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Like our videos, and do you want to be able to watch them early? Go to https://www.patreon.com/adventure?ty=h to become a supporter, and thank you so much!

Why are we starting a Patreon? Because your support means we can make more episodes, more often.

The truth is, it takes a great deal of time, money, and effort to produce these. We absolutely love to do it, but with all of our other obligations, it's often hard to work on Adventure Archives as often as we'd like.

Tags: Red River Gorge (Location),Canyon (Geographical Feature Category),Camping (Literature Subject),Backpacking (Sport),bushcraft

Video Transcription

so the big news is that our next full episode Red River Gorge is coming out in two weeks on August 10th but if you want to watch that right now just stay tuned to the end and we'll tell you how so we're starting a patreon page and what patreon is is a way for viewers to support us every time we put out a new episode there's different levels of donations you can make and the higher amount that you donate the more rewards you get everyone who donates will get some sort of reward rewards might include a cool signed postcard from us nice google hangout that only certain people get to attend main part of our new podcast campfire chronicles and every single donor to patreon will get to watch every single episode early so once again if you donate a measly two dollars right now you can watch red river gorge instead of this subpar 1080p video two dollars is not a lot two dollars is less than that starbucks coffee you can get down the street lesson that gallon of gas you might buy probably less than a gallon of milk and box of cereal you bought earlier this week but either way thank you so much for your support thank you for your views for liking our videos for sharing them and no matter what happens we're still gonna put these out for free it's just that if you donate you can watch it right now so check out our patreon page right here and consider donating and then enjoy the episode you

About the Author



Like our videos? Support the episodes at Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/adventure?ty=h

Adventure Archives is a Youtube channel about camping, hiking, and bushcraft through the backcountry. Join us as we explore the wilderness and share our thoughts and the beautiful scenery of nature.

NOTE: Our videos are not for commercial sale or use.


Cameras? Sony A7s ii (16-35mm f4, 55mm f1.8) Panasonic GH5 (12-35mm f2.8, 100-300mm) Sony A6300 (Thomas's videos)

Editing software? Adobe Premiere CC

Where are you from? Andrew, Bryan, and Thomas, Ohio. Robby, Indiana.

How do you know each other? Andrew and Bryan are brothers, Robby is their cousin, Thomas was their neighbor.

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