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Hiking in the Rain with my Dog - Warm Fire, Knife Work and Coffee at The Bushcraft Camp


I head out on a long hike with my Dog Jaxx. After the hike we headed to The Bushcraft Camp and got a fire going for a cup of coffee. It was great to get him back out to the camp again. I also review some new hiking socks I have which made a huge difference for me. They are incredibly comfortable and custom designed for those who are in the outdoors regularly on long walks and enjoy hiking.

Use Discount Code "Mike" at checkout to get 10% off NeverQuit Socks - http://www.wecanneverquit.com/MikeLovesSocks

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Tags: hiking,walking,bushcraft,camping,bushcraft camp,outdoors,hike,day hike,mountains,forest,woods,dog,puppy,hiking with my dog,camping with my dog,bushcraft camp with my dog,taoutdoors,mike pullen,jack russell terrier,totally awesome outdoors,survival,tips,camping tips,bushcraft tips,fire,campfire,fire lighting

Video Transcription







bushcraft today a buddy good boy little tip guys just I'm not doing a bushcraft he set up fire today these are actually BBQ fire lighters you can generally get the most supermarkets over here in the UK then about across the world but yeah they just they burn for a long time and they're just great for getting something like this the firebox going so I've just bought a couple they take a fair while to get going but once they're lit I generally be really well in the wind as well so I just like about two or three of these keep them in a ziploc bag Jackson oski most Fixodent if you guys can see that in the corner that one didn't like very well but they are generally really good it's been raining a lot lately I've just been on obviously massive heiko jacks so most of the Twitter dump but I've gone to some really thin twigs there and I've split some some dryer wood over here as well just drop it all in there that is going to get going in no time ready for a coffee Ajax not for you though buddy for the coffee this is first pilot camp you seem to be enjoying it and digging and ripping up roots and stuff hunting towers they're still in one piece always good to see time to listen good actually anybody yeah yeah hey buddy what are you doing if you doing is a little look in this doghouse when I put that block there just to stop in properly getting out there's a gap there ah got my coffee in spring coffee here be in touch


Oh fresh coffee yes not good energized smells good no no no all that's good hey guys welcome to ta outdoors thanks so much for clicking on the video it's been a bit of a day hike today I've been hiking with Jax for about four hours now just around surrounding woodlands and forests we land and I've come back here to my bushcraft camp which is now a completely dog-proof which is great cooked up of coffee life is good and I wanted to talk to you really about a product that some guys sent me that might sound a bit boring but it's actually incredibly practical and that sucks I think a lot of us take socks for granted because we all wear them every day those of you who are out in the outdoors a lot will know that a good pair of socks is essential often I will get a lot of blisters when I'm out hiking and generally my socks will tend to tear and rip and also they will start to smell after a while but the guys at a company called we can never quit or we can never quit calm I've sent me this sock which is actually completely basically custom-made for those guys in the outdoors who love your hiking and your walking and you do a lot of it so there's two types of socks that the guys that we can ever quit actually create and there's this one the kind of ankle sock the small one and they also have the longer ones the ones that come kind of ride up almost to your knee I've been wearing these socks for about two months now I've been testing them out so most of the videos that you guys have been watching for the last couple of months I've actually been wearing these socks I just wanted to give them a thorough testing before I did review them so what they have on the soles of the sock here is what they call hex a shock technology and it's basically loads a little hexagons which are super padded which obviously aids your feet for those long distance hikes rather than just having a flat sole which most socks tend to do there's also you can't see it so much on this sock because I'm holding it up but it has reinforced arch support to support the contours of your foot this is what I really like about both this sock and the the largest salt that comes up

is that they've got anti blister pads here they're basically extra padding here for blisters and this is generally where I always always get blisters on my feet I don't some people get them down Li the front other feet I often get them right near the back and I just feel that that is such a good added bonus which I'm not really seen in any socks that I've owned and I've owned some really expensive full wool walking socks and hiking socks and everything so really good touch there and it's right on the back of your sort of your foot right by your Achilles tendon which is often where most of my hiking boots will tend to rub so that's a really good bonus technology in the sock itself is actually really clever because it basically naturally suppresses odor and kills off any pathogens so you've got you know you can wear them for a longer period of time before washing them before they start to smell it also stops the moisture building up in the sock and I don't know if you guys have this when you're out hiking but if you get really sweaty feet so I'm finding certain socks I haven't had this with these yet and I've been using them for nearly two months now they also have what's called an l-shaped design with Y stitching and what they were saying is that most socks that people wear or tend to wear are just tubes they're just like a tube if you think you just found a cotton sock they're just like a tube but our feet aren't tubes aren't they they're showing like an L so these are actually stitched properly so that they fit to the contours of your feet so you've got the larger crew sock or the no-show sock which is this one which you'd wear generally the summer ones which I have been wearing hence why i've got this one out for you guys although today is actually peeing it down the rain now these guys do ship internationally they ship around the US and they do ship internationally and at the moment they've got an offer on where you can get a 10 percent discount if you use the code mic and there's a link in the description below

