How to use a Woodburning Stove | TA Outdoors
Graeme from TA Outdoors shows you how to use a woodburning stove. He gives you tips on maintaining your wood stove and how to burn wood most efficiently. This is a great video for those who have just purchased a woodburning stove and are looking to get to know how to use it.
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Tags: Wood-burning Stove (Product Category),how to,burn,wood,efficiently,tips,maintaining,maintenance,graeme pullen,graham pullen,mike pullen,ta outdoors,the ta outdoors,totally awesome outdoors,totally awesome fishing,logs,log burner,wood burner,guide,outdoors
Video Transcription
welcome to the totally awesome outdoors show
now here are the UK there's one thing that I love about the outdoors in the winter when it's raining and windy and colder and that's coming yes indoors it's awfully well being out there but when you get cold you gotta cover and get warmed up how you gonna get warmed up well one of the best ways is with a not burning stove crying give you a few tips and pointers because for me I would never change from them they're great I've always had open fires once you change to a log burning stove I didn't think you'd ever go back now there are are typically many different types of stones around and very modern ones as well an extremely efficient this is a very small log burning stove because the problem is they are so efficient you will be tempted to have one three times the size of the fireplace if you're having a fireplace build as we did you've got plenty of space we could have gone wider but I was told we initially bought one they are fairly very efficient if you have on this too big it will actually overheat the room so something to be thinking about us a professional engineer who supplies log burning stoves the run it's always a lot of bonus though for your property and your initial room that you're gonna put in some properties might be lucky enough to have a couple in there different rules different areas of a house they are made of never cast iron metal they have a door with obviously heat resistant or less and a venting system some of them are different others this one's venting systems let air sucking at the top you can call it an accelerator it says throttle if you like the same as a car it's got a good locking cat and it has to be sealed around here in the inside it has this particular model starting vent all fires need oxygen to get started so that's a one eye open open it for one I initially liked it crank the throttle right down as you would do when you start a car I suppose if you want to go really fast and get wheel spin that's what I'm trying to do effectively with the fire get it burning hot get it burning quickly as soon as I get it going said say a minute two minutes with this I close this one okay and then this vent at the top here put it that way I show you can see opens a variable amount of oxygen into the fire and it burns extremely efficiently now what it also does if it's burning properly it actually burns the smoke it's much more efficient than coal now this vent at the top you can see is fully adjustable it allows different degrees of oxygen and air to get in there to burn so you can adjust it over here
and more important it's got a seal around here which I'm going to show you this is the seal it's like a rope it's almost it's almost like a very very soft rope and about every year and once a year sometimes twice a year we get more wear on the hinge side because that's the greatest pressure there you can you can just pull this all out peel it off go and buy some new rope it's not expensive it's not prob it's got to be the right rope I'm calling it rope I don't actually know what they call it that's it it's just like a coil of rope and you could glue it in there with a special adhesive close it like this tight and that seals in here and you go get any smoke or toxic chemicals coming into the room if it starts to get very loose that was a stressful hit with sort of three chords and way through the winter him the UK do is peel it out do it pour in 15-minute job that's all it takes then it all set and then it yeah basically it done you've got flaps here you can you could take out you can remove I actually go in there with my hand at the back roll your sleeve up because he's suit get yourself a dust mask and I can actually scoop out a lot of the soot in there at the end of the season end of the Burnett season it's also got blocks here like all these fire bricks now you hang it dual burning stoves some that will burn coal and will burn wood I didn't go for that I wanted because the coal makes a lot of smoke I wanted a silk efficient unit so I went totally for a log burning stove but here's the kicker they are not cheap to purchase they are not cheaper to have fitted you think I'll put it in any room no siree you can't put a knob burning stove in any room
