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eating next to the fire on the top of a hill


Tags: bushcraft,camping,fire,survival,hiking,cooking in the wild,wild

Video Transcription

hello guys i wanted to show you this beautiful place it on this on this beautiful parkland national park in italy now that they're on the top of discern mountain I will find a good spot to make a more fire and cook something on it really beautiful place around here one of this day I want to go up in the mountain on my back I've never been here there and I want to go sometimes just not today because those clouds up there are not very good and then I want to cook something and I it before going down I will will also use these branches here that for my shadow that are really dry and exposed to the wind so I will they will catch the fire very easily to put some stones around and make the fire right here and this a natural natural flat surface

so I start now that they they have put some stones around make a semicircle 0 I will run some wood to make the fire that their the tree there it's just what I need


the real physical place even there is no trace no pathway around here and this place is not a full of tourists so many times so the tracks are covered by by the wild so it's easy to noster the path anyway I will see this cottage there and just point my iphone compass I know that from here it's easy to tell in the right direction to get to that small house but when you are in the wood down there you will be it will be not so easy to find the right way right direction so the compass is a fundamental beautiful view from here

About the Author

Greywolf Bushcraft

Greywolf Bushcraft

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