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Robby's VLOG // T-1 Day to Japan


Music Credits:

L'Arlésienne Second Suite "Farandole" by Shoji Meguro

Graveyard of Dreams by Naoshi Mizuta


Shot on the Sony A7s ii with 24-70mm lens

Tags: japan,vlog,travel

Video Transcription

one day till I go to Japan I don't have a busy day I just got to make sure all my ducks are in a row so that i can go I'm excited all right I'm gonna go run some errands I might stop by at the morning Christmas party we're having for the gold class time to get my stuff I can't find words right now just watch what I do for the last four or five days I've slept like eight to nine hours every night it is amazing how good I feel why do I ever stay up late it doesn't make any sense what so I can play another hour of some JRPG that I've played a million times before Studio Christmas party is over it was really cool I'm going to go get some lunch and take care of the rest of the stuff I got to take care of before I go I got my email check in notification which means that it's coming up really soon this is exciting okay look how fat that squirrel is might not be able to see that but that squirrel is like the size of a gopher that squirrel is the most prepared for winter squirrel I've ever seen in my life and that also means that there are literally zero predators here because if you had to run away from anything other than a human he would be dead okay once again I'd like to give my standard disclaimer do not try this this is a terrible idea and that is why it is a terrible idea okay last batch of stuff and I'm bringing for Michael final fantasy type-0 HD final fantasy 10 HD the evil within Last of Us remastered finally head and shoulders either cheaper here or you can't get it in Japan one of the sea okay this is what I'm taking sauerkraut random stuff video games pair shoes and deodorant I think that's everything I'll keep trying to remember if there's anything else I need but I think that's it it's exciting yo these dogs owned this neighborhood I'm gonna open my garage door and he's gonna be standing there this is a different dog this 90 the same dogs last night bye doggy I mean it's totally cool with me is just funny what's that one law where however much time you have that's the amount of time that you use I don't know who came up with that but that is exactly how my time gets spent doesn't matter if I have five hours to do something or five minutes I'll usually take that entire amount of time to do it which I'm not complaining that I think it's great works out perfectly for me ok classes aren't done yet but I need to go get some food Oh like drinking dirt one of my friends I tried out Soylent he says it doesn't have much taste and I was thinking today you know whether it has good taste or not I don't know if I'd ever really seriously consider any type of meal replacement type of thing because I like eating too much right now I've got a qdoba salad and peppers and sausage and sweet potatoes from whole foods because tonight was a to dinner type of night all right say why not okay gotta go to bed early flight is at six fifteen which means i have to get up very early unfortunately so does my mom because she's kind enough to take me to the airport so i'm gonna go home make sure all my stuff's in order and then go in a bit I think that's still cooking that's good it's 1009 I think I've got everything ready at this point if I don't it's just going to be left here very excited I'll see you guys tomorrow

About the Author



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Adventure Archives is a Youtube channel about camping, hiking, and bushcraft through the backcountry. Join us as we explore the wilderness and share our thoughts and the beautiful scenery of nature.

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Cameras? Sony A7s ii (16-35mm f4, 55mm f1.8) Panasonic GH5 (12-35mm f2.8, 100-300mm) Sony A6300 (Thomas's videos)

Editing software? Adobe Premiere CC

Where are you from? Andrew, Bryan, and Thomas, Ohio. Robby, Indiana.

How do you know each other? Andrew and Bryan are brothers, Robby is their cousin, Thomas was their neighbor.

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