Great Smoky Mountains National Park | Solo Backpacking, Hiking, and Camping in the Smokies
We head to the Smoky Mountains and split up and experience what it's like to hike solo through the wilderness. On top of that, we face the most difficult weather conditions we've had thus far. Sit back and enjoy our journey through the Smokies.
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0:00 Teaser
0:11 Theme Song
0:41 After Intro
1:24 Dusk
2:25 Morning before the hike
3:23 Getting ready
4:30 The first hike
8:10 Bryan's musings
10:16 Bryan arrives at his campsite
11:30 Slow as a snail
13:11 Bridge crossing
13:44 Wood-ear Fungus
14:50 Rose colored glasses
17:05 Plant ID
18:10 A tale of two trails
19:53 Robby arrives at his campsite
22:04 Andrew struggles
24:22 Robby attempts a fire
25:47 Robby's care package
26:53 Thomas's letter
29:50 Day two morning
30:29 Ben and Alexis SHOUT-OUT
30:56 Hiking on a new day
32:25 Bryan wakes up
33:33 Robby arrives at the AT junction
35:42 Yugen
36:55 Robby reaches Mt. Cammerer
38:45 Bryan meets hikers
40:37 Andrew arrives at the AT junction
42:39 Cosby junction before rendevous
43:41 Andrew meets up with Robby
45:40 Hiking to find Bryan
46:39 Meeting up with Bryan
48:05 Talking at the rainy junction
49:20 Arriving at shelter
50:15 Final morning
51:36 Jonathan (JP) SHOUT-OUT
52:26 Trail-Blazer and Frost (thru-hikers) SHOUT-OUT
52:48 Final hike out
56:38 Credits talking
Canon T3i Camera (this link is for the T5i, the T3i is what we actually use, but that and the T4i are both good too) -
Canon 50mm f1.8 Lens -
Tokina 11-16mm Lens -
Manfrotto 502 Video Head MVH502AH -
Manfrotto 055XPROB Tripod -
Glidecam 2000 HD w/ Quick Release Plate (That quick release plate is essential. Highly recommended) -
Rode Videomic Pro -
Roland Quad Capture (We use this for recording music) -
Behringer XM8500 Microphone -
Katadyn Water Filter -
Columbia Silver Ridge Convertible Pants -
All of the musical compositions or arrangements and footage in this video are original, and were composed, recorded, and captured by Andrew Lin, Bryan Lin, and Robby Huang
Original content and music is copyright Adventure Archives/Team Scoog Production (c) 2015
Tags: Great Smoky Mountains National Park (Protected Site),Backpacking (Sport),Hiking (Sport),National Park (IUCN Category),Camping (Literature Subject),bushcraft,fire starting,rain,Outdoor Recreation (Interest),camping,weekend,survival,Survival Skills (TV Genre),Travel (TV Genre),Travel Channel (TV Network),Nature (TV Genre),Nature Documentary (TV Genre),Documentary (TV Genre),Outdoor Channel (TV Network),GRSM
Video Transcription
I wonder how Bryan and Andrew are doing. I'm doing pretty good actually.
Why did I agree to do this? The Smoky Mountains...
Right in the heart of the Appalachians, this is the most visited of all national parks. Nearly ten million people come here each year. Hey, doggy.
You can fish, camp, ride horses, bike, and enjoy the scenery and nearby tourist traps. But we weren't here to be tourists. We were here to commune with nature. To sit by the fire and sleep beneath the stars. To do that, we'd need to grab some maps; each only a dollar. The Big Creek trailhead has kiosk anyone can access using the honor system. Before heading out on our backpacking trip, we were gonna stay at the Big Creek campgrounds at the foot of the hills. We were ready for our next adventure, but there was just one problem. Campground closed for the season.
