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Return to Japan Vlog Day 2 // The Big Surprise


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CAMERA - Sony A7s ii: http://amzn.to/1TsF95J

MAIN LENS - 16-35mm f4: http://amzn.to/1ToMn9y

OTHER LENS - 55mm f1.8: http://amzn.to/1ToMpy4

DRONE - Phantom 3 4k: http://amzn.to/1RBfyBB

Panasonic GH4 - http://amzn.to/1GJjb7N

Panasonic 12-35mm f2.8 Lens - http://amzn.to/1FRE9kc


Manfrotto 502 Video Head MVH502AH - http://amzn.to/1nhkBrF

Manfrotto 055XPROB Tripod - http://amzn.to/UKa55r

Glidecam 2000 HD w/ Quick Release Plate (That quick release plate is essential. Highly recommended) - http://amzn.to/WUpTEv

Rode Videomic Pro - http://amzn.to/1p2a9JT


Condor Bushlore Knife - http://amzn.to/1JaBBv7

Equinox Egret Tarp - http://amzn.to/1BIqkmW

Kelty Grand Mesa 2 Tent - http://amzn.to/1TrK9Fc

Eureka Casper Sleeping Bag - http://amzn.to/1BXhlxH

Buck 119 Knife - http://amzn.to/1TrKgQY

Mora Craftline Q Knife - http://amzn.to/1TrKffT

Katadyn Water Filter - http://amzn.to/1onus3P

Platypus Bladder - http://amzn.to/1TrKfNc

Columbia Silver Ridge Convertible Pants - http://amzn.to/1pR5qXL

Sketchers Waterproof Boots - http://amzn.to/1JaBKyL



Breakfast With Tiffany by Broke For Free from http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Broke_For_Free/Grass_Hop/Broke_For_Free_-_Grass_Hop_-_04_Breakfast_With_Tiffany


All of the footage in this video is original, and were composed, recorded, and captured by Andrew Lin, Bryan Lin, and Robby Huang

Original content and music is copyright Adventure Archives/Team Scoog Production (c) 2016

Tags: bushcraft,backpacking,hiking,camping,wilderness,survival,outdoors,travel,outdoor recreation,prepping,nature,4k,wild,survival skills,ray mears,les stroud

Video Transcription

you have the exact same bent head as your son like father like son so for this time on the vlog what I feel like I didn't do a good job last year was kind of showcasing what it's like to live in Japan we're gonna give a in-depth detailed look at the kitchen this is the kitchen right here an apartment this is a typical sized kitchen that you're not living in like a really small place in the city you're living in this place Minh City like I would shorten this like space in half at least stop it this is not just a microwave and a toaster this is tough this hot-water heater this is typically you'd find that in a Japanese this is like a exhaust did I hit my head on that motor good day okay yeah and so here is the bacon for that's cheap 226 again so like 2 bucks that is a Japanese baby just like babies [Music]

this is you know pavement and a coke mushroom so it's like peanut slowly being a crime it's got like a consistency of it's very soft that's a peanut II cream so I'm not sure if you can see it but that little white spot in between the buildings should be Mount Fuji very windy day today if you saw last year's blog then you know what this place looks like that yeah it's a parking lot up here over here is like the bike I'm not sure which ones there's nice weather today and I think those are persimmons that tree over there so I believe we're on Saitama and Saitama is a suburb north of Tokyo so this is kind of like just like a typical Japanese neighborhood and its suburbs super it's like right now so feels like it's like the end of the day so this area right here is where they put the trash out and then they come and collect it from here I believe Michael is inside taking a shower and once he's done we're gonna head into the city and I think we're gonna meet up with Marisa and then also I will tell you the purpose of the visit once we're in the city and that surprise I was telling you about that'll also occur at some point wow the weather is like perfect I'm trying not to okay you got to tell me how to eat this okay and this is fermented soybeans right yeah I've had this before but I wonder what it tastes like that's kind of mustard mustard nicely so now you actually like this right you go Michael Michael you hated yes for those of you who are watching this unfortunately you can't smell through the camera doesn't smell bad

one of the worst smelling foods in the world I also think that kimchi and sauerkraut smells good though so why put all over this way too much sauce it does look disgusting no joke is definitely disco oh god it's not so bad that does not smell bad I know I really don't smell my house hairs are literally like moving your hair it smells finding it mean it does look gross ain't supposed to use the hot new twirler yeah yeah oh it doesn't taste that good though so don't for fight number two though and then twirl you don't want everybody need to give an opinion because I can't beat as close to step anymore