there will be regulations in whichever country you were in of the slab you've got to burn it on the outside I mean this was the original open fire here so there's a natural chimney but the flu is sustainless special flu that goes up inside those alone Archie because they have to be totally sealed because there's always a fire hazard if you know you've got a totally a log cabin or something like that it's got to be done properly by professionals I would suggest if I paid 800 pounds for the stove it would cost me more than that for the flue liner and a certified installer to fit it properly and pass it as it has to be passed it's got to be sealed up but boy is it good what it does burn they are really one of the best features you can have in a house if you've got large rooms as well you got it's aesthetically pleasing just to watch a fire always like open fires anyway but the safety factor you I can't tell you how many rounds we burnt years ago not burnt on fire but probably damn near on fire burnt with bits of cola bits of wood spitting out on to the former hearth bouncing across there going and we all sit there watch the TV go there's somebody be making some toast or what Wow quick get the tongs the fire's on the floor doesn't happen it's all sealed in here everything stays inside the other thing is I'm not selling these I'm just trying to tell you what they like log burners those if you haven't had one being metal there take a while to heat up but once you get the fire going well with impossibly 20 minutes this is really really hot and radiating heat in its own right these reduces the carbon footprint from the original open fire by about 14% I mean that's a it's a lot also the amount of co2 it releases into the atmosphere is about they say the same as the tree absorbs as its grow so it should be sort of fairly balanced out and an open fire if it has an efficiency of say 10 to 20 percent whoa hang on I drop early install
knob burner has a heating efficiency of up to 85% in the UK they say that over a million households have now got these you know lot burning stoves but you need to get them swept I sweep mine about twice a year if we're burning our bad winter and it's worth doing I can do my myself because I have a single storybuilder let's go up on the roof and I got my own rods I can do it with if not getting a certified chimney sweep because the inside if you let it build up with creosote because you're burning wet wood or you know what you burn is important of course you're gonna get a tar build up you've got a fire hazard risk and I'm definitely a chimney sweep will tell you that so get it swept properly or do it yourself properly you know I wasn't going to replace that but I thought you know it's so cheap to get this sealing rope as I call it so I've been a pile or CD but let's take that out and fit it into any country cities here is the map is the place it pinches on that hinge there when it gets crushed motion it's just starting the fibers to break away there it's been used all winter
I'm still going to cut them in marks of winter to go sand I figured I'd I'd do it and I've got a couple of different adhesives here let's get the specs on these I don't tell you what they say about them they both like paint on ones so I'm going to clean this out and what I'm going to do is paint this on first in the groove there now you can't do it in one big piece you have to have a join me just sort of unfortunate there's just a pain to cut the end of this stuff but you see it's going to be a joy in some ways I'm going to follow the format I've got there this one's called stone throat fixing a decent I'm gonna give you the brand name that one you can just paint on with a brush there in fact probably who knows it's probably both the same stuff and this one is a high-temperature rope fixative
okay that's what it says here and it's telling me my goodness it goes up to 800 degrees there so basically this particular top again comes with a little brush you can see it there there's a little brush and what's like a sort of honey honey sticky consistency really that goes around the edge here you put it on and you give it whatever it tells you on the different makers tends about 15 minutes this one just let it tack off dry and then I close it and the heat from the door cured the rest and seals that and it absolutely goes nice and hard that gives you sort of a smoke tight seal I would guess that's what you would call that around there so that it sucks air through these fences on birds properly let's clean this out and don't gouge it out I'm going to use a really nice to do it as well get it out and clean up and then we were wait just teasing away by using a rounded no I'm not doubting anything it is cast anyway it's metal isn't it so I'm gonna do it too much damage cross as neat as possible all that surface off there comes off pretty easy as you can see the other thing you want to do if you get a residue of any glue there you don't want to tip it too much just get yourself a wire brush cold us I've run it down the channel there's a lot of wire brushes this shape ideal for the channel there you put a little mask on if you don't want dust in there and clean it right back to the metal but the glue will take better okay you got the end there which can sort of flare up a little bit on the fiber so get the cellar tape or scotch tape earthing some people call it just roll it around once snap it but just fold over just the tag in a tiny bit so that you don't lose it and have to fight for again pair of sharp scissors cut through the middle of the sellotape using the throat of the scissors mat say live one last french-speaking versions available then you don't get that fluffy end breaking up you get a nice neat end which can button nice and lead to the vertical we're gonna have to put in the end is gently carefully unroll tag into sellotape and you got a nice neat cut there to go across right let's get this on there and make sure you