So since this is closed we might want to go to Cosby Campground which is close enough. I don't know if that's closed either, but... ...if not, we might have to sleep in the car. We drive in the darkness across a precarious mountain road... ...only to find that the Cosby Campground was closed too. There wasn't a soul in sight. We paced back and forth thinking about what we should do. Yeah, my bad. I didn't even check to see if the front country campgrounds, like the developed ones, were closed or not. Cause I figured if the backcountry campgrounds are open, you'd think these would be. See I just thought since you made reservations, and I printed out reservations... ...that one of them must have included the campsite that we were staying at the first night. You give me far too much credit. Okay, well I guess there's no camp to set up, so... At least it's warm.
It is...
What time is it?
Oh god...
That was the worst sleep I have ever had in my life. By a long shot.
One night of sleeping in the car, and you want to kill everyone in sight. I would find a comfortable spot, and then after three seconds it felt like my spinal column was being bent the wrong way. So I'd have to shift and bend it back the other way. I couldn't tell when I was awake or asleep, and you kept thinking we were saying stuff. I thought at some point you said something about Koreans. And like, "Those Koreans." And I was like, what are you talking about, "Those Koreans." It started drizzling in the morning, so we moved beneath an amphitheater to organize our gear. The sky was overcast. Which was a bit intimidating considering what we had planned. On this trip, I would be heading west from the Cosby Campground, while Bryan headed east. Meanwhile, Robby would be hiking out from the Big Creek Trailhead. We'd camp alone for a night, then we would all make our way towards the rendezvous point just beneath Mt. Cammerer. From there, we'd journey together to the Davenport Gap Shelter where we'd spend another night before finally hiking out. Don't be eaten by bears.
After we finished packing, it was time for us to split up and head out into the rain. We were nervous, but filled with excitement. As I drove back on the mountain road through the rain, the other two had just arrived at Bryan's trailhead at the far end of Cosby Campground. Now, all three of us were alone. Rain poured down from above and our glasses were fogged up. But no matter what, it was time to get moving. I was surprised at all the greenery I saw this early in the spring. Everything from the hemlocks to the moss... Club mosses like this Fan club moss. And of course, the rhododendrons give this park a vibrant, verdant hue. In the meantime, I had just arrived at the parking lot and made my way towards the trailhead. Here we go.
Robby was just starting out, but I had already hiked across streams and through the mud. I've reached kind of an overpass. Here you can see all the mountains in the distance. It's been pretty tough so far. This rain is not making it easy at all. Hopefully the rain will let up a little bit and we'll get a little bit of sun and get to see some of the views. Not far into my hike, I came across an old cemetery. A spooky beginning to an already uneasy ordeal. You might be thinking to yourself... "Man, that would really suck to be hiking out in that rain." There's three reasons why it's not. Reason number one.
It is above freezing, which is the first time it's been like that in months. Number two.
I bought waterproof boots, so my feet are not soaking wet. And number three, probably the most important, there are no mosquitoes. God, there are no mosquitoes.
Tough as the hikes may sometimes be, the Smokies are filled with incredible scenery like this mossy cascade. Well the rain has finally stopped. Thank goodness. Even though it's still early March, there's all this greenery around. All these rhododendrons and moss. Very beautiful. I've been hiking for what feels like a while. It's a bunch of uphill. But I've actually only gone a mile. And I've got about four more to go. Hey, there's a pileated woodpecker.
Sorry, no chance I could get that on camera, but... I'm actually hoping the rest of this trail is a lot of uphill because tomorrow I've got an eight mile hike, and... I really want that to just be an easygoing, flat hike along the mountain ridge. In the Smokies, you'll often find amazing rock formations... ...much of which are sedimentary rocks formed of clay, silt, sand, and gravel. And just off the trail, there were some more beautiful sights I wanted to check out. I think I'm about a little over halfway to the first campsite. It's been raining all day, and it's been making filming, and hiking, kind of annoying. Being solo is definitely a different experience. When you're hiking by yourself, you're pretty much just you and your own thoughts. The whole time I was thinking, "Why did I agree to do this?" "Can I hike this far?" and "Is this gonna be worth it?" I've got no one else here to push me but myself. I've kind of already made a commitment, so that kind of keeps me going. I'm gonna be looking forward to getting that campsite though, and... ...getting in that tent, drying off, and getting a good night's sleep tonight. If you've ever seen the movie Princess Mononoke, this is Princess Mononoke in real life. Wow, this is beautiful.
