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Robby's VLOG // Japan Day 7 // Awesome Japanese Shrine


We visit a Japanese shrine to bless Michael's baby and we try out Japanese pizza

Tags: japan,japanese pizza,japanese shrine,saitama,tokyo,travel,sightseeing

Video Transcription

hi oh hi II was I mas mas Tedesco Ruby this height hi I'm oh he's such a booty this name gonna bless my son son this transformation from a little boy to a slightly bigger boy that house at the very end right there that's Michael's house so where's you go right now and where has she been and why is she not living at the house I have no idea I have no idea I have no idea she currently had her parents house because we just had our first child in Japan the pregnant woman will go home to live with her parents a few months before her birth and then like anywhere from like one to like six months after just so that the grandma the mom can help change diapers cooks food unfortunately for the father that usually means like just living by yourself for however long the male's actually don't you don't see the kid for like the first three months it's like that I'm not a fan of I don't think I would be able to handle that yeah I'm not a fan of it either which is why I go over there her parents house like two or three times that we stay there on the weekends but it does work out well for me because I can come to Japan and hang out with Michael so I'm taking away from your son time I apologize right now Michael's father and lost about to pick us up from the station his name's Ted Errol I'm gonna call him Ted Oh

because we're close like that ohayo would reveal Yukos parents are driving us to the location and we're gonna do the video shoot Leo is a very well behaved baby very quietly so right here is where they put their wishes on these little blocks but they just wish for health through Leo and that he would do what makes him happy in life

this one is wishing for being able to play the piano well that's wishing for a healthy baby this was probably written by a baby because that's not actually good

this is sukiyaki this is shabu shabu and we put stuff in the boiling water but anyways we're gonna cook it ourselves because that's what we do it this is called shabu shabu and that's why in Ocarina of Time two fishes named Geoffrey Jotham because he lives in big pot of hot water my review of this restaurant is it's a satisfactory grade because usually these fancy restaurants you don't get full because there's not enough food I'm full and satisfied so it was a positive experience they also have cigarettes here

nice cigarette vending machine I don't smoke though

that says apple pie seven on that building what does that mean the steepest stairs they've ever used this is UCO's parents house wolf is where you grew up - right is your oh no this is what you sucked in that short quick point you feel like this and then touch your toes can you do it my head hell no we're gonna pretend like it email go to them talk around Nam doesn't do any other phone bill so we didn't fall downstairs

are you drunk no I know I just wasn't paying attention enough this is pizza lock pronounced yada Quezada we're on our way home we're gonna get a pizza cuz I want to try Japanese pizza I've had Japanese pizza before but I want to know if it's actually as bad as what my memory is telling me because it was like it when I was in high school I'm hoping that they have improved their still so this says that I was second once free if you take it home almost shook ID to lose the Santa Claus in the back oh yeah I saw him riding the bike train behind use a little bikes to drive then you're gonna be good whoa oh it's warm all I have basil leaves stuff cold whoa oh yeah that's good

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Adventure Archives is a Youtube channel about camping, hiking, and bushcraft through the backcountry. Join us as we explore the wilderness and share our thoughts and the beautiful scenery of nature.

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Cameras? Sony A7s ii (16-35mm f4, 55mm f1.8) Panasonic GH5 (12-35mm f2.8, 100-300mm) Sony A6300 (Thomas's videos)

Editing software? Adobe Premiere CC

Where are you from? Andrew, Bryan, and Thomas, Ohio. Robby, Indiana.

How do you know each other? Andrew and Bryan are brothers, Robby is their cousin, Thomas was their neighbor.

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