you're right it's terrible it tastes like bitter and gross and that's hard to eat yeah it's bitter but it doesn't smell bad it smells like like smell it all day it's now 12:30 and we've been here waiting for Michael to get ready since 7:30 or so [Music]

so this is the Akio City Hall that we passed through last night obviously during the day [Music]

yo it is a super windy day today the train has arrived down there oh it's rising hopefully we'll make it in time I got a snack headed to the city so this has a restaurant at night this specific train line yes it has one or two everyone please don't have them I think part of it is because the subways you're like which means tunnels with 2 minutes whereas on this line it's on the countries are between stops and range anywhere from 5 min to like 20 minutes [Music]

so this is Jeju key station which is one of the busiest in the world like I think it's like 2 or 3 million people go through here every day Wow so if you watching it last year's vlogs and you remember Marisa we're gonna go meet up with her and have lunch or dinner or something

we just walking on the road we're just walking on the road now Marissa is leading us to our death like this what's going on here have you been in the last year

life isn't crazy in the last year it absolutely crazy so amazing to change like so many thing she threw a corn dog at a premium he didn't tell me they had corn dogs be fine I got a meat and yes like on a sweet but it's good like yeah

it's a Capcom barse and I would I wouldn't be surprised yeah but this is the area that I was like we should come and hang out here all night oh yeah yeah we did it no you said let's go to a game card what's going on here is this like a bar you can go to yeah so it's a host bar so you go in and what happened I haven't no but in your voice bar it's like a light version of a host bar it's cheaper and we're affordable they convince you to buy a lot of drinks and you buy them for yourself and for the hot person sitting next to you and they keep you company and then that's supposedly it I mean maybe sometimes there's some more on the side but that's not it's not like implied that that's gonna it's not guaranteed no like oh yeah there's Korean writing right there so I'm not sure if I was recording this now but Marissa just said that this is Koreatown Koreans live in life to death Korean Russian stuff - oh yeah this is like years you know have you ever seen the movie Kung Fu Hustle you know that main area doesn't this look just like that wow that is so cool I love like the architecture and the layout of like all the housing here like look how cool this looks like it's cool belt thing this house right here looks like an MC Escher painting it might not be a house it might be something else I don't know what that this that's a church right there and apparently there's lots of them here because it's Koreatown well there's some Vietnamese right here [Music]

so I probably haven't mentioned it yet but we're heading to the place where me and Michael are staying tonight drop these bags off and we're gonna get something to eat Marisa what are we eating tonight uh well I think we should burn away so it's a secret I'm not gonna tell them about sorry so the air B&B is just up here there's a good reason why we're staying into air B&B you'll find out later but um that building up ahead that building looks like a transformer should be some lockboxes it's right here it really does and you're doing a terrible job at it because every way you're being very loud and obvious you're a boy let me try we'll get this eventually now we done locked it up all right no rooms success we're just going home

oh man oh my god I feel so good my back is so light let's go down this tunnel go down this alley right here look at this alley that's a great ally [Music]


they were pretty catchy theme song though Roboto Roboto [Music]

it's on the ninth floor we're just gonna take it serious we ever gotten our exercise yet


this is this more of an adventure it's just like something out of lost or something

we've got like these mega figures or mega power PA speakers right here shouting instructions come on slowpoke let's go oh we made it I've led them astray I apologize this place is called one [Music]

we're just gonna leave you out fish rights right here oh yeah it is I thought the fish was yeah it's definitely the fish makes it well yeah the fish we like yeah yeah I swear someone told me before that's a is more automation of a bunch of different it's different parts of the chicken like if we get to both chicken breast and chicken pie