I bet if I filtered some of this water and tasted it, it would be unbelievably delicious. Let's head back.
I continued hiking up the trail, passing by a river. Which I thought might mean I was getting close to my campsite. While Andrew hiked up through the hills, my trail was a bit more level. I stopped to eat while enjoying the scenery. The river here was wide and beautiful, and nearby there was an incredible waterfall gushing down from the bluffs. Well I don't know if you can see it here, but just ahead is I guess campsite 35. I can see the fire ring and I can see some logs people were sitting on. And I don't see anyone there, so I might have it to myself tonight. But let's keep moving and check it out. Well, I got here kind of early I guess, but now's as good as any time to set up camp while it's still dry. So let's get to it.
It's still just me here. But it's still pretty early. I got here pretty quickly. I think what I'm gonna do is take a little bit of a break. Maybe we'll see if anyone shows up later in the day. Alright. First night solo, here we go, right? It was only noon, and Bryan had already reached his campsite. Me, on the other hand? Well, I had a lot of hiking left. I again passed by some incredible mossy growth. Indicative of the temperate rain forest conditions found in some areas of the park. With how little progress I made, and how tired I was, I felt as slow as this snail. Oh my goodness, this has been quite a tough hike, and I think I'm only halfway there. But I am just gonna take a lunch break, because man, I am hungry. I really am unsure if I'm going to be able to start a fire. And I completely... oh, that ripped. I completely forgot my alcohol stove, so uh... I'll have a lot of raw ramen to eat. The sun is like finally coming out a little bit, and I just cannot tell you how much of a moral boost that is... Morale boost rather.
To just be this high up... Mountains with the clouds rolling by... Oh man, it is...
It is just elation.
I of course have here my world's famous kim chi. Oh yeah!
I was really anxious about a solo hike, because last time I got really demoralized, but man... This is like seventh heaven right now, I cannot even explain. Woo! It was tough, and it'll be tough. The rain made it really hard. But it's all worth it for these moments. As Andrew rested, I soon came to a bridge crossing fairly along on the trail. As I'm sitting here, I'm wondering how everyone else is doing. I was thinking about Thomas in particular. It's Friday, so while we're out here enjoying the Smoky Mountains, he's probably sitting at a cubicle doing Excel spreadsheets. Bryan and Andrew are probably doing okay. I don't know if the view is as beautiful as it is here, but... If it's half as beautiful, I'm sure they're doing great. Because it's pretty gorgeous. Take a look at this.
It's called wood ear fungus.
This stuff is really slimy and gooey and really gelatinous. And it's actually an edible fungus, believe it or not. It gets its name obviously because it looks like a bunch of ears growing out of wood. And this is actually found in a lot of Chinese dishes. But I'm not gonna eat this right now since I'm alone and I'm not a mycological expert, so I don't even want to risk it even if I'm sure. If I find morels though, you better believe I'm gonna eat those. Chances are it was too early and cold to find morels, but a man can dream, can't he? It's kind of hard to see, but those are two of the biggest rocks I've ever seen in my life. They have to be at least fifty feet, end to end. Man, I've never seen anything like that. Places like this are mental landmarks. And when you remember back to them, it's like an anchor for everything else that was in your life at that time. So if like you were having good things in your life, you really remember those even more strongly. As time goes on, even the bad things in your life, you look back on them fondly. Or you find only the good things to remember about them, and you remember that. This is also known as "rose-colored glasses". I continued along the path which winded through forests, open areas, and even more forests again. Meanwhile, there was more peaceful riverside hiking for me. Wow, being in this desolate landscape here, this is where you could start to feel a little lonely I think. It's pretty creepy out here.
I wonder how Bryan and Andrew are doing. I'm doing pretty good actually.
