Primitive Technology: Bow and Arrow
I made this bow and arrow using only primitive tools and materials.The bow is 1.25 m (55 inches) long and shoots 60 cm (2 feet) long arrows. I don't know the draw weight - safe to say greater than 15 kg (35 pounds) perhaps? The stave was made from a tree ,Northern Olive (Chionanthus ramiflora), that was cut with a stone axe and split in half with a stone chisel. One half was used for the bow and was cut to a length of 1.25 m (50 inches). The limbs of the bow were carved with various stone blades so that the limbs tapered in width, and to a lesser extent depth, towards the tips. The middle of the bow was narrowed in width to form a handle about 12.5 cm (5 inches) long.
The string was made from the inner bark of a fibrous tree. It was separated into thin strips and left to dry. Then it was twisted into cordage.
Arrows were made of the same wood as the bow and were 60 cm (2 feet) long. A notch was carved into the back to accept the bow string. They were fletched with bush turkey feathers picked up from the ground (no turkeys were harmed in the making of this video). A feather was split in half and cut into 3 lengths then resin and bark fiber attached the fletching on to the arrows. The tip of the arrow was fire hardened and sharpened to a point. The fletching was trimmed using a hot coal. Each arrow took about an hour to make. A quiver was made of bark to hold the arrows. Importantly, the quiver was worn on the back in the historically accurate style of native American and African archers- not on the hip like medieval European archers (see back quiver: ).
I cleared a shooting range with a semi rotten log as a target instead of a hay bale. At 10 meters the accuracy was better than 50 % for this narrow target and the arrows stuck into the wood enough so that they were difficult to pull out. The bow was durable, shooting about 200-300 times with the string breaking only 3 times. I made a back up string and repaired them by splicing the ends back together.
In conclusion this was an easy bow to make. The short design makes it easy to find a straight piece of wood for the stave. A short string is also easy to make and short arrow shafts are easy to find. Short bows shoot fast and are easy to carry in thick forest. The dimensions of the bow were based on those given in the SAS Survival Handbook by john Lofty Wiseman. but instead of carving it from a stave from the start, I split the stave and then carved it. I think this requires less time, effort and skill. It also gives a flat bow design that's unlikely to break. It does require wood that doesn't twist much when split though.
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Tags: Bow and Arrow,Making a Bow and arrow,Primitive bow and arrow,Primitive technology,pt
Video Transcription
Oliva Severní (Chionansis ramifolia) Sekání d?eva kamennou sekerkou ze staršího videa Rozd?lení polena kamenným dlátem Všimn?te si, že se d?evo stá?í Odšt?pení d?eva z jedné strany jednoho konce Oto?te luk kolem a odstra?te d?evo z opa?né strany na druhém konci Nyní je d?evo je rovné Zúžení ší?ky luku ke kone?k?m Zužování hloubky luku ke kone?k?m Nepatrn? zúžování ší?ky držadla. Hloubka rukojeti je ponechána sama, aby byla pevná. Zá?ezy na t?tivu Hotová h?l Neznámý strom s vláknitou k?rou Odstra?ování k?ry Tento druh stromu je pružný a rychle doroste zp?t Odd?lování vnit?ního k?rového vlákna Odd?lování vnit?ních pás? k?ry Pás vláken je kroucená ve sm?ru hodinových ru?i?ek. Potom se navíjí proti sm?ru hodinových ru?i?ek kolem druhého pásu, a tak dále. Tím vlákna z?stanou pohromad? díky tomu, že se nejsou schopna rozmotat Další vlákna mohou být p?idány k prodloužení kabelu jejich zkroucením na koncích jinými vlákny Hotová t?tiva Smy?ka je kladena na jednom konci p?íd? a je vázána na druhém zatímco luk je ohnut p?es koleno pomocí dvou uzl? Luk je mírn? asymetrický D?evo je seškrábnuto aby byl luk ohnut rovnom?rn? Hotový luk ?ezání stromku Seškrábávání k?ry D?lání zá?ezu na úzkém konci ty?ky Krocan
Pe?í upušt?né krocanem Rozd?lování pe?í ?ezání jednoho pírka do t?í ?ástí Odstran?ní konc? pe?í Stromová prysky?ice Lepení pe?í na šíp prysky?icí (díky pe?í budou šípy let?t rovn?) Uvázání pe?í pramenem vlákna z k?ry Naost?ování druhého konce šípu ohn?m Upravování pe?í horkým uhlíkem 6 šíp? Vyrobení toulce z k?ry St?elba na cíl z klády na 10 metr? Šíp se dob?e zapíchl Luk a šípy
About the Author

Primitive Technology
Making primitive huts and tools from scratch using only natural materials in the wild.I also have this blog: (I have no facebook page- ignore the fakes)
Q.Where is this?
A.This is in Far North Queensland Australia.
Q.Do you live in the wild?
A.I don't live in the wild but just go into the bush to make these projects. Also I camp out here occasionally.
Q.How did you learn all this?
A.Researching books and internet plus trial and error. I'm not indigenous and have no army training.
Q.What about dangerous animals in Australia?
A.The only really dangerous ones in my area are snakes. Care must be taken when walking about and lifting things from the ground.
Q.For the mud huts what stops the rain washing the mud walls away?
A.The roof.
Q.Why don't you talk in the videos?
A.When I watch how to videos I fast forward past the talking part to see the action part. So I leave it out of my videos in favor of pure demonstration.
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