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How to cook fish - Awesome Curry Cod | TA Outdoors


Graeme Pullen shows you how he cooks fish! He also shows you catching the cod, gutting and filleting it and then preparing the dish. Curried cod is a tasty dish, it's also pretty simple and easy to make!

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Tags: Cod (Organism Classification),Curry (Food),Fish (Animal),Fishing,Cooking,kitchen,dish,chef,simple,easy,cooking tips,How-to (Website Category),Cook (Profession),Recipe,simple fish recipe,fish recipe,curry fish,fish curry,ta outdoors,totally awesome outdoors,tafishing,totally awesome fishing,graeme pullen,graham pullen,mike pullen

Video Transcription

now a lot of you guys out there especially see Angus I love eating the fish they catch but maybe that ladies in the family don't i'm cooking them because when they come in from fishing they're just dumb between a big fish there's not being gadget not be clean not being fitted and i love when we go I don't like it it's looking at me now you can turn them that the fish is stone dead and he can't see anything through the eye because he's had its head caved in with a big stick but for some reason with Mako is looking at me is watching me with it I now guys put your foot down don't take any nonsense you've been out there you've invested that Manny time in trying to catch the fish you should be able to cook it but you might have to do it yourself so what's the first step now what I know about cooking could be written on the back of postage stamp but I'm living testament to the fact that the stuff a Dooku will actually loose oh my god now think of it you're out in the desert you up a mountain you're in a jungle they don't put some salt and pepper I don't know it's a bit too much cumin in it no they don't do they you cook food to eat and that's what I do I enjoy it in fish not a great fish HD but I do enjoy eating fish and this is one we're going to show you but I cuz the first bit of a problem we've got to catch it good excuse to get that fishing boat out hi-c drifter here we come so when you getting your card the first thing you want to do is gut it as soon as you can because what goes off in the most patient it's not the meat of the fish that goes off later it's the guts to go off and they turn the meat bag so you get yourself a nice Cod coddling whatever you can there are winter and the summer species around the British Coast primarily a winter salt species hence the wrapped up gear but this is a prime eating cock there let's have nice fish story and I'm just gonna cut it here get it in the call box here what's not cool box is freezing this is this is the call box what I'm sitting it right here a whole complete Universal call box we're gonna get this cutting the temperature only double keep it fresh then we get back in the kitchen and I'll show you how I'm gonna cook it now the first thing you need to do is to cut that cord as quick as you can really go in through the vent as you can see little hole under the stomach there and always try if you can to use the point of the knife and gradually cut away from me up towards the head then I turn it over flip it over or just like to clear that back end of the vent their just just a nick of an inch or so they're also like we're big fish to cut the stomach sack here and squeeze out the contents and those of it as a squeamish disposition turn away now and there it is look at that all fish but now allah s don't they know you don't know well that isn't that content being feeding on well let me wash it off and i'll show you it is in fact i believe a small spider crab i think just got the one claw their base shows you that that cod was on the bottom on the seabed feeding on the bottle for craps see you strip out and cut out the rest of the guts get rid of every last little bit there because as i said earlier it is the guts the tender fish off washington see Walter did not wash out some s3 somewhere in a marina submarine is bad it from cleaning fishing marinas but you don't leave any oil or petrol pollutions from any outboards it on their fish put it in the fish box you're ready to get home here we are back in that 70 or some kitchen and we have with us a good friend code the code now because you're going to do is I'm going to fill it that already cleaned it for showed you on the boat it's been in the fridge overnight now you want a shot of you have a Philippine knife or if you've only got kitchen knives some of them you can sharpen this because anybody knows if my grandmother's is called a steel and there's lots of little following ridges along there and you can sharpen the blades I going crossways it possibly sort of old-school way sharpness you can also use one of those special sharpening tools that they draw the blade right through or indeed you can even show up in love with to do or we call a whetstone water just sharpen on the stone I'll give it a touch over this because basically is being used on a lot of fish I've been used are any people yet okay from the start to fill it going to cut it just run the pack here up around the front