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Bannock Sausages With Emily


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Tags: bushcraft,firelighting,craft,carving,camping,hammock,axe,knife,hiking,wild,ray mears,bear grylls,cooking

Video Transcription

hello people and welcome to another video mean Emily are out again I haven't made one of these videos in a while so I thought I'd give it a whirl and we're just kind of making the most of the last of the mall whether this autumn most of the laser cooling down now there's not much left so we're a bit of a day get it some cooking get a fire going I've got new suspension system on Muhammad that I'm going to try and yeah we're just currently a walk and trying to find a nice spot to join sale you



so we've collected all our wood for the fire I was on Twitter patrol how are you going to light the fire today but in well I left it to Devil's alike what's been born assignments probably only back when you come back to swim retinol way so I put it on the collected ghost will use it also weighed less than ever use all something on next to bring that mother you jumper it's kind of come at a fan country oh yeah located them on the come I'm returning with fern back to Brian its forecast of rain today what we've been lucky so far we've got a tarp in case it does but just I did just really drop so we might have to set it up it's really hard to walk over this way and hold camera it's really hard to walk out of this ground and hold a camera now that we didn't hear though signs with me you



so Barnes managed to rescue the four I for now and we're trying to work in damp conditions cooking it we need that bonfire we had last night you told me I've more than enough to agree you told me to stop collecting them that was a case of I did not work different wanna give away we're okay we're okay get building beautiful you're like can I blow and we're gonna help oh hey life I had will win ok so today we're going to do sausages on the campfire and bones just making a skewer explain what we did before well everything oh yeah we're gonna go out we were meant to go to the woods and do some campfire cooking and we ended up not we went some woodland and it wasn't a very nice woodland so Brian would have stayed what we ended up bailing because I don't really like you today and it was right next to a dairy farm so it was full of flies and smart quite bad and it's really buggy wasn't it and well anyway I just got enough in a complete tangent so we ended up doing it in the garden about I've got like a little what is it like a mini BBQ yeah it's like a portable barbecue I'm getting bike here hey we made some like a savory Bannock normally I make it quite sweet what we look like salt pepper and paprika just chew Marie however say that one we have this little ingenious ordeal listen Gina say the Iraqi cooking the sausage first and once the sausage Chris Cook we're up balageru sausage so it's kind of like a bar next sausage roll you're gonna sell for enemy I know I'm gonna have to move yeah so it was like a panic sausage roll and it was so good wasn't it and I did do it on the ass girl look at that Jedi Knight where the would set me but off about today so we're going to dinner the sisters going to go on instinct ok only like a man I know yeah at least the rain holding off that looks funny you just got our sausage on the end of this day it looks for a name so we've got a one sausage donated by cannot in the banneker la la la burning on here is no second it doesn't exactly Ocelot matter with you boy so yellow oh it's the preferred preferably of course babe recaps it's like all such a big love slap it on like it's somewhat good off more than the sausage it's quite this is quite a long meltem to make it takes a while to you know you are ya gotta wait for the cook is the sausage to cook which takes a wall and the techs all over the battery this is gonna have a lot of em so hopefully charred glove in it they trot lover yeah is he a culinary technique of watching this after bashing the sausage God and trying to get it come off to go get off my sausage oh god what is oh no oh no oh the sausage is like so ruined it no I really haven't back on i'm super horny toad it's like falling on CM panic sales at the phone goddesu the sausage is turned too much beneath the globe funny cuz you would be just this time what what happened that one I'm worried I'm gonna catch it need the bike to save it Oh proper dummy not know it's half a daddy

so been playing with my own comic system a bit and there are have done if you remember but I had the the ropes on my hennessy hammock and a lot of people were saying our soft metal wolf whistling soft metal things I'll kept it with the ropes for a short while and but it is a little bit of a faff and to keep tying them up so I bought myself some I'm steel and I've made myself somewhat his limbs so i'm going to show you that new right so here's my arms deal and i forgot my webbing strap so I've kind of created something at a paracord it's working fine stock my weight and the main reason I was dubious on using I'm steel was because I still won't be able to connect my Tom my Hennessey talk to the actual system itself and I was worried that this taut line wasn't going to hold on to the I'm still quite sleepy bought it does as she can see and made it a five a for loop sorry i meant a floor loop and taut line so yeah that works fine and just work and obviously I made it myself because I needed to give myself enough space between the hammock and the tension in bit and did he give myself enough space to be able to put the top which you have done and the other one's kind of a little bit closer I need some more space I worked at the months but it works a absolutely fine looking forward to trying this am going to Scotland in a couple of weeks and meet me and Peter for a stuff for establish craft and leave here going to Scotland above taking Charlie so Charlie at the world miss gathering salsa we're going to Scotland for couple days so that we're doing a very heavy weight gump we're going to the car and the Peters four by four so that's we pretty sweet so you'll definitely see this video

before a lot so we are still cracking on think Emily's so step the sausage bashing situation had a rescue in the match no one's going to fell apart a little bit but we're okay baracka have to wait for this to air show itself owner

come on man yeah just hop destroy its drinking temperature oh I'll put more than half in there no back on one but no water look at me salivate over nice so remember 25 enough coordinate fun I have the bit with the massive jungle die wahren understand could you are it takes a while but it's so worth it don't youdon't and neck see that now I know actually cook it it's pretty much what we do what are they being a bullion bar okay I got a 53 ya salty caramel tell my favor moves gonna means good shit okay so you just eat that I thing even is that oh I limped enough man mmm you would


oh gosh screen mm-hmm it's not let me the Magnum hmm inbox a golden would literally changing that right here is a squirrel's nest yeah so I made a seat not the other day and we're going to boy boy a blackout outdoors however you like they're one so I've got some bucks white canvas and got this bit of wool felt it's quite thin stuff but I wanted to fit my actual sneak mark emiley on there we have these seat nuts fit know about two pounds 50th anywhere and I wanted it to like accommodate that simply because in the summer having this will be for injustice on the floor but in the wintertime you want a little bit installation so that fits in there nicely conduit dude one fits in there sound see ya want to show that is pretty sweet actually it actually extends them up slightly as well because that was matter a little bit too small but you could do it a little bit more spice this just does it up perfectly




okay then folks so that's it for this video nice little quick diet in the woods got some cooking done and tested the hammer get ready for Scotland so yeah Scotland's the next trip you can look forward to those videos in the meantime thanks for watching and I'll see you again very very soon

About the Author



A love for nature, Traveling, Camping, Bushcraft, Wilderness Living, Adventure and Exploration.

It's all about just getting out there and experiencing what nature has to offer.

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