I think it's week and never quit calm /my Club socks which I do and if you enter Mike at the checkout you'll get 10% off your socks they have a range of different sizes and colors available on the website to suit your needs really and what I think is great is they're actually offering free shipping if you buy two or more pairs of socks and let's face it it is worth having a good couple of pairs of socks if you're going out on overnighters for three four maybe five nights honestly it is worth having socks especially if you're in a temperate climate like over here in the UK where your feet are generally going to get wet at some point but there is one downside to this sock people please give it Jack's giving you direct back the sock see get back here past so we're back on the trail J dogs down there clean up every personal tree that you can find and I'm the how many miles of water today is the rain it's been Sun to get warmer now but we're enjoying it today out with the boys

Jax is absolutely loving it loves walks what dog doesn't it's a great mixture of woodland here as well it's mostly coniferous but as you can see this is all coniferous pretty much this side of me is all coniferous and on the other side is all birch will silver birch so real good mixer great to see ready now I've lost Jax Jax wait look at him here we can gaze off exploring again it does love a good at school guys it's like you say yeah we're going to go off trail in a minute guys that's Barca speeding natural tinder there for fire lighting a might stock up on some of this always useful to have look how red that is so much resin in that and that's not damaging the tree because it's right the other box that will regrow but might as well stock up while you can on some tinder yeah come come come good boy you's a good prize so you go off the track guys you're off track okay well you got off track anyway this is in his nature his breed is to just explore like this it loves it can be difficult to get him back sometimes so I reward him almost all the time when he comes back set now and I'm filming that you smell something now so I come good boy good boy

here wait sit sit Jack's lie down oh you're good boys you good boy let's go come on you get in there again and ease off explore sometimes it's fun to just watch him five is a water you could boy you good boy a subscriber of my made this for me it's a little map with like a wall covering and it's wax canvas or oil canvas on the bottom it's got Jacksonville main their film at his name is Tim that blue Angelica bushcraft your Mac on your Mac good one when you matte on your mat by down lie down lie down he's a good boy hey good to keep his energy up guys and I'll give him some water as off wait stay so I usually have a little um following bowl to give them water but often if I don't bring it if come in I just give it to him in my hands what yeah awesome sometimes you want to sometimes he doesn't but it's always good to just offer it in your hands why fine find it find it Jackson's food is obviously saw titties let's dry his dry kibble here's my dry kibble this is what I take my trail mix when I've got long hikes with Jax it's basically the mixture of nuts just standard peanuts and other nuts raisins and also some nice M&Ms in there just to boost the flavor and also to boost my electrolytes just for when those times when you're feeling weak and wobbly hmm and it's always nice to get good old mmm gonna keep gonna do up and who doesn't like a bit chocolate he loves that Patsy's recall that's come come good boy come good boy go now that way that way good boy go on so for those out wandering this white track here is called a fire track because I'm now on forestry land I'm not on my camp where my camp was built that's on private land this is now forestry land Jax 8 8 it's now forestry land the Forestry Commission they're called and the reason they had these big tracks is a couple of reasons really one of them is to if there was a forest fire for example there's a forest fire that side by having this break here it acts as a brake really for if there's wind blowing just prevent the fire from ripping into more areas of the woodland so the track itself helps to break that up and just stops fire spreading helps to prevent it obviously if there's a really really strong wind it's probably going to go rip through the lot but the idea is that it just breaks it up and there's loads of these tracks around just to break up the areas of woodland it kind of contains the fire a little bit more hey James hello monkey and the other reason is obviously for fire engines and fire trucks and things like that and logging vehicles to be able to come down here chop the trees down this is like a plantation really you can see that don't know if you can see here but you'll see they're planted in rows and other time there may be a lot of time they are planted in rows because pine trees grow really fast and because they grow fast they're a very good resource for wood they can plant them cut them down grow them again plant them cut them down grow them again and that's why pi in such a cheap generally a cheap furniture but generally that's why you know point is so widely available is furniture because it's so fast growing they can crop it down and and use it very quickly and replant it and grow it very quickly so it's a good resource in that sense but that is why we are now on the fly tracts have to be careful because horse riders use these tracts and Jax has a huge fear reporters I mean huge fear which is our fault partly because when we were younger we walked him around here on this fire track and the because it's a bridle way horses have rights of way T the actual hunt came one of the whole hunts which over here in England is very traditional and the hunt came and basically all the horses there must be thirty horses about 30-40 dogs are usually the hounds there's about 40 of them so Jack and he was only a puppy he didn't know what that is first time I seen a horse nice all 30 of them and we couldn't get out the way they walked right by me had a massive fear now every time we watch Game of Thrones and a horse runs by he goes nuts in the living room say bless him it's not his fault so we're working on that I'm taking around farms and things and slowly introducing into horses again but if we see one I'm afraid he will go nuts he spotted something he's a hunter he's off he's off what do you see him buddy what do you think we'll see we'll see find it good boy

got a little funky forest going on over here oh yeah those of them they aren't really early this year guys going to leave it here just wanted to say thanks so much for watching the video really appreciate it thanks for never quit they're awesome socks for sponsoring the video and then we'll head off home because Jax is getting led a bit tired I can tell and he's he's feeling SST soon and he's due his food to get him soon his actual dinnertime so thanks very much for watching the video go back to temp yeah who doesn't you

About the Author

TA Outdoors

TA Outdoors

Bushcraft, Wild Camping, Wilderness Hiking Trips, Solo Overnight Camps, Shooting, Hunting and Backpacking. My dog joins me on some of the trips. His name is Jaxx.

My name is Mike. And I'm addicted to adventure...

Check out our other YouTube Channel TAFishing: https://www.youtube.com/user/TAFishing

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