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Red Rock Canyon and Batelle Darby Creek Metro Park | LA Hiking


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Thomas and his friends hike through the Mojave Desert, while Andrew and Robby explore the icy forests of Ohio.


Canon T3i Camera (this link is for the T5i, the T3i is what we actually use, but that and the T4i are both good too) - http://amzn.to/1qHphdE

Canon 50mm f1.8 Lens - http://amzn.to/1p29wQs

Sigma 10-20mm Lens - http://amzn.to/1p29AzQ

Tokina 11-16mm Lens - http://amzn.to/UUrhVC

Manfrotto 502 Video Head MVH502AH - http://amzn.to/1nhkBrF

Manfrotto 055XPROB Tripod - http://amzn.to/UKa55r

Glidecam 2000 HD w/ Quick Release Plate (That quick release plate is essential. Highly recommended) - http://amzn.to/WUpTEv

Rode Videomic Pro - http://amzn.to/1p2a9JT

Roland Quad Capture (We use this for recording music) - http://amzn.to/1zKzD23

Behringer XM8500 Microphone - http://amzn.to/1qHqOAq

Katadyn Water Filter - http://amzn.to/1onus3P

Columbia Silver Ridge Convertible Pants - http://amzn.to/1pR5qXL


All of the musical compositions or arrangements and footage in this video are original, and was composed, recorded, and captured by Andrew Lin, Bryan Lin, and Robby Huang

Original content and music is copyright Adventure Archives/Team Scoog Production (c) 2014

Please request permission before using. Thank you!

Tags: Mojave Desert (Geographical Feature),Desert (Geographical Feature Category),Park,Hiking (Sport),Milky Way (Galaxy),National Park (IUCN Category),Mountains,Trail,Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area (Protected Site),Red Rock Canyon State Park (Protected Site),Columbus (City/Town/Village),Night Sky (Literature Subject),Joshua Tree (US Census Designated Place),Climbing,Coyote (Animal)

Video Transcription

you guys guess we put track those you just coyote tracks did you hear that today we were gonna be in two places at once Thomas was going to a state park up in the Mojave Desert with some of his friends we had done this once before but not quite on the scale we were excited to see what would happened to us on both sides of the country darby creek metropark contains 7,000 acres of land ranging from forests to prairies and wetlands the parks namesake to small rivers that wind through it our state and national scenic rivers so this is battelle darby creek metropark and thomas actually suggested we come here to go hiking while he's off in California at some five-star lobster restaurant but uh this is not the first time I've actually been here I came here about two years ago for a class and it's where I first learned how to identify some wildflowers and some trees and also over here there's a little classroom area this is where we actually waited in the creek with a big net and we would pick up some rocks and rub them and catch whatever came off in the net we got all sorts of things shellfish actual fish little bugs and nymphs and things like that is really fascinating unfortunately it seems a bit too cold to do that right now maybe if the Sun was out i think i will not partake this time we had just pulled into the parking lot and i was happy to bring along two of my good friends Jess a hiking enthusiast and Chris a professional videographer we had come for two reasons first to check out the park and second because there's a new moon and we really wanted to see the stars but first we had to make sure all our gear was together one of the drawers to this park is that you're able to go off the path the fact that many desert parks don't let you do it's 304 we're red rock canyon we just started the trail we're in the middle of the campsite but the campsite is kind of like a circle camps on the other part and then in the middle you have this I want to say grove of Joshua trees but I mean you can see it not really much of a grove it for walking up to the ridge up there to try and see what we can see we made our way down a path to take a look at the river drab is a gray winter day might seem it's always nice to get outside and breathe in the fresh air and there's something strangely charming about this sort of day maybe it's the openness of the woods or the brisk silence this bitter nut hickory tree has barked that looks a lot like an ash tree in that the ridges are all back and forth in sort of diamond shape but the way to tell the difference between this sand and ash is to look up at the branches and ashes will have very pronounced opposite branching twigs whereas this has a whole mess of alternate branching branches it's good to know because if you see this then you can look around on the ground during earlier fall season find some hickory nuts to eat and they're actually really good just raw Joshua trees covered the landscape although given the name joshua tree it's actually not a real tree but part of the yucca family the joshua tree itself has many practical uses but is protected so we'll save that for another episode as we pushed on though we found a spiky surprise so in the Mojave Desert there's a lot of different types of cactuses out here and this is a teddy bear cholla and I was just reading up on these they're similar to another type of cactus called the jumping cactus and it's called the jumping cactus because out of nowhere you might find one of these on you and people would say they jump up on you back to the matter is they they stick onto anything and they have these barbs on the end of their spikes so it's like spikes on spikes going backwards so it's incredibly painful and difficult to take off

yes how you like the trail I like it a lot what does it being adventurous okay and going to the others go up that mountain over there you guys guess what tracks those are these are coyote tracks I thought did you hear that I thought it was the kids just now yeah cuz like two girls just passed by it gonna be like I likes just some girls imitating some wolves and dogs or something it was not done a few girls became 10 or something we go to some coyotes I would say would have liked grandma Discovery Channel

not knowing Robbie and Andrew had a coyote encounter of their own we push up to the ridge of the park to see what we could see the view was beautiful and remote with sagebrush and yucca scattered for miles without end it was like we were on the surface of Mars and the brush everywhere looked like rock-strewn lacklustre Lee we continue to explore our nearby surroundings from the strange formations of the rocks to the scattered yucca plants throughout the park we eventually reached another cliffside with a sharp drop the color of the valley was truly spectacular snow white rocks were adjacent to the burgundy hills with streaks of amber and salmon painted in the valley all shadowed by a looming charcoal cliff side for a desert this seemed far from empty Ohio on the other hand looked rather alien itself there was a frozen river set inside a forested Valley which was carved over 10,000 years ago when the Wisconsin glacier was retreating far from the cactuses and the yuccas of the desert the rolling foothills of the Appalachian the thick forests of Ohio are home to me even the cold believe it or not that sharp bite I'd feel as I'd hit the frozen air would remind me that better days are coming it's not that I think I'll high was better than California or that California is even better than Ohio it's about that contrast there are days where you'll seriously yearn for what's familiar but just as day turns to night you'll embrace what you know move on and make what's around you your own good initially planned to get some good star shots but it was too cloudy was still great to get out and stretch our legs though hearing the Coyotes was a nice treat to the day was coming to an end but honestly we didn't go out in the middle of nowhere for the day we came for the night Oh




I wasn't paying attention earlier I said stopping probably should wait for one person to get out for the other one Caitlyn well you can see my breath I can you're welcome


About the Author



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Adventure Archives is a Youtube channel about camping, hiking, and bushcraft through the backcountry. Join us as we explore the wilderness and share our thoughts and the beautiful scenery of nature.

NOTE: Our videos are not for commercial sale or use.


Cameras? Sony A7s ii (16-35mm f4, 55mm f1.8) Panasonic GH5 (12-35mm f2.8, 100-300mm) Sony A6300 (Thomas's videos)

Editing software? Adobe Premiere CC

Where are you from? Andrew, Bryan, and Thomas, Ohio. Robby, Indiana.

How do you know each other? Andrew and Bryan are brothers, Robby is their cousin, Thomas was their neighbor.

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