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Late Winter Camping, 10 Question Tag & Azden SMX-30 Microphone


Microphone talk starts at 44:09 In this video I go out for a solo camp to experience the last bit of winter. I answer two 10 question tags and talk about the Azden SMX-30 microphone.

All of the audio in this video is straight from the camera. All the audio was recorded using the Azden SMX-30. No EQ, filtering or dynamic processing. Just a bit of level adjustments.

Here is a link to the Azden SMX-30: http://www.azden.com/products/microphones/video-microphones/smx-30/

Here is a link to the Windjammer: http://www.azden.com/products/accessories/sws-30/

Here is a link to Focus Nordic: https://www.focusnordic.no

Here is a link to the UTE Avdelingen - Outdoors Norway Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/kajaq7

Here is a link to the Under The Carolina Sky Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZEvocD91WbgHVBoh4819Aw

Here is a link to the Olivin tent: https://tentipi.com/en-gb/olivin

#norwegianwoods #scandinavia #norway #bushcraft #camping #hiking

Tags: Outdoor,Nature,Camping,Winter,Snow,Campfire,Fire,Tent,Microphone,Audio,Azden,SMX-30,Tag,Tentipi,Camera,Sony,Hiking,Filming,Video,Videography,Bushcraft,History,Woods,Forest,Spring

Video Transcription

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This channel is dedicated to all kinds of outdoor and wilderness activities. The content is focused on scandinavian culture and history.

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