of the pitbull fin and just start running the play gently along the backbone just so you can feed it will get these phillips off and then we'll show you the next phase well I've got to noise Phillips take it off this club down here as you can see not as villains now going to trim those both up and you would think don't let in the rubbish but hey hang on i'm a shark fisherman that goes in the freezer and that gets chopped up and mashed up with all my other leftover fish and when the summer comes around we go and kick some very big sharks but we don't get those in the frying pan they will it take a release I'll show you how to take the skin off this fill it next I can easiest way to do it with Philip it's a nice flat board cutting board like this and then went over the side actually you start a little cut there and tagged in and you basically just barely barely get the cut going and then when you got enough skin to grip keep the blade very very flat that's what a nice broad blades you know a nice fat blade we're going to call that broad blade and just slide the skin with the knife and that should all come off and make a totally skinless fill it voila there's a scheme I don't actually use that for shark fishing and there as you can see it's all cleaned up so we do the other one just run that off and then we can put what season we want on there and as I say I think this one I'm going to try a mile a mile carryin on of harry potter tell you wat on fish it has been a boom to me is really giving it a nice taste it will make you want to go and catch more fish and that really what cooking fish is pulled it out there we go how easy was that skin to come off I'm just going to trim up these and then they're ready for the seasoning you can get tweezers and pull these bones out like that we just trim the edges might look a bit raggedy but trust me is still going to be eaten in it have a wash up little trim these just get it on the plate wash it off it's all been washing that fresh seawater anyway there we go and then once you train this play top like this you can just draw the fish on some paper but I want to leave a little bit moist so that I get rather than even sprinkling of curry powder on there I want to get rid of concentrates on it so that you get a real time when you get a mouthful of the the cod with the color unit right weirdly ready put the carry on their medium curry I'm not really a hot curry lover but something with little bit of Tang on so we're going to get some of this down here and just wait you just shake it out like this I just rolled it with the tip of your fingers along here like this tap it out now there's nothing artistic about this you know it's got a bit of everything in this got coriander zits got cumin the onion salt chilli powder it's got everything in there but you know you can put everything's got clothes peckers bay leaves cinnamon real mixture just get it all over now push it really hard that is what i found i did this with mike scott he called the last time we were out and I really gave it a good basting pasting bashing and pummeling with his powder and it was excellent now you can see some people coat them in egg don't see the need for that wanna I want to get the curry taste in there and bear in mind this is a mom so it's not going to we're not going to set your life all you've done this one so I know what it's like and you can get various types of calories no doubt some people actually do logic quite hot but I think with their fish you want to get a balance right append via a light to a medium how he would be about best for Christmas God you don't really saw a bit of a delicate flavor so with it we've got those right out there already for the frying pan now we have patience now this is going to consist I'll go with a nice peas in there and they're totally awesome how we're doing it so taper taped it i'll show you how we're going to do it okay for making these so type of taters my way I'm going to be using these Albert Bartlett now these are roasting potatoes they actually come for more they grown in Aberdeen shirt so they're what I consider as a southern and where I live that these are well-travelled potatoes you're going to hit traveling in a minute they're giving it peeled like this and they get a triple straight into the frying pan so you just peel them and cut them about the size i would suggest golf ball size but you wouldn't want to be taking a 9-iron to any of these solid pieces of potato which they be flying off in all directions there you're going to have to just sort poorly or anything for 25 minutes to precook them so i'm going to get these on because it doesn't take longer than we're going to fry them now I was always told my grandmother told me always put salt in the water just a little pinch like this and don't forget all those Chevy people out they won't like it but take a pinch cuz it could be bad like a throw the rest over your shoulder and it must be I understand it the right hand over the left shoulder far sorry about that that apparently makes the boiling temperature of the water hotter when you put salt in it will see that that's