I think it is chicken thoughts [Music]

what's inside there I think you should potatoes right so explain what button does so we're in this box right nobody can see us so when you want something you just push this button and they come ready all right somebody time it time in how long does it take oh they're slacking last time they came in right five seconds yeah 20 seconds Oh God they must be busy I hear footsteps coming oh so this is like pasta with pot stickers in it there we got a little tiny I apologize if you're watching this and you're hungry right now because you must be dying why did they give us miso soup at the meal is that it's kind of a one eat yourself down here and two it's kind of a japanese imperial Commission I said chicken noodle I also got some fried chicken homework that actually looks pretty good right yeah it's supposed to settle your stomach and help with 4:12 this is the heart of a little shoebox and it says brownie because it's kind of like we're gonna change Robbie



that's a nice bike right [Music]

oh man there are no better alleys in the world than in Japan like these alleys are amazing yeah dude and we're going down there no exactly so we staying going the right direction


dude this feels so much like an RPG that's what people are avoiding almonds New Moon temptation I gotcha with this the elimination is like one of the area that a couple different play people see yes Michael said they call Christmas lights illumination and this is like one of the areas that people go to

the surprise secret mission is coming up very soon you're gonna find out what I'm doing in Japan I'm gonna see the surprise it's gonna be amazing we're headed there right now you're in a town you find all the roads that interconnect to one yeah and it's like we're looking for that certain quest if we can't find it being the cat is on everyone yeah you know that's a nice illumination okay so without further ado this is the secret mission this is a reason that I'm in Japan it's so I hold on hot chocolate they seem to be out Dillon to me one of the clerks is a youtuber or his brother's a youtuber nice I'm not sure my friends Oh your friend Oh Cooper Pitts exploring with Josh yeah oh my gosh you know you to be video guys just kidding the real mission is about to start right now the true purpose of being in Japan is about to happen after many trials and tribulations I would love it so yes it's Brian and Andrew we're here the backpack Japan the crew [Music]


like this looks like a tack on Roman that is a deck I'm playing oh it is it so you can actually get hot drinks here right yes papa cocoa cocoa baby poppy hot latte is hot teas that kind of stuff Andrew you want one it's all the criteria all those bullet points right here

good so that's the new 1/2 Club there's a car behind me and apparently those were dudes at one time how about these right here these days I mean it was if it's the same place nothing dude that's just dressing like a woman they have had boob implants instead like that so the new half refers to they got new parts basic pretty much interesting a nurse we thought of possible now it's a batting cage here we have a child's playground yeah it's like one of the most interesting parts is like the density of everything look at those power lines up there it's kind of funny and then our group with the more easier work together so weird

oh man I would love to skateboard through these streets yo this view on this balcony is sweet nice to sleep right down there on space Wow nice next try that so now we're going over to plan where we're going here is the route that we're gonna be taking Michael actually sketch this out starting here here that's a summit this is a different Prefecture you get that alley that's a back Valley right this is a fairly common right that there will be like a shrine or a temple just in the middle of all of this right we were just talking about this a second ago but like RPGs they start to make a lot more sense once you come to Japan like in the persona games you have temple yes in the middle of the city like to me just like these just walking through these is awesome but to you it's like this is normal it's just so any alley like this there would not be bright lights or openness officers that's true yeah I wouldn't be walking through it at all so the veteran o'clock at night yeah we're gonna have this right here

person's the heart my heart yeah these dumplings are like rats they like are tied up yeah it tastes like oh that's all I can't accordian done this so when we were ordering I just told Michael to get Andrew all of the weird stuff that's all he wants with no regular stuff that's very honored to eat raw liver if you're a hunter-gatherer it's like it was kind of tender how was it satisfactory


somehow we've stayed out past midnight it's like 12:30 players back to the house though I'm going to pass out immediately

absolutely Amelie it's like two degrees outside

maybe Celsius

we made it back inside somebody did the bolt lock so you had to knock on the door what's up mom I'm guessing Swedish girl Katelyn do you live here yes we do [Music]

Michael's gonna test out his sleeping bag just gonna sleep on the floor the other man what a douche bag douche douche bag it's a douche bag like this douche bag a little male jag Allah

About the Author



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Adventure Archives is a Youtube channel about camping, hiking, and bushcraft through the backcountry. Join us as we explore the wilderness and share our thoughts and the beautiful scenery of nature.

NOTE: Our videos are not for commercial sale or use.


Cameras? Sony A7s ii (16-35mm f4, 55mm f1.8) Panasonic GH5 (12-35mm f2.8, 100-300mm) Sony A6300 (Thomas's videos)

Editing software? Adobe Premiere CC

Where are you from? Andrew, Bryan, and Thomas, Ohio. Robby, Indiana.

How do you know each other? Andrew and Bryan are brothers, Robby is their cousin, Thomas was their neighbor.

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