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Taking my Dog and my Girlfriend to The Bushcraft Camp + Subscriber Gifts!


Went to camp for a bit of Bushcraft. Got the camp fire going and played with the puppy. Got some theory time in there too!

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Solo Overnight under a Tree Root:


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Tags: bushcraft,girlfriend,dog,puppy,bushcraft camp,woodland camp,fort,camp fort,woods,camp update,taoutdoors,totally awesome outdoors,mike pullen,survival,bug out camp,survival tips,primitive survival,primitive,fishing,hunting,hiking,backpacking,trekking,forest,solo

Video Transcription

Jordan let me go my snake so it's like you can what what Hey

hey guys welcome CA outdoors and this is just a short video this week I've bought I'm bought the old Nook with me this time I bought the younger nut the latter but is my fiancee Amy what you think a camp have you been you've been a performance Thank You first wanna come yeah I thought you knew before showing me it Oh Mason yeah nice SNP okay we bought the dog along as well little Jack's who's cheering up everything in the moment in camp possible and digging up and making absolute mess what are your thoughts in on the cub good yeah I am impressed would you do an overnighter here like a bit of a luxury yeah she does has a bit of glamping we do have a large canvas Beltone with a wood stove that we do for our kind of camping trips or we go to actual campsites and em likes that but I don't think she'd be Roo enough to come out here in the woods and come and stay and do a world camp I would if it was true survival would you know what if you're in a situation yeah yeah I don't know not just a choice okay okay for that cutie yeah because we love it that's what we do yeah I thought I'd bring em along when she wanted to come and see it anyway because it's my glorified wooden fort and so it's about time I showed her I've been how it's been up for what two years probably probably about two years or so obviously Jax has been here number of times before he usually undoes all the work that I do but he helped out with my dad last time in the camp update videos and you can check those out in our my bushcraft playlist on the on the channel now I've actually got some gifts from some subscribers some very very generous gifts and I'm very very grateful so I'm just going to show you guys what what some of these amazing people have sent me because it's really impressive first of all let me show you the items and then I'll read what they had to say an axe an awesome awesome axe okay that's being cleaned up and maintained and this is from John now John is also sent me if I really bit about the axe firstly this is what John sent he sent me a letter and he said here is the stuff I said I would send you I hope you like it myself and my son Chiron

so Jack in a moment it's a SK everybody apologies that Jack's interrupted he says my cellphone my son Chiron who is nine have been watching you and your dad's fishing videos for a while now and more recently your outdoor stuff which we both really enjoy I was ah ah stinks ah Jack's just distraught one that I surrender sorry about that yeah I was watching one of your outdoor ones recently and thought you could be doing with an axe upgrade for your bigger tasks and since I have this one I don't use and Chiron is too young for it I would like to give it to you the axe itself if I remember correctly is a halter fors egg door with a 2026 ya 26 inch shelf or handle it does not come like this as I have sanded down the handle the standard diamond handle slightly to make it more smooth and polished and sharp from the axe head at work to take the gray matte finish off it and coated it with boiled linseed oil so now it looks way better than before and is more individual a sheath it came with was rubbish and I have misplaced it anyway so a newsletter she should be a week project for one of your future videos maybe I will be making a leather sheath with this and actually my Husqvarna she fits it perfectly as well so for a temporary solution that will work but I must say thank you so much for that John that's a pretty incredible gift isn't it I don't have many axes over 18 inches most of my axe handles my hatchets are about 18 inches because I like to I'm not generally chopping down huge trees over here in the UK she's mostly dead wood and I'm just living them and things like that but it's awesome and it's handy to have a bigger axe so seriously John that is an incredible gift thank you and another thing John sent me you guys going to like this he sent me one of the hobo hand lines and I've got plans to use this in a video coming up so be watch out for this this is it awesome

