this would come about to this this this place I guess so I moved it moved it in about half a meter seventy centimeters unplug that and packed it down do the same on the other side and then I took this midpoint of the long side of the tent filled it out on each side hold it this inside then I took my method with the rooks up to the ridge line two of them and tighten them pretty good so I lifted the whole construction and in the frontier as you can see I took this this loose end and just tied it down to the pegs I used on the on the middle middle point on each side which made this top of the on the door I'm pretty sure it's it's possible to do this in other ways but I found this one and I want to do try it and it's interesting here I've made a completely different setup I found myself four trees that's with a bigger distance than the long sides of my tarp so it's probably like four or five meters between this this fortress I've used and I put a Ridgeline on two of the trees on the diagonal compared to where I was going to put put the tarp and as you can see the the ridgeline it's a little bit higher up than the top of my head and if I had had something to stand on I can probably put the ridgeline maybe a whole awful meter also higher than I actually have put it for this but this set up and it will give me more room underneath this this roof I just tied one line from each corner of the top to each of the four trees and tighten them up pretty good the the center of the top I put my little rock inside and tied it to the to the ridge line and yeah I think this the setup has some pretty good uses it gives you a really good working space and if you live in some parts of the world where you have the Sun right above your head
this can make a nice trade to get away from from the Sun but I don't think this setup is the best if it's really windy it would I think if I had had some more height of my Richland it would have made a little bit steeper angles on the on the tarp because I think if you want to use this against against the rain it's important to get may set this up in a way so the water runs off the sides so it doesn't get get trapped inside and make this puddles so the higher you get the center of this setup the better it is against rain but obviously obviously if if it's a lot of wind and rain everything comes in from the sides because there is no the walls on this setup but for probably this lesson that's another option to use the 3x3 turret three by three meters yeah I think this is yeah it's interesting yeah I guess this usage of the torque I will call it a setup but you can use it as a poncho a raincoat and sometimes it's dark and you get into some some really hard rain and if you know where the tarp is in your pack it's easy to just get it out and wrap it around you you can use this let's wrap it around your sleeping bag use it as a kind of baby bag and you can use it as as a regular poncho to just cover you and your backpack and all your gear if you have to have to walk in the in the rain to get somewhere get home and get to the car whatever so yeah I think that's it for the different setups it's been it's been a good day for me I feel that time I've actually learned a lot I don't know about you but if you find any of this information useful I'm really happy with that so I think I just pack up the rest of my my stuff and leave for home so thanks for this time and hope to see you soon bye bye
About the Author

This channel is dedicated to all kinds of outdoor and wilderness activities. The content is focused on scandinavian culture and history.
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- Introduction to NorwegianWoods
- Winter Camping In Sweden
- Winter Forest Camping & Fire Making
- Hiking in the Norwegian Wilderness
- Trout Fishing & Cooking Chili On The Bushbox XL
- Spring Season Forest Solo Adventure
- The Dragons Nest at the Old Hill Fort
- Solo Winter Hammock Wildcamping
- Comparison of 4 Fuels for Camping Stoves
- Everything About Bushcraft Saws
- Summer Camping & Cooking With The Solo Stove Titan
- A Winter Night In The Norwegian Woods
- Prepping Cars For Winter Conditions
- A Bow Drill Fire and some Little Things
- Norwegian Woods 2017
- A New Tarp, A New Fishing Rod & A Knife Talk
- Hiking and overnight trip in Norway
- Basic Bushcraft Cutting Tools - My Gear and My Thoughts
- Spring Season Boat Camping
- Solo Winter Overnighter & Trying Out The Dakota Fire Pit
- A Brief History of Scandinavian Bushcraft & Some Bivvy Wild Camping
- Wildcamping with my Hammock & Basic Navigation
- Camping, Hiking And Canoeing Adventure
- My Thoughts On Winterizing A Hammock
- Bushcraft Refrigerators & A Polish Poncho Tent
- Old School Norwegian Perch Fishing
- Bushcraft Firestarting - The 10 Best Firestarters
- Solo Hunting Trip & DD Frontline XL Hammock
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- A Snowy Forest & 4 Flashlights From Olight And Lumonite
- Late Winter Camping, 10 Question Tag & Azden SMX-30 Microphone
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- Everything About Backpacks, Bags & Pouches
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