got enough to go round off the rope around the edge don't cut it till you get it right the way around and cut it at the end there start in the middle at the center at the bottom having put all the glue in there and just push this rope which is it seems oversized there's several different sizes of rope and that is two or three different sizes obviously depending on which country and what a lot burner you use it so make sure you get the right diameter rope you only to thin smoke will get in you don't get too thick you won't be able to shut the door and there's just push it in there nicely and I've kissed the rope the soaks up that special glue and then when the fine let's get it gets hot you actually mussel recur it be careful on the bends there you want to get it nice and neat and push it well in there so it's nice and tight in there slot there we go that's the perimeter done because she takes longer to put the glue on it does actually to push the rope in the gaps there are same principle at the end now I'm not too worried there if it doesn't lock a little bit cuz that's gonna bond I hope those two just like that here we go now just put the middle spark off set and that's really bitter wine really get a little gap like that I'm just gonna bond some glue over the top of it just push it down with the north so pull some of the fibers together you can see that's all in place here now and it just makes life a lot easier it's all sealed up just let it dry off and the fire will cure the rest so what exactly would you think of burning in a lot burning stuff yes you think of burning wood do not burn anything like rubbish garbage plastic anything but a little bit of newspapers justice
it with you cannot burn rubbish in there you cannot burn coal in there it's a log burning stove you cannot burn green wood which will make smoke smoke makes creosote creosote lines the inside of the flue the end of the flue gets tired up potential fire hazard it will be inside the flue naturally but you don't need it don't burn it obviously anything plastically at all nothing flammable because again big problems it's called a wood-burning stove or not burning stove for the simple reason it burns locks it burns wood now of that would do not use them wood again an inefficient working fire it's just if you've got 50 percent moisture analog if working a 50 percent less efficiency that's how I see it you don't want it you want it growing now they say leave your wood seasoned and dry for one and a half years well that's a long time I work on the principle and I do have a system apply my own wood as well you can use pallet wood providing it's dry but you've got to keep it dry you can't use stain and treated woods because they could have the toxic chemicals in them as well you just want plain simple pallet wood like this one like pallet wood cheap free except I'm putting a bit of a carbon footprint down on time we're using an electric saw to cut it out with but I believe the kilowatts that I burn and save on the fire far outweighs two kilowatts that I use or partial kilowatts using money the reciprocal sort of cut it up with so pallet wood nice and dry if you can get it free ask first probably one of the best you can get these the actual block from the pallet blocks are brilliant if you can line two or three of those up in there they almost look like coal blocks really you can also get a wood pellet you can some countries actually have just wood pellets you know that they've they make specifically for log burning wood burning stoves you've got trees obviously which you've defined some logs don't use rotten wood don't some fallen ones okay but you know generally if you tap it together yourself that's nice if it's a dull sound it's putting
water in it noise sharp sound that's good to do good to burn down wanted to is out the shed I think you have to show you I keep two heaps we got a bit of ground round us we got trees we get false we have to do trimming ourselves with the trees I split these logs down I put them on one side for one year and I will not touch those till the next year I'll show you outside and you can actually see the difference between same this year's logs and almost one and a half years logs they certainly burn better they no question the Quran you keep the wood the better the burn the better the fire less smoke more heed and let's face it it's been outdoors all day enjoy yourself you want to come in right next stop how do you actually get it started
you'd think it'd be easy it is when you know how best way light log burner yes all Murray newspaper not glossy magazines or Christmas wrapping paper slippery paper cardboard playing newspaper do not pull it up tight like that it won't be able to grab the oxygen it won't burn it won't get started properly just screw it up into the loose balls and nestled up down to make yourself don't pack it okay what I thought says I told you're looking for then you want a layer of kindling wood which could be Palace cut down thin small so the oxygen can get around those strips of wood have get them burning to give you that starting point and do you think kindling wood I've already split down here you can buy you can buy a course you to buy it obviously you anything of an outdoors person you're going to be doing it yourself there's the light a bed of kings we're over the top gain has to be very very dry to get the quickest pawn get it straight away just layer it I just