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Building A Bushcraft Basecamp - Part 2 - Mors Kochanski Bed


Hello guys this is Nick from HF Survival School and thank you for joining me ! Today we will be doing part 2 of the bushcraft basecamp series , in it we will build a bed Mors Kochanski style. Thank you everyone for your support, for your likes , shares and kind comments which I love to respond to. You can view this video in Full HD 1080p

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Tags: Bushcraft,bushcraft bed,building a shelter,bushcraft basecamp,building a bushcraft basecamp,mors kochanski,survival,survival shelter,camping,hunter,camp,woodworking,hf survival school,bushcraft skills,joerobinetbushcraft,survivallilly,far north bushcraft and survival,bushcraft camp,bushcraft survival,bushcraft tips

Video Transcription


as I spend like a little bit over half an hour or 40 minutes to cut him down this bass piece now I used my back saw but it was too big and I couldn't go all the way through so I just went with the box so - I couldn't go anymore and from the other side then I cut it with my accent that way I have 1% one more piece to go so guys the second piece is also ready I spent like up to 1 hour for cutting both of it and at least it is done now I have to take it back to my camp and start building the bed so guys I have gathered everything what we need to solve let's I'll give you a little kind of rundown so you will need ten pieces of how flexible long sticks which will which will be about a little bit longer than you are and which have to be not thicker than your thumb on the bottom and not thinner than your pinkie at the end and they have to be flexible so I have gathered a few Hazel's and a few beech trees so that's for our mattress now and then we need a little bit over risk thick pieces which will be which will go one under your legs at 100 you're neck and they have to be in length so that you can fit perfectly on them then we need four long pieces which will be the main base part of the bed which will be a little bit longer than you are and they have to be able to put over risk fake and they have to be strong enough to handle you and the two main things for which I spent a little bit over one hour harvesting this two big pieces which will be the base part which goes on the ground of your bed and you don't have to spend so much time gathering this you this bed can be done in a survival situation also as you know if you are off the ground for like 4 inches then all of the cold from the ground is eliminated and no heat is wasted from u2n going to the ground so a bed is they may be more important than roof on your home and sometimes many people just when they were when they are making shelters in a survival situation I'm not sure all situations doing this I have a lot of family living this for a long term kind of shelter so I'm taking my time harvesting all of this because I have not in a rush but if you are in a survival situation it is more important to be insulated from the ground than from the air because if you are insulated from the ground a little fire long fire will help you to travel throughout the night even if it's snowing on you or a little bit will raining and then you have to build the roof in that in survival situation but now let's get started so first we will have to put these two big pieces then we need to put two long pieces on the top of them then we put these two pieces and then we put the other two pieces on the top of that so now I will show you that in action so guys I don't know how much you see it but we ground the speed pretty uneven the ground is going a little bit this way and also like this so that is not a problem because I have gathered all of my long pieces and big pieces from one piece of wood and therefore some of them are thicker and some of them are thinner and we will regulate it so too so that we can make our bed










just like this the base of our shelter is ready then we need to measure we'll take any kind of stick and put it next to us now this is the size from my knees to my neck where to put these two cross pieces

that's what that that should be perfect then we'll put our down we take our speak

like this

just like that then we need to lash these two pieces together for this we will need to make a gem not to make a gem not you will make one knot on one end of your paracord take the other end and make a half hitch on it like this like this now we can tighten it down like this before we tighten it all the way to make sure we take this paracord and put it under this gem knot so that we can secure it after we are done tighten it that's like that then we put this other side and make a half hitch and we secure it that way just like that and if you want to go ultra-secure you can make one knot on the end of it end of it so that this way there is no chance of this coming undone or coming loose that's like that and we cut off the excess and we do the same thing on the other three sides so guys I jammed all four sides and as you see it is pretty stable but it is still leaned a little bit on this side but that that can be fixed without any problems by adding one more stick one more small stick under the this base or under the top base so now with the last time to put the now with the last step to put the top mattress on so we need to use five pieces or if you are a little bit heavier you can use more but it will depends and we need to put it in a way that fire will have their bases on that side and five will help their bases on that side so let's do that [Music]

so now the last step is to cover this stick so that with something so that you don't slip between it and fall down in the break sticks and work the bed so I'll be using some spruce boughs to cover this so the tag will have more cushion and it will be more comfortable now if you are not in the spruce country you can use the twigs of willow the UK you have to put it in the same manner as I'll put the find realize I put the and spruce boughs just make sure you gather all the will the tips of the Willows like about this length and make a little kind of make a little candle punches and put it like this on the Iguana so now to put these footballs you have to put it on a 45 degree angle so that it is in a 45 degree angle to this stick like this and then we put the other one on a 45 degree angle or form the other side like this and then we continue to come down with that manner and we need to only do this till about a little bit lower than our waist because our feet don't need a lot of insulation and what of place and a lot of elevation but if you have a spare time of course you can do it until the end but if it is an in a survival situation and or if it is getting dark willow quickly and you don't have a lot of time about to the waist should be just great you are killing three rabbits with one shot because we're dead and we're adding this to have more insulation more comfort and more elevation make sure to add a lot of in your waist area because that will be the main part work the most weight will be on the bed just like that for now they should be enough it may look like a lot but it is really not what because when you squish it down it will be about flag this so even if we added more it would be even better so now let's give the better try when it feels like a home mattress and it feels really comfortable man if it's just great and I'll for sure spend the night here because it feels just great man

more Scoville ski is a real genius and by figuring out how to build such a comfortable bed he did a really great job he's an amazing man and we can learn a lot from him so guys I think that will be all for today please give this video a thumbs up if you liked it and you will have very much by sharing this on your social media I hope you like this video because I enjoy it it will be much moving this bed for my shelter and now after I figure out how to make my shelter waterproof I will can stay here at night and really really enjoyed it because it is really comfortable and spring game and I have ideas II don't think it would be so comfortable so all the effort and time was great and you know I would like to test out everything what I show you to guys but really it is my last day here in the mountains the left bus is leaving in like an hour so I have to run out of the woods so that I can make it so but I will become baking here for sure to spend the night here because I am really motivated and I really always wanted it was my brew to have a long-term shelter in the woods and now after I waterproof my shelter oh it will be just great I will pull the heat reflecting wall and with a long fire it will be just great and super please give me any advices if you have about building a shelter abroad waterproofing my shelter and if it will be more natural it will be more better hope you guys like it see you in the next one thank you for watching and have a nice day max

About the Author

HF Survival School

HF Survival School

Hello , if you are interested in Hunting , Fishing , Survival , Bushcraft or Shooting than this channel is for you. Here you will see survival tips , bushcraft skills , survival kits , product reviews and shooting tests.

I am not a bushcraft/survival expert in any mean , I am just a regular guy who loves to go out in the woods , have fun and learn something along the way with you guys :)

I am the first bushcrafter in my country and try my best to gain knowledge in wilderness living skills and survival , so that one day I will be able to live of the grid , live in the bush or maybe just go on a long term trip for a few months.

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