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  • January Overnights 2013 "An Interesting Night" Part 2

January Overnights 2013 "An Interesting Night" Part 2


Here's part two! I hope you enjoy :)


Video Transcription

should know that every city we're definitely swollen up sickness you



okay so it's the morning and to put it bluntly we had a bit of a disaster last night and TPS with all the way down there Bill's got completely flooded out and was leaking all over the place and jordans was pretty bad as well mom wasn't too bad but am I moved as well so I'll about twelve o'clock last night eleven o'clock last night we all just bailed and corset the hammocks over here so that was Jordans that one's mine your feet supposed to be hanging at the end iya your feet supposed to be hanging at the end oh and then it and then bill didn't have a hammer or a top so am I thought the best idea for bill would be to destroy a tease he's little cabin for the first time so here was the night in your shelter yeah bill got his teepee just found it basically every it was soaked through so you know we've had some bacon I'm about to throw up somewhere more bacon and some egg it's a pretty cool I'll go all the socks on to draw what we all found really strange was that all that last night with snow and it is now completely disappeared and the the Brooklyn little stream just completely burst its banks apparently down down the end it's really flow fast so yeah we had quite a bit of rain last night but we survived we survived I think jordans go for a poo I'm going for weeds not stay out ok we go a week through the rain in one night like I said I think he's going to do what he did say neither one well we'll bring it back later and just a little bit to add obviously we had our fire all the way down there and we need the way to like transport it gave I going up here and build miracle ii decided they had a a wheelbarrow hidden away so bill will borrow the entire fire up the bank through everything all the snow ain't got it going quite successfully so yeah the random will bar they should not be okay so it's a mid-afternoon we decided we're going to pack up now and leave had breakfast egg bacon all the works of it pretty well successes of the truth or fire food hey what else was a success food yeah better laughs him packing up now yeah once we got out of that swamp it was where the tepees were plus the snow makes the ground or slide you want to start walking yeah i wasn't one of my apology just kept walking up the same spots they just become like horrendous he's got pretty bad down here everybody we only been there as long right so that's bought from me boy from bill right boy from Jordan right and we'll see you in the next one thanks for watching see you again soon when the rain I hope it M yeah put that camera down and give us a hand you

About the Author



A love for nature, Traveling, Camping, Bushcraft, Wilderness Living, Adventure and Exploration.

It's all about just getting out there and experiencing what nature has to offer.

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