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How To Build A Simple Earthen Oven 2018 (No Store Bought Materials)


- Earth And Clay Ovens Have Been Used By Man For Thousands Of Years, All Up Into The 18th Century. In This Video We Make A 18th Century Earthen Oven.

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The Survival Russia Channel is about "The Reality Of Survival". I live on a Homestead in far away Russian wild nature. Here is no room for "TV" Survival.

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Regards, Lars

Tags: How To Build A Simple Earthen Oven 2018,How To Make An Oven,Primitive Technology,Clay Oven,Living History,How To

Video Transcription

hello guys welcome to survive Russia it is extremely hot today and as any way from ease like +30 or something and I'm down at the pond because I'm digging some clay because we're gonna make sand and clay and grass all in today it's gonna be pretty awesome

I made an oven Oh from years ago nothing at the same time as I'm gonna make today but my mother-in-law liked it very much and she's here visiting yeah but yes he asked me if while ago if I could make a new one blah blah blah so we're gonna make also happen today and if I can make this work then I know that I can also make it open the frontiers campsite over in the forest but I'm sweating like I don't know what because it's hot there's a lot of insects down here then we have pink ninja she's helping out in her own way

down here we have some clay we have a little clay mine here's the clay we're gonna use this pretty good quality of course there's a lot of of plant material and so on in it but I mean it's clay so well yeah let's get digging and this gets building an oven so the st. you took from down here some st. yeah yeah now here's also a little st. mine we have the driveway and my plan is completely off topic but the Ave my plan is to push this whole boom out there and a little bit more we also have some what's called a Russian oven that heats of a house but that's a completely different matter but you can bake in them but this is gonna be awesome because then my mother-in-law and my wife almost like this kind of baked some chicken and some bread and some purush key and stuff like this and this did love in here that's gonna be pretty interesting I think so here we have a plush Palatka also with Russian army canvas top there pretty sturdy this guy I've been sitting on the bulldozer for two years straight now we have some clay a little bit of grass in it because there we have some grass I think we have some sand

Wilo blah blah blah let's get booting alright guys so we're gonna make the oven down here and of course gonna make a flan of this Cygnus here just of sand and clay then we're gonna build a frame of below I guess you could use birch and any kind of flexible branches really so of course not come up with this design here myself the first time I feel that I certainly designed by myself but it was quite complex and I also used to quite a number of bricks as a frame and so on so and a lot of clay by the way so I didn't wanted to do that again but since I'm watching Jeff Johnson's channel he's like a to Seventeen's 18th century reconstruction so yeah you can consider this a shout out anyway he's a lot bigger channel than me but he makes some nicer small clay ovens and outs and the plan today is to I'll make one of the the clay ovens he's making that's most likely gonna be a little bit of my own survival Russia twist so things how it always goes when you build something but let's mix up some sand clay grass make the floor make the frame and get this almond done and this try and try it out this would be perfect weather actually to do this to send and clay about 50/50 normally when you have clean clay and clean sand as far as I know something like one-third of clay to two-thirds of sand or something like this is anyway what we use here for repairing ovens and and stuff like that but since this sand it's not hundred percent clean it's just something I'll talk about the others most likely a little bit of of clay in this sand there's most likely also a little bit of sense and stuff in the clay so fifty-fifty maybe a little bit more scent that should actually do then we kind of make sense of grass they Don good amount of roots and stuff in this clay here but it's actually not too bad for this project anyway you could of course make it just on the ground but mr. Townsend was also using a top it repels the water quite nicely even it has been out sitting outside for those two years some windows whoa all right guys so while I'm standing out doing the the the st. and clay dense sand and clay boogie woogie then I can say one thing I've found out when using natural clay or fresh clay wild clay whatever we call it not the factory clay what you can say they said that it is most likely a very good idea to try and dissolve the clay by itself without too much scent to begin with because this is clay yes it's really tough stuff I'm amazed about the strength of this canvas top here two years we're in minus 40 plus 30 what not rain snow it is still strong I mean this is not light by any standards I think we're getting there with the sand and clay mix here for the bottom of the oven I'll not use any straw anything like that just sentient li so the reason that that that the dragon excuse me that the my mother no asked me to to make this oven if I could make one again it's of course that for using these Russian office to begin you have to heat the house and this we surely do not want at this time of year no the clay makes here exit seemingly became much better than I thought it would be actually cloud of that would disappear because sunlight is obviously too strong for the nuts or nets as they're called actually [Applause]

it's a little bit later in the evening now I just went and it had some food and the sitting and talking with the family and a la lah but now we're gonna make the frame here and we're gonna cover the frame up with some clay mix over there of course we have a nice big sausage there so yeah let's get it done there's of course the same amount of me just nets we call them no this is principally how it's gonna go so the general construction is done this is gonna be the rear and here it's gonna have the loading gate now gonna weave some small tweaks branches in between and this direction here of course as we can see the cage there is principally done it's gonna be interesting to see how this gonna turn out he's a ribbons here of fabric across I and anchor them down here with the first ring of of clay of mr. Townsend's oven you see that the that the clay had been falling through the the career there so to speak so I'll try and prevent that way by using the ribbons there and anchor them so they will not give way you can say for this from the weight of the of the clay and st. makes and stuff like that porous you can of course use Park and stuff like that instead of instead of fabric or grass or whatever but where the homestead so why not it's a really really tough fabric but it's natural and that is a good thing because we of course gonna burn all of this stuff here out so there we have the hoppy dogging it's gonna be rather interesting this works or what [Applause]


the dough is just making some cakes it's like this in two three centimetres thick or something and then apply them to the frame that worked alright with the last one I made of course twine apply relatively evenly also not to put too much weight on one side and bla bla because it's actually quite heavy so it's basically done the oven of a pink ninja she's been helping out so that's the oven but I think I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna feel some coals into the oven and maybe some coals around the pace of the oven and try and try it out it just a little bit and maybe make a small fire in there this evening not enough to burn the the fabric and to burn the frame out that we're gonna do tomorrow so guys I hope you like this little video oh yeah I hope you like the oven and hope you will check the links in the description and some share subscribe so barrels of like all that good stuff

and until next time hopefully tomorrow get out and shrink it down to something awesome

let's see you in the next video guys thank you for your time

About the Author

Survival Russia

Survival Russia

The Survival Russia Channel is about "The Reality Of Survival". I live on a Homestead in far away Russian wild nature and here are no room for "TV" Survival. Only Reality counts here. Survival Russia promotes the philosophy of always carrying equipment and never to be parted from equipment which will affect chances of Survival. So did the old timers and pioneers of both the East and the West.

I'm Danish and I Live In Russia!!

Get Out and Train and Get it Done!

Regards, Lars

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