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Robby's VLOG // Japan Day 11 // Pizza Hut in Japan


Ask your questions in the comments! We'll answer them in the next day.

We get the dog groomed, we check out a game store, and we try out Pizza Hut in Japan.

Tags: japan,japanese,japanese game store,japanese dogs,japanese pizza,japanese pizza hut,japan pizza,star fox,super famicom

Video Transcription

good is our motto una vaca young go Seto vamos lá what you decide

all right I'm just about back to Michael's place sleeping on the bus was no problem I was able to recline all the way I actually slept like a baby got up whenever the bus stopped but other than that it's quite easy quite pleasant actually I need to pee like a racehorse so I'm gonna hurry home right now what yo so Japanese people are nice but Masato's family took it to a whole nother level I said that I like coffee and butter they gave me drip coffee butter from a local farm that gave me a whole bunch of senbei cookies tofu her husband gave me this game just because I said I liked it and her mom gave me a freaking New Year's money pouch they're like the most hospitable nice people in the world thank you that was amazing okay so Michael has just informed me that he is willing to sacrifice a few pieces of Domino's Pizza for me which means that when we have Pizza Hut tonight I will have had what did you call it the trifecta of Japanese pizza because like I learned that word from Nick firchau

who I don't like at all baby I can't stand them it's tastes exactly like dominoes in the US was it like whatever grades are you that's exactly the same this is the sign for a post office in Japan I don't know what it means exactly but Michaels in there sending some Christmas gifts we're going to head out with Rob he's getting his dog groomed but we're going to go hang out with him afterwards have some pizza and play some video games we're also gonna check out some game stores today's Monday I leave on Thursday the rest of this week there's no plans so it's gonna be just hanging out with Michael and having a good time

so we made Rob wait a little bit unfortunately but we're here at the stop we can see him right now okay nervous and gurney to our dear sir solar farm that you're hooked up to right yep Wow this one if I'm in front of a farm for how progressive does dog walk the autopsy said she like I'm so close to winning but we're going to COO and riku which sounds like a bunch of Kingdom Hearts characters it was a pet smart type of story and we're gonna get the dog room this guy his name is bear fee but we call him barfi apparently

those Oh salty referee stand up okay this is barfy's before the camera next stop some type of King Kong game store or something okay it looks like it's called Mon dice shoten which I don't know what that means I think Mons I means satisfied so if it's Mons eyes open

this is where we will come to get satisfied for all of our gaming needs by the way this is Nessa Rob's wife I'm doing a proper introduction today oh yeah all right I'm gonna film in a minute I need to indulge wow their selection is incredible prices aren't very good but lots of limited-edition stuff - this is the good stuff that I've been looking for box Super Nintendo games okay I had to step out for a bit and wait outside it's just too damn loud in there but let me show you what I got box copy of star clocks for 300 yen less than three dollars and a box copy of Final Fantasy seven International Edition for 540 in less than five dollars super loud out here Tara while I'm waiting I keep forgetting but I wanted to ask you guys if you had any questions about Japan especially as since I know people who live here we can ask them directly about Japan and any questions you might have but also you can ask me as somebody who just visits and doesn't really actually live here feel free to ask and I will answer those tomorrow

looks like a plucked chicken

About the Author



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Adventure Archives is a Youtube channel about camping, hiking, and bushcraft through the backcountry. Join us as we explore the wilderness and share our thoughts and the beautiful scenery of nature.

NOTE: Our videos are not for commercial sale or use.


Cameras? Sony A7s ii (16-35mm f4, 55mm f1.8) Panasonic GH5 (12-35mm f2.8, 100-300mm) Sony A6300 (Thomas's videos)

Editing software? Adobe Premiere CC

Where are you from? Andrew, Bryan, and Thomas, Ohio. Robby, Indiana.

How do you know each other? Andrew and Bryan are brothers, Robby is their cousin, Thomas was their neighbor.

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