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At The Shooting Range In Moscow With The Commsprepper


Survival Russia And The Commsprepper Visiting A Shooting Range In Moscow.

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The Survival Russia Channel is about "The Reality Of Survival". I live on a Homestead in far away Russian wild nature. Here is no room for "TV" Survival.

Only Reality counts here. Survival Russia promotes the philosophy of always carrying equipment and never to be parted from equipment which will affect chances of Survival.

So did the old timers and pioneers of both the East and the West.

Get Out and Train and Get it Done!

All Content On The Survival-Russia Channel is Reserved and Copyrighted By: Survival Russia

Regards, Lars

Tags: Survival Russia,Less Than Lethal Firearms,Firearms,Survival Kit,Survival Equipment,Survival Gear,Survival Skills,Survival Knowledge,Wilderness Skills,Wilderness Survival,Wilderness Living,Busshcraft,Bushcraft Survival,Russian Gear,Russian Equipment,Russia,Taiga,Siberia,FAQ

Video Transcription

hello guys so here one comes with on a Russian shooting range all of the hundred rounds for the a K just to see what it's like mostly gonna be fun looks quite normal the low-level little films inside the range but we'll try anyway

contrary to popular belief this is cars prepper I can shoot an ak-47 in Russia so pretty neat deal so problem a little expensive but hey it's Saturday hello guys we are deranged now smell that aspirin yeah boxes of them older I can see looks like to thank you rolls here codex club teaches boys story in a little bit really but yeah this is what you have to do and not do here okay also nice photo line chronograph / smells good smells good yes smells of cold eyes always nice solid every 50 meters 60 odd 250 yards a nice range I can almost not see them with all and stop it on there we have a wild people that I want so we're shooting paper I guess that's some steel targets over there so for about a dollar 25 a shot 7.62 but that includes the eyes and the ears a rental of the weapon and the targets and your own safety range master go based on what you're paying for ammunition in the States over here in Russia about 20 cents more but you can still do the same thing at the end of the day you don't have to clean it this is what we're going to shoot so you go 104 I'll take the blame on here you say so Olo dogs in a suitcase mo let's call services don't know the brand is not a rule it's the car crapper with Moscow prepper shooting the ak-47 in Moscow Russia he shooting target number one

I think I'll save this for me encounter about checking the target small so for the hill I'm over there you shot number one sub number one I shot number two clearly I'm not a good shot then you shot number three season

I shot number four but I'm a little too high but not bad oh but he's gone anyway until this one like this single Blake I'm Camille humph it was flying it for me and Campos not changing make or rifles actually by getting this older looking there was the bakelite huh it's a Tula make my god oh no

Virginia says yeah yep wonderful

this is our Rangemaster really nice guy I think we will probably be hacking at some point but unlikely low range massa we gotta hear why everyone knows where he is talking to my wife loud good watches bears each other okay it's the cars pepper with the Moscow pepper we just finished up at the the rifle range here in Moscow Russia shooting the ak-47 we spent about a hundred and twenty dollars or what about an hour and a half

I don't know the wheel impossible yeah but it was pretty good off of the really good nice people fifty shots of peace no hassles shut-in did some shooting yeah almost close to the house not a bad trip Moscow prepper shot better than I did yeah

what a blessing because you have to rain really low the black one was fought on no such thing as a bad rifle not bad put the device with rings yeah so my Scout prepper is going to go home and edit all this yeah and as always thanks for watching

thank you for subscribers this has been the Moscow prepper in the car effort I go so hello guys so am almost home from the range with the columns Provo just wanted to give a shout out to comp Revell if you don't already know his channel you should definitely check it out this is also mostly to check out my camera again because I saw the thing as it was like posted on a shooting I didn't want to open and so on and so on so just that camera check but I don't know comes probe are interested in Provo communications check out his channel and I'll link to it down the

About the Author

Survival Russia

Survival Russia

The Survival Russia Channel is about "The Reality Of Survival". I live on a Homestead in far away Russian wild nature and here are no room for "TV" Survival. Only Reality counts here. Survival Russia promotes the philosophy of always carrying equipment and never to be parted from equipment which will affect chances of Survival. So did the old timers and pioneers of both the East and the West.

I'm Danish and I Live In Russia!!

Get Out and Train and Get it Done!

Regards, Lars

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