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Bushcraft Shelters - Tree Root Shelter with no tools | TA Outdoors


Mike shows you how to build a bushcraft shelter using no tools. This is a simple, fast and easy shelter to use when you have little time and need to construct a natural shelter using wood from the woods/forest. The structure is a simple "A" Frame shelter, using a large tree root for support. The shelter is covered with moss to protect you from the wind and rain as well as provide insulation for the shelter. It took roughly an hour to build.


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Tags: Shelter (Building Function),bushcraft,bushcraft shelter,building,how to,tree,tree root,survival,primitive,tools,knife,axe,fire,fire building,extreme,outdoors,emergency,quick,fast,easy,simple,camping,wilderness,wild,Survival Skills (TV Genre),Wood

Video Transcription

okay so you're out in the wilderness and you've got absolutely no tools whatsoever no knives no saw no axe you've got nothing all you've got is a brain so what do you do you need to find shelter you need to make it quick doesn't need to be a really extravagant shelter it needs to basically keep you dry keep your warm and keep you out the wind first thing you need to think about is your surroundings have you got lots of deadfall you're in an are you in an area that's sheltered in general okay if you're out in an open field it's not going to be much shelter so best to find you know those areas of woodland that are really dense first things first what I've spotted is a tree root and actually that's a great place to start just to make a really really quick a frame shelter now if you want to see how to make an aid for a shelter with some tools then check out this video just here this is just a little video I did make just a building a standard a-frame shelter to be honest the a-frame shelter is probably one of the easiest shelters to build and you can build it with minimal tools so let's go and check out this tree root I found ok well here we go here's the tree root this is actually a poetry that's being blown over in a storm and as you can see already there's a natural wall here so I've almost got half of the actual shelter built already without having to do anything I can lie down along here you know just lengthwise even and just get a couple of sticks and things like that just to make a small wall and I will instantly be out of that shelter at the wind

however it's what comes from above things like rain obviously and in order to get out of that that's is where the a-frame shelter comes in so what I'll need to do is actually build there the ridge the ridge line so the main log down the middle just find one that's probably about four feet longer than my actual body and that way it should have a good enough angle to actually give me a bit of room inside okay so family rich line there is log I've made sure that it's dry it's not rotten him it's definitely hardwood and it's you know obviously I've not used any tools so I just snapped off bits these trees to snap off this and it's a good length it's all the way down and luckily actually it goes all the way down to the end here which is dead handy it gets that pressure right up against that tree there so to be honest I'm really happy with this log now I need to get obviously some smaller logs I leave these they'll help to balance the logs I get some smaller logs to make that a part of the actual shelter where we go there's the basic kind of a-frame really rushed I just did this in about 25 minutes collecting all those thick's and I've left a gap up here for the entrance luxury entrance you can see the actual tree fall and down over there so I've utilized this tree root here the big roots and I'll show you the other side there's the other side so I haven't gotten criss cross you know cross latch at the top too much so just sort of leaning against that middle log and all I need to do now I've tested it I can lie down in it there's room all I need now is a bit of insulation and what I'm going to use is moss as I've got lots of moss around me another benefit of being in dense thick woodland especially pine forests is you get easily quite a bit of moss because obviously the forest floor doesn't see much sunlight so it stays relatively damp and actually it's very easy to just pull up in big clumps and you can see they're nice people um that'll be really really good insulation for the a-frame shelter especially with the wind and it will help with the rain as well let's patch it up and there it is you can see I've used all the muscle I could see my little door the entrance there if I get down low it's about four feet high I'd say at all this point if that maybe three and a half feet over there but that is well insulated we're going to show you the other side again covered in moss about late October now there's lots of pine needles down as well you can see where that rich low ridge line is gone right up to the edge of the tree there this is a very warm and secure shelter there's the fallen tree there's the tree root there's the shire I do feel like frodo baggins if in Hobbiton but you can see I've used that tree root there built up over there I'll just use that tree root put the ridge line in it's very very simple shelter yep very warm very secure and I've done it with zero tools just my hands very satisfying if you haven't done things with your hands like this I suggest going out and doing it's great fun and here is the entrance to the shelter let's take a look inside and pull room in here

absolutely loads of them in fact you could probably fit two people side-by-side I'd say in here a couple of gaps I need to fill in with the moss but that is pretty damn secure only one thing left to do now and that's get inside well I can safely say there is ample room in here it's very very out the wind and it's very dark because of the moss but that will insulate it well and keep it dry as possible hope you've enjoyed it little emergency shelter for those times when you have no tools and all you can use as your bare hands it's one of the quickest shelters to put up and hope you enjoyed the video you




About the Author

TA Outdoors

TA Outdoors

Bushcraft, Wild Camping, Wilderness Hiking Trips, Solo Overnight Camps, Shooting, Hunting and Backpacking. My dog joins me on some of the trips. His name is Jaxx.

My name is Mike. And I'm addicted to adventure...

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