Natural Tinders -Mantis Outdoors


Natural tinder is free and can be collected in any season in this video i shown how to collect bass wood inner bark to be used for tinder

Tags: survival,bushcraft,woodcraft,survival kit,outdoors,knife,camping,gear,primitive,skills,mantis outdoors,preparedmind101,william myers,family,education,preparedness,wilderness,woods,Nature (TV Genre),Survival (Multipart TV Episode),Survival Skills (TV Genre),Natural,Tinder

Video Transcription

hey how you guys doing this William Myers mass outdoors got a little bit of a video of opportunity for you guys today i want to show you some natural tenders so don't go away alright so what we got down here in front of us right now is a poplar of sorts and the the family of poplar and when I say popular people will automatically think tulip poplar tulip poplar actually isn't a poplar so Magnolia family it's a tulip tree this is in the popular family this is either I'm pretty sure this is a basswood it could be no this is about what it's not a common way this is basswood and the good thing about this basswood is these rotten did write it out stumps right here we peel all this away and from this bark here call that witches butter off you can take and strip it the inner bark out and this would make pretty good cordage a little dead and you have to work at it a little bit make it a little thicker but it would still make pretty good cordage and this is where this is what you want right here is that that inner bark of that poplar that basswood and what we need to do is we're going to collect a bunch of this stuff we're going to process it down show you what it takes to process down and then when we show us hitting it with a foul rod and show you guys just how good this as a natural tender is too wet get over to the south side of the street funguses are growing yeah this is just pretty good tip if you uh you know obviously we carry things in our packs to help us out as far as fire goes to look at but you know with natural tenders we can make that stuff stretch and we could actually I come home most the time with all the tender than I pack still in my bag because I just don't use it there's enough natural stuff out there like whatever fire I need let's say that's enough for a demonstration if I was actually one of a lot of fire I'd want to probably double that but this is enough just for demonstration and we're just going start processing this down shredding it up real good actually the amount of that I have your pretty decent get a good fire going

just get that stuff process down and the more that you do this the better your chances are going to be of getting a spark to bring this to combustion busting up this and getting all the fibers exposed opening up that surface area is what's going to take a spark you know you can't just strip this from the tree lay it down throw spark honor expect to have success it's not how it works you have to work you got to work a little bit and the more you work at it the better your chances are alright so we put this tinder bundle up on the top of the stump here just to show you guys and just with this Ferro rod go see what we get here got a kind of baby at first I good there we go guys didn't go on the first right but it went it's the only important thing

right now at this time should be piling stuff on top of this really really pencil thin stuff pencil that then stuff get it going then progress through fire from there

you know like I said knowing natural tenders just makes the stuff that you pack stretch out that much further when you really need it alright guys well like I said this is just a really quick video I want to show you guys another natural tender and I like showing natural tenders like teaching people natural tenders because I said several times this video is just going to allow you to stretch out the materials that you bring with you in your bags and things like that you know if you could start a fire from something that you get for free off the landscape that just means that the cotton balls and vaseline or the mini infernos or what have you that you bring with you even birch bark at you pack with you is just going to stretch that much further and you're going to go that much further with those materials that you pack

About the Author

William Myers MantisOutdoors

William Myers MantisOutdoors

Modern and primitive skills, fun in the woods and product reviews

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