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Building A Bushcraft Basecamp - Part 3 - The Lean To A Frame Shelter


Hello guys this is Nick from HF Survival School and today we will make some changes to our basecamp , hope you like it ! Thank you everyone for your support, for your likes , shares and kind comments which I love to respond to. You can view this video in Full HD 1080p

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Tags: bushcraft,woodcraft,woodsman,building a bushcraft basecamp,basecamp,bushcraft shelter,long term shelter,survival shelter,lean to,a frame,survival,mcq bushcraft,joerobinet,scrambledo,bushcraft base camp,wild camping,bushcraft cooking,cooking meat,kuksa,far north bushcraft and survival,camping with dog

Video Transcription

hello guys Nick from a chips to rural school thank you very much for joining me

as you see I'm back in my shelter and I'm really excited because no one has touched this I was afraid that someone could destroy it but as you see no one has been here and that is great so now I have concerned some kind of news I want to change it a few things over here and I want to take down this whoo I will move this bed about five meters four on the side and here is my plan you guys know that I will edit making my players come through in the woods but you know you gotta have a plan and then if something changes I'll work on from there so I'll take down this construction I'll make a tripod and I will make a big ridge line with one sister sighs would and I would attach the second side on the tree which is next to me and I'll put this bed on the on the bottom of it and I will make a lean-to shelter and to make this so come true I will have to cut down a few green trees which I'm really not fond of and I and I never cut down green trees but I think this is a good cause for that because I really need a shelter because my father has been living here in our mountain house for like a few years and now he sometimes he had to be alone for a few months so now he is he will be back in the city which is great but he will close our mountain house with two which is bad and the house for that I want to have a shelter here so that next time when I come up here or I will have a place to stay at nights and do some boots crafting and have fun here without have to having to go in my home so in my house so let's get started [Music]











so now I'll put it right here and I'll put ridge line on the tripod and I will attach the second end on this tree sorry if you hear some ringing noises coming there are some cows walking by so now I will get it for six I will make points on their end and I'll put them in the ground on the sides of my bed so that it doesn't move around like this enough I will be using for this is the queue demand mt5 if you are interested in this level and want to see a review I will include links down in the description so you should check it out and just like that that should be it now I will cut off the edges from the top so that when I found it in the ground with my X it doesn't match from out or break just like that and now I'll do the same thing for the other four sticks just like that I carved the rough feel pegs and now I'll put them in the ground so select it now on the other side and now let's go to the other side and just like that all our bread is stabilized and it is not moving at all I don't know if I told you guys this before but I have some foot serious back problems I have some scoliosis and lordosis and let's hammer when I was making the chair in the woods i damaged it somehow in this waist area so I know then I had to take a rehabilitation course for like two or three months it was pretty bad and now I was cutting down the tree for the ridgeline and it went fell down and I hit stuck on one through and I had to lift it up and make it fall down that way and my back hurts pretty bad on both sides so I had to lay down for a while to have a little rest now the pain is little with gone but it still hurts now I check the fourth forecast and it is real rain in about ten minutes or so and it should be for like one or two hours but there is an 80% chance for that but now that I looked up its food there is a pretty nasty cloud coming at me and hope that it doesn't rain so even though my back hurts I still have to now proceed walking I need to put on the tripod and then the ridgeline so that at least I will be able to put up my tarp so that I don't get wet if it rains so I have to do it very fast so that work one more piece for the tripod so I who gave it all look so many pieces for the tripod and that is the good news

also the good news is that all of them were dead standing so I had been had to cut down penguin woods and the bad news is that it has started to rain so I really first need to I need to layer this tripod really fast and get this a Ridgeline so that I can set up my tarp and don't get wet so let's do it and my back still hurts look at max over there in his own shelter from the rain the good thing about these places I have a little cover from the tree next to me and it covers me from the rain now I'll make a Canadian Jemma not [Music]







I almost passed away bringing that piece because it is green it is we're happy and my back still hurts I think if it still hurts like this tomorrow a trip to the doctor will be yes something to do certainly so now I'll drink some water have a little rest and well then put this piece on the tripod and Blanche the other side on the tree because my I'm kind of guided doesn't give up at things where we were easily that's why I keep forgetting my real possibility sent I push myself to the limit and that's why I always end up hurting myself with something now my back hurts pretty bad I remember in summer I was able to go in the woods for like two weeks I couldn't sit down it was so bad only thing I was able to do is to lay on the bed and it was pretty bad and I had to take some shock therapies where they put something on you and it goes through your muscles with some electricity and that way your your muscles which are like this open up a little bit and different the pain goes away now my first priority is to put this ridge line so that if something happens and so that if something happens and it starts to rain I will be able to put up my tarp and continue working from my dry space but there are a few dark clouds but I don't think it will rain because when I checked the forecast if it wanted to rainin hoped it would the most possible towards to rain like an hour ago so I think we are pretty safe now whenever will pushed up the ridge line I will start the fire all certifier because I am pretty hungry I have a nice piece of meat with a little bone so that Max and have an awesome feast this way I can say thank you thank you this way I can thank him for coming with me and how is the need for the boring things I talk in the camera so let's put up the rich black


