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Robby's VLOG // Japan Day 9 // Conveyor Belt Sushi


I take a bullet train to Morioka, meet up with an old friend and have conveyor belt sushi.

Tags: japan,japanese,tokyo,sushi,conveyor belt sushi,morioka,exchange student,bullet train,shinkansen

Video Transcription


it's now 342 p.m. after seeing Star Wars so late last night none of us really had the energy to do much of anything so we got up late stayed in all day now I'm heading to Morioka northern Japan to visit one of my friends from the high school exchange program taking the Shinkansen the bullet train today staying tomorrow and then I'm taking a night bus back to Tokyo tomorrow night should be an interesting trip looks like this sort of kids choir or something I was just telling Michael that this place is like mr. Selfridge egg rice and like a brown sauce all right I'll see you later so I'm going to Morioka now I'm visiting my friend from high school in our exchange program

her name is Miss Sato and she's gonna meet me at the station Michael headed off to Yukos place right now I'm waiting for my train is in like ten minutes and it's called the Hayabusa train which i think is kind of cool that's an engine same so I'm just gonna chill out until then

we're at the Sendai stop next stop for Yoko another 40 minutes or so alright I'm here at Morioka and I haven't heard from the santa yet it's a much colder

then it is in Tokyo so far nothing looks familiar

I wasn't here since 2001 and I don't even really remember what she looks like she wasn't my host sister but she was one of the other host families so you see what happens that's okay this is Masato we were exchange students in high school I didn't think I would recognize her but I recognized her immediately we've just arrived at the sushi place and the whole family is gonna be there I don't know if they're there or not yet but I'm very excited to eat Masato has drugs here it was quite a drive

are you excited we're both excited morons


this is sea urchin this okay we've arrived at the house I've not been here before but this looks just like the other host family that I stayed at okay this is a handmade Totoro that was made by one of these suckers mom's friends that clock is not working nevermind

it's 10:48 was a good day me Santa's family is awesome had lots of fun I'm about to go to bed hopefully tomorrow's vlog is a little more interesting I think today is gonna be really short apologize but we're gonna go to the various places in Morioka should be fun good night


About the Author



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Adventure Archives is a Youtube channel about camping, hiking, and bushcraft through the backcountry. Join us as we explore the wilderness and share our thoughts and the beautiful scenery of nature.

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Cameras? Sony A7s ii (16-35mm f4, 55mm f1.8) Panasonic GH5 (12-35mm f2.8, 100-300mm) Sony A6300 (Thomas's videos)

Editing software? Adobe Premiere CC

Where are you from? Andrew, Bryan, and Thomas, Ohio. Robby, Indiana.

How do you know each other? Andrew and Bryan are brothers, Robby is their cousin, Thomas was their neighbor.

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