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Robby's VLOG // Japan Day 5 // Why is Robby in Japan?


Also, drinking with a salary man!

Tags: japan,vlog

Video Transcription

I'm strikes yes you got right I don't know if you've had the birds and bees comment process how are your children know what you did in your life yeah I mean that's lord knows I'm not gonna tell ya about that is no longer like it was a pretty happy to play a reference sheet means these are frequently the veins these are fruit open for are you or thumbs down for garbage okay one two three hey sister do do do do so just like I'm not interested in helping needles or sanic all right say Rob yes everything okay door we need them it is 625 p.m. we got up at nine and we played that board game until about 3 30 p.m. and now i'm home by myself and it's ker to me that i should have explained exactly what i'm doing here what my history with japan is and who the heck my friend michael is so I'm gonna go out get some dinner and while I do that I'm gonna explain it all to you okay first there's a middle school that we need to go to so that I can explain from the start of the story so I'm at a middle school why am I at a middle school first of all for those of you don't know I am of Chinese descent not Japanese but in middle school which I'm out of middle school right now they offer japanese classes so I took Japanese because it's similar to chinese and i took it all the way through high school and then in college then in college I studied abroad so let me see give me a second whop how on earth do i get in here ok so after middle school my high school also offered Japanese so kept taking it and then we had an opportunity to go on to a two week for an exchange to morioka in northern Japan this is Japan right now I'm here in Tokyo up here was morioka I went on exchange trip for two weeks there I'm still in touch with one person from morioka so that'll come into play in just a second after high school I continued to study Japanese in college as well I took two years of japanese and then i went on another exchange program to continue the story we need to go to a local university which I've never been to but we're gonna find out what it is soon enough

okay continuing the story in college I continue to take japanese in my junior year I did an exchange program to nons and I gaku in na ghal yo Japan it had a Japanese language program so basically I went over there for two semesters to study Japanese this is Japanese University behind me it looked very similar to this actually but anyway in the first semester my friend Michael also studied there and that is the guy that you're seeing in these videos we used to play street fighter in the break room in between classes he continued to date his girlfriend that he had met in the previous school he was at in the summer before I got there went back home for the summer came back to Japan and then in 2013 I came back to Japan for his wedding let's continue the story elsewhere


okay so the story with Michael continues in 2013 but first i was at nons on university in 2005 and 2006 i graduated from college in 2007 and then i actually got a job doing subtitles for japanese animation did that for two years living in New York City then in 2010 I open the studio so we'll continue to sorry at the actual site where i came back in 2013 ok so in 2013 Yuko and Michael get married and he invites us to come stay at his house and go to his wedding the wedding was amazingly fun I really enjoyed it this is the intersection really close to their old house we walked past that many times during the wedding so I'm very familiar with it and now fast forward to 2015 Michael's always trying to give me an Ag to come back to visit AJ's our other friend who I actually met through Michael but I finally was like you know what now's as good a time as any so I'm here for two weeks and remember how earlier I said during high school I did an exchange program and that would come into play well the one person i'm still in contact with i contacted her and i'm going to go visit her on saturday and sunday so we really don't have it much of an agenda at all this is just a social visit really this is my fourth time in Japan I've been here quite a bit when I was studying abroad in college my brother came to visit me and my mom too and we tried to pack so much into the time that they were here it just becomes too much it's not fun so really my main priorities to hang out with Michael that was the main reason I came here anyways I've really been enjoying myself so far I gotta go this this is my friend he and his friends it's my friend decided to pay for me today so thank you love you son thank you these are the lovely guys he fixed my food yeah this is a lovely man my boy kinoshita he paid for me thank you brother I was gonna pay I tried and pay many times but he wouldn't have it so anyway I'm on my way home Michael's on his way home so to recap the whole story I did a two-week exchange program in Morioka in northern Japan in high school I did a two semester exchange program in naga leah in college and then I came here to auggie Oh in 2013 for my friend Michael's wedding nine back and as far as what my future holds for Japan and travel I have the travel bug very badly so my next trip is London in October of 2016 I really want to do that and I would like to make coming to Japan to visit Michael a much more regular occurrence it'd be kind of nice if Japan wasn't so freaking far in case this is the funnest trip to Japan I've had so far actually great trip great day tomorrow it's hiking in some place right now it's time to go urinate and go to bed


About the Author



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Adventure Archives is a Youtube channel about camping, hiking, and bushcraft through the backcountry. Join us as we explore the wilderness and share our thoughts and the beautiful scenery of nature.

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Cameras? Sony A7s ii (16-35mm f4, 55mm f1.8) Panasonic GH5 (12-35mm f2.8, 100-300mm) Sony A6300 (Thomas's videos)

Editing software? Adobe Premiere CC

Where are you from? Andrew, Bryan, and Thomas, Ohio. Robby, Indiana.

How do you know each other? Andrew and Bryan are brothers, Robby is their cousin, Thomas was their neighbor.

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