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2015 in Review


Snuggles & I look back at our Amazing 2015 and Chat about what the future holds.

Logo & Intro Designed By: Blackstrap Media

Visit: blackstrapmedia.com

Music By: Thunder/Dreamer & Lost Summer

Tags: appalachian trail,travel,hiking,backpacking,blackstrap media

Video Transcription

hey guys it's Darwin and snuggles hi so we wanted to take a few minutes to make a video talking about our amazing 2015 kind of do a little review and look back and then talk about what we have coming up for 2016 so in February of 2015 we sold 95 for some of the things we own we bought a van we packed up our dog and we headed out to the southwest so in March after traveling we left and headed down to Georgia to start a thru-hike of the Appalachian Trail so it definitely pushed our limits my personal limits and what we can do and push just as a couple too which was really interesting and then one of us had really thought about that before but it was a great experience yeah we've met a lot of amazing people went to a lot of amazing places

so we ended up hiking over 1,500 miles on the Appalachian Trail and then it got to a point where Darwin here was hiding the fact that he was having a severe toothache it wasn't getting a lot of sleep I was thinking it was just because of the rowdiness of some of the other hikers but come to find out it was because of a serious tooth infection it looked like at that point that Darwin was going to have to have the the tooth removed which we were at they were unable to do that for almost a week just a week yeah we were gonna have to stay off the trail in this little town blowed through our budget and wait to get this tooth pulled out so we decided to head back to Indiana and get that taken care of and then return to the trail and the first day we were gone we found out that we had a loved one that passed away so it snuggles grandmother passed away a week after we got back it was actually a day we got back and I got to visit with her hard day and then she she passed away the next the following day so it was maybe part of the universe that was bringing this home in order to see my grandmother again Darwin got his tooth taken care of and then at that point we made it

not to return right away to the trail but needed to take more of a mental break we packed up our dog and the van again headed back out so this year in May we will be returning to the trail in Great Barrington Massachusetts and finishing up our just over six hundred miles all the way to Maine

after that we plan on coming back out here still adventuring around and discover in New Mexico and all of our surroundings and then in 2017 and April I'll be doing a solo PCT thru-hike I have absolutely no interest in doing the PCT II really exciting things that we have going on in 2016 is I am about to start working with a local outfitter here in Albuquerque New Mexico called sport systems if you watched my snowshoeing video you might have seen a little link to sport systems I'm going to be doing their gear review videos or their store so definitely keep an eye out for those and there's a possibility that I'll be working with blackstrap media on actually they'll be producing our videos whenever we return to the trail in May and then for my PCT through hype and I have been persuaded for a long time to post some of my journal entries that I did while on the Appalachian Trail

and for almost two years before we even got on the trail I'm kind of a geek and I love to keep diary journal entries have been that for a long time so I will be officially sharing some of that information with you via Darwin's website so you can have a little bit more of a perspective from a female long distance hiker and also from a big geek into some of the ridiculous things that I wrote about that I experienced thoughts that went to my butt through my head while hiking I was hungry while I wasn't feeling good while I had cramps and all that kind of girl stuff so definitely a different perspective than what Darwin sometimes put some of his videos so yeah go over to Darwin on the trail comm and check it out under the page the snuggles Diaries that's where she'll be posting all of her journal entries so yeah we had an awesome 2015 we have high hopes for 2016 for everyone that's been watching my videos and following me thanks a lot I really appreciate your feedback your likes your subscriptions if you're new to the channel if you're new to Darwin on the trail and snuggles like or dislike our video subscribe to my channel go check out Darwin on the trail calm and as always thank you so much for watching

About the Author

Darwin Onthetrail

Darwin Onthetrail

At the end of 2014 my wife Snuggles & I decided to quit our jobs, sell 95% of the things we own, & leave our home town for good in search of adventure, culture, & the true meaning of happiness. We bought a van, traveled all over the country & hiked the entire Appalachian Trail (2189.2 miles). We are still seeking adventure in new places, meeting new people, trying new food & drink, & discovering all that we can.

This Channel has developed into a main hub for aspiring hikers & current hikers to gain info on a wide variety of Trail Topics. With a series of Trip Videos, Q&A, Tip Videos, & Gear Reviews, I aim to get you out on the trail and hiking more!

Hike On,

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