bubbling away their get it really boiling then we drop those potatoes in there just going to keep them safe for 25 minutes just a part cook them well that's well on the portal now so carefully take the lid off and watch the steam when it comes up i'm at the frying pan just put them in very slowly do not throw them in from a great height because you were splash boiling water over yourself there we go now we're going to time that and give them approximately four to five minutes just a park with them potatoes win on the boil time is of the essence here I put some virgin olive oil into one of the frying pans for the fish and over here the other frying pan for the South Asia we don't want to put them in the same pan together we'll try and keep them separate wasn't have curry potatoes and we really now p you can either put them in a saucepan for the alleged boiling time and cemetery then it says on the packet we can cheap can see microwave put them in a pyrex dish with a lid on and it's exactly what I'm going to do is I'm light speed remember fish cooks quickly you need to get things plated up quickly and this is an easy way to do it okay get those keys ready gonna put in enough there as many as you want I should be enough to subscribe and on top of that i'm just going to cover those with some water so when you first put them in they refreeze with the water because obviously come out the free so don't worry they'll all melt when they go into the microwave put the lid on and give them five minutes in the microwave for power and they can be going in now and with check out let's see what they've potatoes like okay i think there's a dance I'm going to pour them to drain them off through the columnar now you're obviously not going to slice those up whoo that's what you call steam they're going to be hot so we're going to stand those just let them cool off a second until we can slice up and we're going to fry them now I'm just going to hold this because it's still hot with a fork and I can just cut this don't go too thin with them because they will break up in the front I'm not honestly it really does it matter it's not presentation we're doing cooking here I'll are fishermen when you want something to eat these are now ready to go into the frying pan so we get the oil up get the fish ready get this about five minutes and the physical property to only take property four minutes so we start these first and then we're just going to slide easy make sure each one has a little bit of pan to itself pick a bit to start with I either drop the tray or just hope them quickly that's what I like this is getting a bit of a coaching / and then put a lid on them and that stops at spitting all over the place and you got a tiny to the hole here and that's your excess steam come out there that's the best way to do it I phones with the lid doesn't spit everywhere so you have less of a cleaning job there we go those are those are browning nicely so you can use a spatula we can use a pair Tom's like I do wherever you find the easiest to keep turning them and get them golden brown and they've absorbed a lot of that oil there they won't take long now let's get that fish on the go whether we go and so let's go well here goes our courage todd phillips the main thing if you've watched any of another cooking programs with wayne combo the main thing wayne instabilities put them in and do not mess with him fish Phillips break up easily we're going to give them a couple of three minutes on that side and then turn them over to the other side hit the peas in the microwave warm up plate through the oven we're all ready to go and hopefully is to make a nice tasty dish

right reddiquette oh they're going to use a SAT through the best possible here Jesus and the break this one unfortunately straight over the other side in fact let's cut that one in half see ya / it goes don't worry about this rake it up if it's all that Tori's in there you're not see different presentation with dealings with food that's eating with fish always just put the other than low and just move those plates because fishes don't always we're going cold clicking on the way right now final stage is ready to put it on the plates and get it straight on the table well there we go fishing on the plate so please are there automate is just to those peas in their artistic talent that should appear in the Tate Gallery I assure you that will be very very tasty and of course I don't do a lot of seasoning other than a curry for anything else you just sort of have a season to taste enjoy is curried cod and the next thing I want to do yes obviously want to eat that get out on my boat I see drifter and catch another one enjoy it guys keep watching the totally awesome fishing show cook resection and the catching section and the totally Alton awesome outdoor show you

About the Author

TA Outdoors

TA Outdoors

Bushcraft, Wild Camping, Wilderness Hiking Trips, Solo Overnight Camps, Shooting, Hunting and Backpacking. My dog joins me on some of the trips. His name is Jaxx.

My name is Mike. And I'm addicted to adventure...

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