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Making a Wine Rack from Free Pallet Wood, Cheap and Easy! | TA Outdoors


You can use pallet wood to make almost anything nowdays. Graeme shows you how to make a wine rack from free, reclaimed pallet wood. It's simple and easy to make with very minimal effort required. The first step you need to take is to strip down your pallet so that you can use the individual strips of wood. Check out our video here on how to do this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N08dJ3pWtgM From there it's a very simple and quick process to making an authentic looking wine rack! We hope you enjoy the video and be sure to check out our other Pallet wood creations.


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Tags: Wine Rack,Pallet,Wood (Visual Art Medium),How-to (Website Category),pallet wood,free,simple,cheap,easy,reclaimed,wood,fast,quick,save money,diy,make your own,make yourself

Video Transcription

welcome to the totally awesome outdoor show in this little episode what am I gonna make for you I'm doing two weeks on the other pilot would occur to try and make a nice wine rack now I'm going to tell you how to strip down part she's looking out to do some outdoor show on the only buns but how to make picket fence Incheon massive massive hundreds of thousands of hits tells you how to take Palace to pieces get some nice pallet wood or the clean pass or clean about yourself now what am I using I'm going to be using side panels and little uses shelves you think the slide those bottles of wine on well I'm going to make this told that you would imagine I'm going to make it out of this pallet wood here I'm going to make it 38 inches long

now I pre-cut this I think you need to feel how to sort would up I've made two of those that's one side you can imagine obviously the same the other side and my spaces in between here are going to go like this so you think how earth is he going to balance wood on there those are what the measurement the measurement of the crossbar supports I will place it with an oculus on my face thirteen and a half inches if you can imagine that's the rack on your do a front and the back on that two sides can call it a shelf but yeah then we're going to put them on we've all seen those those boxes you know that crisscross like this just apply that's easy that's old-school I'm talking really based on cooking frontier stuff I'm talking about making them out of gutter ring yessiree a piece of cutlery I'm gonna find a bottle down here oh dear just happened to be empty it was nothing to do with me speak to my wife about this a wine bottle a piece of standard four which one country oMG does that not fit perfect that's we're going to make it in I'm going to cut those up these are all pre-cut ready she's got the measure of sense 38 inches for the sides 13 and 1/2 inches for the inserts and over that top which is my pH 2 resistance it's a little bit longer it's going to go over the top and on that I'm going to make something secret I'm not telling you later

where I am going to show you is a way as a lot of cuts in here is an easier way started very slightly is your way then hand sawing using a reciprocal saw which is the one with a long blade goes back some 43 fast and electric power tool you can get them with cordless ones we can get them cord over cordless and accorded I'm going to be using the corded plugged in to the wire so when you see the National good dim with your lights go dim you'll know that Graham is making something else out of pallet wood right here's the tip for saw inward okay so we all know the difference I'm we're singing off the same hymn sheet this is a regular handsaw which is very good for straight cuts because it's very broad across here providing your arm is nice and straight and in line it's labor-intensive in contrast to which we have the power tool which is not so labor-intensive in fact it's a labor saving device but with these blades okay you can see we can bend around boulders with these if you try and cut straight with these immediately it tends to chew and kick off the wood a little bit so what I do is this now here on this piece of scrap wood there's any piece of scrap what I've locked up in my set square I could cut that straight away with this but I'll show you what happens generally trying to get the star to the cut you'll just see a slight wobble now once all these here I'm a wave because you'll just mess up the edge with the blades trying to catch so to get around that what I do is I just put a groove in this with that handsaw just at the top that's all it takes it gets it started and then this time I'll put the earphones on when I line the blade up obviously not going through the chair the bench or any won't work top it should go straight through much cleaner now another tip it can be very tempted to go through vertically like that but what will happen is this blade will wander all over the place and you'll end up with what we call in England a donkey's hind leg like that a curve so the way I do it is I start on the tip there but then I lower it down gently just the weight of the blade on there so the blade gives me a straight cut there and that follows itself all the way down I'm going to put the earphones on the defenders and show you how me

there you can see I've already got a nice straight line and I can follow that all the way through keeping the blade not vertical but slightly lower and drawing it towards me don't force it that you can see is a quick way of doing it it's a little tip but I've got another one for you I'm going to be may hint my channels for resting the bottle and as I showed you of an old piece of garbage two old pieces of guttering I've found I've washed and cleaned it all up so it's nice and clean and ready to soar I'm going to saw it that way up but it's very slippy with a saw also no chance with the reciprocal it's going to be all over the place not so good with a handsaw you want a tenon saw and I'm going to use a tensor on it but I'm also going to put a little nothing like a template to hold it I'll show you what I mean little block of wood either side so it doesn't slip it's plastic so it's very easy when I show you all right I got some scrap pieces of pallet wood I've now them in but not buried the nail so I can always get them out get up on one and I've made this little like a mini guide sliver and you just pop your plastic grain pipe in there like that just all to the back and that stops it if I didn't do this it would be wobbly all around like this what I'm sorry skip plastic so this at least gives you something to grasp and here we have your tenon saw which is a fine blade e1 and should cut through the plastic easier and keep it nice and straight there's my grip nice and slow or do they tend to go around that curve first and then back around this way Justin what I do it rather than get the blade caught here and here because as you get those last two support bits they can be a bit tricky again dub for source or otherwise you will crack the plastic the other ones done of course that's the size I want you merely slide it forward your your little support their lineup the same as the other one and then you've got your your mark just their little cut you're ready to do it slide it to the end and saw again it makes life easy now when you've got the drainpipes done you're going to find it on rough edges around there get yourself a narrow piece of wood a circular piece of wood we better but this would be the same thing wrap it in the fan paper like this I guess rubble closed round edges take the edge off the plastic and you'll find it's nice and smooth once negative so Chloe anything like that it's easy to do worth doing trust me makes up a lot easy to get spiked really do that in all these bits of plastic and a few bits of wood I would do the same you got some wood like this you can either and you saw a cut rough edges take off at a sham for very slight chance with either a rasp like this or coarse grade sandpaper a wider broccoli just going away gently clean it with now we're going to do everything together