like to leave a little bit sticking out like that that's more than that you don't need a lot to get these going and then a layer or thin pallet wood I don't use a lot straightaway initial rest it over the top like this the idea is not to have it smoldery you want it to burn the faster it burns quickly you get the heat and this one should be away did not use anything on there except paper and wood only because I've licked obviously 7000 fires in my lifetime the charges are because I'm filming this one it won't like where I do is trying to light two or three paces along here as quickly as I can so they're all going I don't actually just sit and watch it I close the door quickly open one main air vent the starting bent at the bottom open the vents at the top and let it do something because I ever shut that those planes will start to suck oxygen from the bottom and that will create the burn at the top yeah if it does well it's going to be smoldering I personally is just leaving it out just forget it for the night you can have a room full of smoke otherwise you can also if you want to get it going use some bellows here you know where use it sucks air in through the vent at the back you still buy these this is a very old pair iPad air goes in through there comes out through here I've actually put a copper nozzle on flatten it so that I can get in there and get those going on obviously sometimes it does go down you go and answer the phone you come back it's down I put some wood on I'll actually open this later and I can get it going slowly by Fanning through here okay so that's another little tip for you my grandmother I think first taught me about bellows she had a very good pair of bellows herself it was called my grandfather
let's get this started see if it will take don't use any accelerants or anything in these log burners it's just dangerous dangerous dangerous right it's going to seconds shut the door you can see these flames immediately start to affect I can hear I can hear a little roll as it starts to go that's gonna far away that should take within 10 minutes the important thing is to let that first burn take hold of the kindling wood once the kindling wood catches hold it'll gradually eat its way up into the slightly bigger pieces of palpable but it's got to be dry and it won't be long before all that wood is burning and as you can see there it's orange in the end of us it's white on the wood you can start putting logs are there you can see red glowing embers you can see the white ash the wood pores are the flames and you can see a clean burn a nice clean burn and that's exactly what you should have if your lot burner is working properly unless some people the secret to having a good log burner is to have good locks I clean them out in the store I'll keep this will be this heap here you're looking at now that is this year's Cup and that's gonna stay there for exactly a year so it grows out its rid of it any moisture whatsoever that I will not use until the following year on the other side I keep is what I've been using from well 18 months ago so on the right hand side there you can see you beat a job to tell the difference the right hand side is that you would the left hand side is aged over a year old I also keep my pallet with sacks in another shed then I can put those in plastic sacks because the pallet wood is all cured is being around for years and how that's obviously something all dried out no chemicals and no paints and those stains no nothing plain pallet wood but do not put wet panel wood in these sacks they will just rot they will just stay down they will not go properly and of course keep your kindling wood growing in the same shed in the same log store so there you go I hope you guys have learned something there you know if you've never had a lot better before it's aesthetically pleasing a lot burner throws up a totally different type of warm heat to any other appliance is natural it's a clean burn once you use one I don't think you never turn back you
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TA Outdoors
Bushcraft, Wild Camping, Wilderness Hiking Trips, Solo Overnight Camps, Shooting, Hunting and Backpacking. My dog joins me on some of the trips. His name is Jaxx.
My name is Mike. And I'm addicted to adventure...
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- First Night Camping on the Roof of my Truck
- Building an Off Grid Cabin using Free Pallet Wood: A Wilderness Project
- Solo Overnight Camp in the Mountains (Truck Camping) - Lake District Adventure | Ep.2
- Pallet Wood Cabin in the Woods: Raised Vegetable Bed for Spring Garden at The Off Grid Cabin
- Camping in a River Valley - The Rain is HERE! | Ep 3
- Bushcraft Camp Update 14 - Tunnel, Fire Pit Upgrade, Blacksmithing, Wood Mallet Carving
- Taking my Wife and Dog to The Bushcraft Camp - Merch Release
- Bushcraft Camp - Solo Overnight in the Super Shelter, Axe, Campfire, Lean to Shelter
- How to Prepare a Deer for Food | Survival Skills | Bushcraft | Wild Meat | Wilderness Living
- Solo Overnight Hammock Camping - Bushcraft, Foraging for Wild Food to Eat
- Pallet Wood Cabin in the Woods - The Last Unboxing Video
- Primitive Log Cabin in the Woods - Moss Roof | Overnight Camp
- Bushcraft Camp with My Dog - Slingshot, Axe, Knife, Bowdrill Fire, Hunting Tower
- Overnight Bushcraft Trip - Camping in a Debris Shelter - Cooking Wild Meat on Open Fire
- Fishing for GIANT CATFISH - New UK PB!