so guy just like that I set up the tarp it is really not the best way of setting it up but he truly took them cozy and I would love to stay here at night but I even brought my sleeping bag that the original big plan was to stay here at night but really when I saw my father he was he's like more than one month since I left him here and he was all alone and so I wanted to spend some time with him because I love my father very much and I'd love to spend some time with him always so yesterday when I arrived here it was middle of the day and I went in the woods to shoot film the carbon Widow and today I also came up here came out here from the early morning so when it gets dark I want to go home and spend some time with him and cook some steak and drink a little bit so yet that will be good so now I have set up the tarp and the original plan of mine also failed no matter how much I tried I was not able to put up this a Ridgeline on the tree because it was damn heavy in my back Rupert where we were but I am barely sitting now and but you may think dude why didn't did you make this tripod you could you could have done the same thing and I really could have done the same thing

when attaching this Ridgeline to the tree director without this tripod like this but I thought when I thought about it

oh yes I would spend some the time here and I would be able to sleep here but they wouldn't not be placed for max so that's why I set up this tripod so that on this side I'll make a small kind of installation from him some spruce boughs and stuff like that and so that max can sleep right next to my head so that's why I set up you set this up with the tripod so now I will start the fire and cook Sam's taken me and Max will have an awesome dinner

so let's get working it was raining a little bit but now it stopped and I'm sure it will still lane a rain a little bit soft but that's not not a problem at all so now start to fire so guys the chart like data hill gathered some fine grain cheese a few dead beech woods and with the help of the course which is left on the fireplace from our previous trip I'm sure it should be ready to cook one steak so now let's break down the sticks tip not for your legs there are a lot of these kind of things on all times in this area well not especially in this area but I was looking closer on the other side of the mountain where I have been and last year and this so what you guys call the old man the old man's beard because last year I try to find the stuff I made a big bundle of it and I try to start my fire with the flint and steel with char cloth with this so but it was pretty wet and I had to I had to try a blowing in it for quite a while and in the end it still didn't where there was flames there was fire but it went down there and again it was fired into a doubt so tell me in the comments below if this will work for making the clintons to fires to make it in the total put it in the bundle

I will be purchased that much from a bit too much per feather sticks with this knife so there should be a small learning process with it well you can definitely make some fine feather sticks as you've seen but I think this is the fault of this wood because it doesn't hold this feather sticks or it is my fault but definitely not be knives I also have a piece of pine pitch here as you see where is it there it is put a big piece so that should help us start the fire

I don't know how much you hear it but it has started to rain again so now I think we should have enough calls to cook the steak so I'll just remove all of this burning hood on the sides and I'll drop the steak as you see this this part will hold this for max man it looks good or what look at big boar look at a steak put some cuts in the meat it will cook more easy and it will be more delicious attack its life hack tell me in the comments below if you know the youtuber I just imitated and if you don't know you are losing a lot by not watching him is an awesome guy but who he you will know from the comment so where did you see it is ready for sure but it's got a little burned on beside because I was making a livestream for like 15 minutes so that's why it got a little burned so now I will take the space put it on my plate and I will cut this piece like this so that this whole opponent meat goes to max that's like that and this whole piece will go to max like it's hot a little bit

tell them max is it good or what man it's ready for four look at that man I haven't ate anything in the whole day and after so much work it feels amazing

look at max I swear if anyone just came near him he will eat everyone their life small glance at me thinking if I will need something or I hate my just fooling around Louie Louie so guys I had a small amount of water left it was just enough to fill this cook sir I will missed it I really like it like this thing and in future I planned now that I have a spoon in future I plan to cover my own cook sir because this is a kind of company made kind of first half made in multiple amounts with it was bought as a gift to me by my cousin when he was in Finland so sorry for the ring noises if you hear there are some cows passing by which are going back home at this time of day from their daily eating routine did he I have is some Egyptian tea called car kadai oh I put some sugar in it but I think it should need some steering and this is just the perfect place to steer it with my red new spoon so we are baptizing the spoon now and I am being smoked out of my shelter

I really do intimately I knew that the wind was coming from this side because as you guys remember I spent the night here I have been here quite a few times but this is not this shelter is not for an open fire and along fire because the ground is pretty close to the woods and it can catch fire really zu or so it will be really responsible from me to start a fire big fire over here look at this man it feels twice more delicious when using your homemade stuff I will enjoy the process of making something and then using it that is really what I'm looking for always when I do some bushcraft and other crafts so when I make some little crafts first of all I make it for myself so that I can use it now I start carving so first I will be carving for myself and I really enjoy that process so guys I think that will be all for today if you like this video please give it a thumbs up subscribe to my youtube channel and you will have very much by sharing this video you know social media all of the important links will be down in the description so I recommend you to check them out and I hope you enjoyed this video but it didn't came out the way I want it of course from today we will have a new quote everything will go well according to the plan

if you know what I mean so thank you very much for watching and I will see you in the next one next say goodbye he ate so much he doesn't even want to move he always gets more food than I get how can you deny not giving food to that view that face

About the Author

HF Survival School

HF Survival School

Hello , if you are interested in Hunting , Fishing , Survival , Bushcraft or Shooting than this channel is for you. Here you will see survival tips , bushcraft skills , survival kits , product reviews and shooting tests.

I am not a bushcraft/survival expert in any mean , I am just a regular guy who loves to go out in the woods , have fun and learn something along the way with you guys :)

I am the first bushcrafter in my country and try my best to gain knowledge in wilderness living skills and survival , so that one day I will be able to live of the grid , live in the bush or maybe just go on a long term trip for a few months.

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