so the hobo hand line really is an excellent piece of kit for a bush crafter and it's handmade this is a handmade one of his friend Peter who hand turns them on his lathe I've used my own one for years now and have had some good fish on it and it is always in my rucksack pocket if I can get my friend to make another one at some point I will send it now for your dad to use I'm sure my dad would love using this as well inside jusino guys with the hobo line you wrap your line around here and use this as a casting device line storage device creating your casting liner and under the lid here it's amazing that have made it John's put in all little mini spinners with treble hooks smaller a few extra spare hooks in there as well so you can store your little tackle and LEDs and split shots and things in there that is awesome really cool piece of kit can't wait to use that thank you John you also sent me a little gas though one of the smallest gas stove things ever really but that Iron Bowl along with me we appreciate all the effort you and your dad go to making these videos and it's good to show my son that it's not all about Xbox ones and Call of Duty all the time and the outdoor stuff can be fun with your dad so your dad doesn't feel so your dad doesn't feel left out I have put in some spare light sticks for his Zander fishing and a couple of larger ones for your camp handy if you're up at night and it's pitch black from this Sun these are for dad for is and of night fishing for some light sticks that's really really awesome thank you so much for this John I've had quite a few requests of people saying do I have a PA box and they'd like to send me stuff for a P o box so maybe keep an eye on the channel in the video descriptions in the future I might set up the PA box would be quite good wouldn't really to get to get sent stuff from subscribers but that's seriously impressive and the next thing so and the next thing one of the subscribers has sent me an actually this is from Tim from Blue Angelica who hand make stuff incredible stuff I've got the Sami style oil skin pouches you guys would have seen in fact I use Jack Jax's dog biscuits I've kept in this for almost probably over a year now since giving me these and it's like wax canvas it's really really well made all made in Britain and this is probably one of the best gifts I think I've ever received and I'm going to put links to Tim's web shop is like bushcraft shop in the video description so you make some incredible stuff but this is definitely the best gift I think I've ever seen so right well I'm gonna say mine has to be up there okay okay I'll be in the doghouse I joined here Bonnie oh joy near the doghouse wax canvas bag really really nice heavy TT bag this was awesome I had no idea what this was when it came in the post I'm going to fold it out but we're going to have teeth this is not for me actually this is for Jax and what Tim's done is he's made it it's like a wall Brian

but with what canvas I believe all oil skin on the other side so it's waterproof on that side and it's a lovely thick material soft material wall sort of material double wall I think is this side and he's even stitched in the name Jack's in the corner there with a proper catch as well which is just so awesome now the difficulty is I got try and get Jax to sit on this now so we're going to try and get in to sit in it but I just like to say Tim incredible incredible product thank you so much what do you think yeah it's great it's Felix hello I know I love you peek of it earlier yeah it is lovely yeah I'll be taking that as well soon so yeah thank you so much Tim that's going to test out Jax okay good bye I mean that good boy like am good boy

would you think of your mat do you like it buddy hey Josh killing him out completely

yeah down my dad good boy Oh like it like it

hey hey thank you come here oh yeah eating the microphone I think he likes it I think he does Jax let him good boy good boy hey thank you if their YouTube people basically see YouTube people YouTube you okay okay guys it's that time in the video where we do a bit of theory time usually do it with gold nut that is how I'm going to do it Amy and Amy has come up with a theory hit him yes well so Mike's only told me this about two minutes ago so I've had a couple of minutes to think for her what my biggest question would be and as a child it was something that was discussed quite a lot you know that it's going to happen at some point quite likely in our lives like in our lifetime but I would like to know what the what we'll know so how will technology help us when the supervolcano under the Yellowstone Park in America finally decides to go off oh-ho because it's gonna say yeah the supervolcano that doesn't let people don't know about it is Yellowstone National Park is basically one huge supervolcano that is apparently ready to blow at some point listen and they reckon obviously that when it does explode that's not necessarily the actual explosion itself that will destroy the world but it's the ash cloud that it will create will block up most of America the u.s. apparently and it would affect the crops the crops Oak Grove the crops don't grow the animals won't eat the animals won't eat we can eat meat and we can eat crops so you're saying how will technology help us yeah we create so many advances in terms of going into space like they're doing all kinds of things and yet there's nothing that we can do that's going to stop this thing yellowing us so we can't not but if it went off no and you know what really is going to help us when it does okie-dokie I like that that's a different one day good ones think of in two minutes this is like guys I'm going to pin that a theory time comment M's theory time to the top of the comment section down below so if you want to put your reply either in there or just comment away on the video guys let us know what you think of em's theory oh he's going to run away and let go but thank you very much watching sorry it has been a short video I've got some overnighters planned we're actually going away for a week it's next week this is why this is a short video but thank you very much for watching if you are still watching really appreciate it please hit the subscribe button if you want to see more videos we've got over nightís we've got catching cook fishing ones what shooting hunting things like that check out the channel thanks very much for watching you

About the Author

TA Outdoors

TA Outdoors

Bushcraft, Wild Camping, Wilderness Hiking Trips, Solo Overnight Camps, Shooting, Hunting and Backpacking. My dog joins me on some of the trips. His name is Jaxx.

My name is Mike. And I'm addicted to adventure...

Check out our other YouTube Channel TAFishing: https://www.youtube.com/user/TAFishing

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