- Bushcraft Skills - Axe & Knife Skills, Camp Setup, Fire (Overnight Camping)
- 3 Days Learning Bushcraft & Survival Skills
- 4 Day Camping Trip in the Mountains - Lake District Wild Camping Adventure | Ep 1
- Building a Dog House Shelter at the Bushcraft Camp (Part 1)
- Catch n Cook with FREE HOMEMADE CHARCOAL| Pan Fried Fish - FRESH CATCH!
- Bushcraft Camp Update 15 - Wood Frame Roof Build (Super Shelter)
- Gorilla Tape Shelter Build With My Dog | Survival Challenge | Bushcraft Camp
- Catch and Cook BIG TROUT {GRAPHIC} GUT, CLEAN & FILLET | Cook on a STICK
- Bushcraft Day Camp in the Woods with a Canvas Poncho Tent
- Bushcraft & Fishing - Catch and Cook, Fillet, Clean Fish at The Bushcraft Shelter
- Solo Camping 24hrs Alone Overnight on the Coast - A Solo Adventure
- Build a Tiki Bar from Recycled Pallet Wood - Off Grid Project
- Leatherwork for Beginners - Basic Skills (Tutorial)
- Off Grid Cabin - Building a Free Pallet Wood Outhouse in the Woods
- Off Grid Cabin in the Forest - Roast Chestnuts, Woodstove (Camp in the Woods)
- Bushcraft Camp - Destroying Structures ready for Wood Roof Shelter Build
- Cave Camping: Cooking Snails, Fish, Wild Plants, Fire (Survival)
- Camping in the Woods like ROBIN HOOD - Military Poncho Tent
- Her First Time at the Cabin: Woodstove Cooking (Off Grid Pallet Wood Cabin)
- Make a Leather Tinder Pouch | Bushcraft Kit (Tutorial)
- Off Grid Pallet Wood Homestead Build - Pallet Wood Projects at The Cabin
- 2 Day Bushcraft Camp with a Dog - Deer Hide Beds, Camp Fire Cooking (Forest Camping)
- Bushcraft Camp Update 16 - Thermal Shelter Upgrade (Survival)
- Make a Survival Zip Pull from Paracord (Tutorial)
- 3 Day Camp in the Woods - Bushcraft Shelter, Dog, Wool Blanket (STORM FORCE WINDS)
- Solo Bushcraft Overnight - Swedish Axe, Canvas Lavvu, Wool Blanket
- Saving Our Off Grid Cabin in the Woods (TOTAL RE-BUILD)
- Bushcraft Camp with my Dog - T-Bone Steak on the Camp Fire (SHOW US YOUR STEAK CHALLENGE)
- Cooking at the Off Grid Cabin in the Woods - Woodstove, Firepit (WINTER PREPARATION)
- Camping in a Debris Shelter (Bushcraft) - Lanterns, Log Bench, Deer Hide Beds
- Bushcraft Camp Update 17 - Stone Fire Pit, Cooking, Knife Sharpening (SPIDERS)
- Camping Overnight at The Bushcraft Camp & Off Grid Cabin in the Woods
- Bushcraft - Duck, Flint and Steel, Traditional Gear (Field Sports)
- 20 Minute Bushcraft Shelter (REAL TIME)
- Bushcraft Camp with a Subscriber - Deer Meat, Axe, Knife, Camp Food
- Bushcraft Camp: Full Super Shelter Tour (Tower, Ladder, Shelter, Roof, Log Store, Raised Bed)
- Off Grid Log Cabin with Moss Roof - Cruck Frame Shelter (Overnight Camp)
- Goodbye Bushcraft Camp. WE ARE DONE.
- 2 Day Bushcraft Camp in a Tipi Shelter - Woodstove, Deer Hides, Axe (Camp Craft)