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Deep Woods Winter Fishing 2018 Or Why I Do Not Fish Here


- As Per Many Requests, This Video Is About Fishing Here In My Woodland Rivers. I Also Did This Trip For My Friend Sasha Who Has To Return To Base Soon.

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Welcome To Survival-Russia. One of the very best Outdoors and Survival related communities on YouTube, and yes, It's a pretty good Channel too :)

My name is Lars. I'm From Denmark but I live in Rural Russia now. I live at a Homestead in wild nature surrounded by a huge forest.

On The Survival-Russia channel we do all things related to the Outdoors Lifestyle. I share my thoughts and experiences on Survival Techniques for the woodlands of the Northern Hemisphere. the Reality of Survival. I share Techniques and ways of the Siberian Tribesmen and the Russian Longhunters of the older days. Things not shown outside of Russia very much.

On this Channel we also do Off-Road driving, Vehicle builds, Metal Detecting, all things Outdoors basically. Enjoy!

Tags: Deep Woods Winter Fishing,Deep Woods,Winter Fishing,Ice Fishing,Survival Fishing,Survival Russia

Video Transcription


good morning welcome to survivor Asha we are fishing today many of you have requested some fishing we are with Sonia from yesterday

I think he actually was there while they transform from militsiya to put it Kasana said that the plan is to send a net here and then we try a little bit further we are about 18 kilometres into the forest and big main logging road that are actually being on on the mini crawler but back then I would never have even thought about driving here in but now you can say the road is frozen and this area here there are 2 kilometres is a Centro so it's straight and nice but this is a really tough road anyway yesterday I made the video from the homestead of there when we were harvesting a peak and yeah I'm sorry if I didn't get back to you on the comments and on email and so on because I simply just had to get home edit the video uploaded and eat something and then I went to sleep who's the winter bit and cut off this morning about 5:00 4:30 that's Sonya's father and that Sonya with snow plus one this morning you can see we have an old bridge over there it'll be just crossed that is where we came from you can see on this side there's no ice any longer this is of course not a huge river we are about 100 kilometres from the really really big rivers

this is wolf country I've done overnight us up there two kilometres or something and a lot of Wolf prints on the sandy soil here the morning after

this is lunchbox backpack my backpack sleeping bag toolbox more tools right guys so here we are at the next location and seems to be some other guys here we have to let a nevis over there this is an Evo from Soviet Union and this is a newer model anyway we'll head in that direction I'll get my backpack and stuff and see what's gonna happen but this is of course an awesome place in the middle of nowhere

these are they down there we have a group of guys and you can sort of like point out which oil companies they have been working for we have Rosneft and other other guys down there this guy is not the Rosneft guy in the black suit is Rosneft rose means russian something like this and let me try and be clear about things i'm doing this video here mostly for you guys and for sonia my parties are down there because as i said he's coming back to his Navy base pretty darn soon and I could bring him and his father here and many of you guys wanted to see some fishing and but for me it is definitely not super super interesting we have a bunch of guys down there right and for me it will be a pretty pretty darn difficult to record down the villages around here and villagers in most places they can use a very very colorful language and I am sure that the that kind of colorful language will not be appreciated

let's just say like that you can say it's like an art form I mean they can use really really bad language in like every second third fourth word in a very very it's like a Russian thing you Russians know what I mean yeah they can use extremely colorful language in yeah in ways I actually cannot explain really but my point here is that I really cannot recall anything among the guys down there I know a lot of these guys from the nearby village of course and but but it was out to this video any good because it will be the yeah the colorful Russian what a lot we cannot have that I'm not trying to be a snob here or anything but this kind of fishing here is simply not my kind of fishing it never have been it never will be just sitting on ten centimeters of ice and look into a hole in the ice to get some very very small fish out very small in my opinion anyway I mean it's just it's just a fishing sorry so a small Siberian log fire is imminent so let's see if they got anything in the in it one small fish yeah alright guys so before you move on and watch something else o go and do something awesome let me give you the full story or fill you in on the scenario here the fish that the guys were catching should be a little bit larger they were catching mostly perch most of the fish I saw the guy catch should been released again in my opinion but they didn't I didn't see them release one single fish and I don't know I don't know why is it whites like that's around here I mean maybe people are just or some people anyway I just disconnected from nature so to speak and I think that's gonna be the theme of this fishing trip here not specifically is my friend Sasha there anything but what I mean if you're through fish like this then what can you expect to get really right I mean it's of course a big area we are in here and they are just fishing in some spots very close to the logging role and so on so the fishermen the most likely have a good normal life where the rivers they run into the deep forest and so on but because the guys they never come

so yeah I don't know what's with this video other than yeah this is why I don't fish around here because yeah it's not really super interesting you can definitely fish for some wire around here that is a that is no problem cause there's a lot of fish but I think they spawn up here and run out into the larger rivers and stuff like that so guys I hope you found it interesting there's time to get moving with something else something more so I Russia like I think so yeah guys check the links in description please consider supporting the channel and the vehicle project and all that good stuff and it till next time get out of train get it done do something awesome and if you find catch some small fish don't be sure that you put them out back in the water again see you next video guys thank you for time

About the Author

Survival Russia

Survival Russia

The Survival Russia Channel is about "The Reality Of Survival". I live on a Homestead in far away Russian wild nature and here are no room for "TV" Survival. Only Reality counts here. Survival Russia promotes the philosophy of always carrying equipment and never to be parted from equipment which will affect chances of Survival. So did the old timers and pioneers of both the East and the West.

I'm Danish and I Live In Russia!!

Get Out and Train and Get it Done!

Regards, Lars

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