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Primitive Technology: Thatched Dome Hut


I built this thatched dome hut on a mountain ridge using completely primitive tools and materials. The frame was 2.5 m in diameter and 2 m tall. It was made from 8 thin saplings 2.75 m long, the thatching material was split palm fronds and vine was used for tying it all together. A stone hand ax was used to chop the saplings and a sharp stone flake was used to cut fronds. The pointed dome profile is half way between a spherical dome and a ti-pi. This shape sheds rain and funnels smoke effectively while still providing a large inner volume. A moat was dug around the hut to drain water away. As an afterthought I planted sweet potatoes and taro around the moat to hopefully provide some food later on.

Wordpress: https://primitivetechnology.wordpress.com/

Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=2945881&ty=h

I have no face book page. Beware of fake pages.

Tags: Primitive technology,Thatched dome,Primitive hut,palm thatch,stone hand axe,Stone tools,Sapling dome,Primitive skills,Stone age,Bushcraft,Thatched dome hut,Survival shelter,Primitive shelter,pt

Video Transcription

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About the Author

Primitive Technology

Primitive Technology

Making primitive huts and tools from scratch using only natural materials in the wild.I also have this blog:
https://primitivetechnology.wordpress.com/ (I have no facebook page- ignore the fakes)
Q.Where is this?
A.This is in Far North Queensland Australia.
Q.Do you live in the wild?
A.I don't live in the wild but just go into the bush to make these projects. Also I camp out here occasionally.
Q.How did you learn all this?
A.Researching books and internet plus trial and error. I'm not indigenous and have no army training.
Q.What about dangerous animals in Australia?
A.The only really dangerous ones in my area are snakes. Care must be taken when walking about and lifting things from the ground.
Q.For the mud huts what stops the rain washing the mud walls away?
A.The roof.
Q.Why don't you talk in the videos?
A.When I watch how to videos I fast forward past the talking part to see the action part. So I leave it out of my videos in favor of pure demonstration.

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