I came to yet another switchback. I needed a break. Luckily, the views here can rekindle your spirit instantly. It's moments like these that make the Smokies so worth hiking. As stare out across the horizon, all of your struggles seem to melt away into nothingness. The sun had come out for a brief moment before I continued on. Meanwhile, the hike for the day was just about over. The final trail junction for my campsite is just up ahead. There's a cement ford here, so you have to walk your horse. I don't have a horse, so that's not a problem. Looking forward to getting to the campsite though and just checking it out. Wonder if there's going to be any other campers out there, I don't know. As I hiked, I came across more club mosses. Lycopodium obscurum and lycopodium clavatum.
This is a pretty cool plant. I remember seeing it last time I was in the Smokies. And it's called striped wintergreen, if memory serves correct. And if I'm wrong, I'll just let the narrator do the rest of the talking. I was right! These leaves can be eaten as a snack, but it's best to leave them alone as they're considered endangered in some regions. Now, wood is usually not blue. And the reason there's this blue color on this wood is the blue mycelium of a fungus. Now, the name escapes me, so I'll let the narrator tell you what the name of the fungus is. It's called green elf cup.
Actually, the logo of our show, the blue background... Most of that is actually just a picture of a blue log that Robby and I found while we were camping in the Smokies. Pretty neat stuff.
My path and the weather continued to be more beautiful as I went along. It was a different story for Andrew though. Oh man, it is just windy, cold, wet... The sunlight from earlier only lasted a little bit. And it just feels like no matter how much I keep hiking, there's just more and more uphill. I just keep thinking it's gotta be here. And I turn the corner and it's just more uphill. But holy cow, I may be getting close because look at this. It's a pretty sharp drop from the edge of that trail. So, on the plus side it seems that I am on the ridge. Which means, at some point, the trail can only go downhill. I was literally just looking at the map wondering, wow, how have I not come up to the trail junction yet, and then... ...I saw it.
It's definitely either on...
...Camel Gap Trail or still on the Big Creek Trail, I'm not really sure, but it's definitely on the west side of the water. If I go here, this'll take me to the east side of the water. l don't have much left to say. Now this fungus here is called birch polypore. And it's a bit too old to do anything, but...
About the Author

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Adventure Archives is a Youtube channel about camping, hiking, and bushcraft through the backcountry. Join us as we explore the wilderness and share our thoughts and the beautiful scenery of nature.
NOTE: Our videos are not for commercial sale or use.
Cameras? Sony A7s ii (16-35mm f4, 55mm f1.8) Panasonic GH5 (12-35mm f2.8, 100-300mm) Sony A6300 (Thomas's videos)
Editing software? Adobe Premiere CC
Where are you from? Andrew, Bryan, and Thomas, Ohio. Robby, Indiana.
How do you know each other? Andrew and Bryan are brothers, Robby is their cousin, Thomas was their neighbor.
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- American Southwest Roadtrip: Coming August 1st!
- The Deep South in 4K | Canoeing the Bayou, Hiking Texas, and Exploring a Plantation
- Next Episode & Special Live Stream Announcement!
- The Paw Paw Festival | Trying Pawpaw Beer and Food, Starting Friction Fire, and Throwing Atlatls
- Natural Hotsprings, Mono, and Convict Lake in 4K | Sierras Rt. 395
- Canoeing the Mad River in Ohio 4K
- Shale Hollow 4K | Unique Ohio Geology and Weird Rocks
- Manistee National Forest in 4K | Hiking, Camping and Canoeing Disaster on the Manistee River
- Mt. Katahdin | Hiking the Maine Appalachian Trail at Baxter Peak 4K
- Wildcat Hollow Trailer - Coming Dec 1 - Early Release available NOW!
- How to make a Bushcraft Wreath using Natural Materials 4K
- Outdoor Vitals LoftTek Jacket Overview/Review
- Wildcat Hollow 4K | Ohio Backpacking, Hiking and Camping in Wayne NF
- Hour Long Campfire 4K | Virtual Fire for Christmas Holiday with Natural Sounds