sides bases tops and guttering yes guttering bottom supports I think I would start building a mainframe right I've got my two sides which are held together by these supports here with screws that don't come through the other side I could glue it no need to I think the screws will hold it then I'm putting the base on here but I'm pre drilling the holes here because being near the edge of the wood it helps them stop - sir you only go through the top piece it basically just stops the wood splitting when you near the end of edge of any piece of wood more than about half an inch except hard wood you can go through that seem to be okay and then just send the screws in line it all up that's one set your torque control however you want for soft wood that's that done that's the base I'll turn it back up the other way and fit the top one'd provisionally I'm starting to screw the top in with my screws here but I've only put two here because I'm going to try and cut in here now I don't know whether you can see there I've made a pencil mark this is the secret I'm going to make here I'm going to come in there to Midway we're going to make a hole just like this with a bit of a wider drill bit slow speed because I've only got a couple of screws supporting it and then we're going to draw a pencil right either side of that listen not very wide not much wider than that hole out there either side just cut that channel out there I've cut the channel out but you're going to find it fiddly the sandpaper so I get a screwdriver cut a piece of coarse sandpaper roll it right around like that and you can get right in that circle save those loose pieces up you can see the slaughter cut there you wonder what it's for in it for oh yes a nice place to hang some glasses right next to the wine going to get two or three in here I should think and I can make it wider if I wanted to but this is just a basic one you know if you're in a small one or two bedroom apartment one or two people you're going to barely drink out more than one glass so you can get several in there we work our way along here and then we start putting the shelf in

right they're going to start making the actual bottle racks so I've got my two pre-cut shelves there and I'll go to put one two three of the bottle racks made from the Guthrie just equidistant front and back it doesn't matter really I can move them up and down this piece of timber I could bring it for Lashley at the front it might look a little bit better flush at the front and I'm going to screw those with very small screws it's only going to be healthy position dead central but I'm going to have to drill first the money thing is drilling first because otherwise you're going to try and go through there and the plastic will will cracks on there right in the middle just pop it through there let's aim at the back this was all square and then just a small screw that you use people any small screen just to locate these and nothing too big again otherwise it is going to crack it let's dry this one just locate the screw in the hole come back on the talked on the scored us that's it that one's got nice and firm just making sure is always asked we're going to drop when they're back here when I'm actually going to mate enough for 12 bottles of wine which I feel is enough and that's about just that's what you called it tight fit I barely need to screw that but what you're going to do doing it this way you go down now before you screw anything like this I'll show you like the height of the glass the bottom is probably going to touch it so I want it a little bit lower just move it down gradually why do you tap the plastic and you also want it to that slightly as an angle just like this so the bottles on our resting back and don't tip out I'm still going to put a backplate on there as well

so I'm just putting the screws in here on the last couple of shelves I've got one two three four three three forward if you'll go to school three four to twelve so that's all ready to go I just need to put a strut across about here which stops the bottles sliding out I'm going to pin one there two three four and I've got something left I've got to do something when I get that chicks on my hand I get all our teeth okay that's every one of the bats they're supports that stops the bottle sliding out in obviously it reassures the sides of this it's very very strong now I've got one more final piece I want to do to make it look possibly the best homemade wine rack on YouTube there we go I took a little bit of Philip I told you it's dangerous if I got hold of that jigsaw of my artistic talent a little bit of shape at the bottom storage area there or heavy or tarnish solid wood but at the top lovely beautiful going to shape in there made with the curves wait for this from a Paint Pot and that shape there I just probably needed something in the back I could prohibit down here but I didn't want it interfere with those glasses that hang there and I'll use that believe it on using the round curved edge and the coke pot across the top marking either side reversing the paint pot no no upside down for now reversing the angle from the base so it curves away they're running around the jig saw sand it all I'm going to do is sand the rest of this do I paint it do a shabby-chic hit dry varnish it joy stain it is all solid wood all pallet wood scrap pallet wood and scrap guttering like gray pod cutter I just got to think about a bit maybe I should have a glass of wine before I decide what I'm going to do they color wise what a finish stand into the garage is in the house now who on earth would have thought you could turn this into one of these this is what about to turn this into just in the confines of my carriage without huge lathes huge expensive thousands of dollars worth of machinery just the regular sort of power drills cog less stuff DIY that most of you guys ain't work bang goes a lot of girls happen as well good deal I want that could possibly make something like this and listen you don't have to follow this pattern you can make it wider put a banking class but I like its tall and narrow if you've got a small apartment it small two-bedroom house something like that this might be ideal for your kitchen even your lounge area make your barn area really pleased whether they wear this color the stain is taken up if your that is is decking stain leftover but it's kind of a really nice color and of course by keeping this wine here not only do I get to put the water levels in there wide enough should you so have the finance to put champagne in as well and all your other rooms right down the bottom here you've got a gap they install stuff is where you put napkins serviette where you're down there glasses come out you see I'm Stephanie saying that's the best one made on YouTube out of pallet wood and more important you know the same here will be totally awesome outdoor show is free but not with the drinks and glasses that's my wife's department you

About the Author

TA Outdoors

TA Outdoors

Bushcraft, Wild Camping, Wilderness Hiking Trips, Solo Overnight Camps, Shooting, Hunting and Backpacking. My dog joins me on some of the trips. His name is Jaxx.

My name is Mike. And I'm addicted to adventure...

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