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Bushcraft Camp Update 8 - Raised Camp Bed | TAOutdoors


I head back to the Bushcraft Camp, this time to show you how I make a raised camp bed using dead wood from the forest. I also cooked some lunch on the fire pit and used the cooking crane again! I'm really liking the fire/cooking set up, it's working very well and actually this end of the bushcraft camp is almost complete! I still need to finish off the side walls of the secondary shelter but at the moment it is looking more like my primary shelter! I still have quite a bit of work to do on the primary shelter and there are a number of other small changes and additions I would like to make to the camp. I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who has subscribed to the Channel and for giving me such great feedback, and thanks to all those who are hitting the thumbs up button and showing your support! Camp update 9 coming soon....what other additions would you make to the camp?


More Bushcraft Videos videos:

Camp Update 7: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5706yxvtXlA

Camp Update 6: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IWpvuLz_V4A

Camp update 5 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IGrSmcxqOxk

Camp Update 4 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j6cq3G1HG8U

Camp Update 3 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yAPJDzYNPP0

Camp Update 2 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QrStYb5n2fA

Camp Update 1 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xdmk8hUENGA

BUSHCRAFT PLAYLIST: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLxnadpeGdTxBqUjgb60isxg1sLCb1soDR



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Tags: bushcraft,camp,update,camp update 8,raised camp bed,camping,wood,bed,how to,make,simple,forest,woodland,natural resources,dead wood,dead standing wood,fire,fire pit,perimeter walls,shelter,natural shelter,sticks,leaves,taoutdoors,totally awesome,awesome,survival,wilderness,primitive

Video Transcription


oh yes the cinematic intro is back you guys really wanted it last time I popped it in this time hope you enjoyed it now it's time to make a raised camp bed Thompson much

that's hot Oh cooking grain is working well if you want to see me make the cooking grain it you know it's just in the film that's in the previous camp update video and it shows you basically how I made it it's really really simple and actually it's a really effective little cooking grain okay first thing I've done is on this support pole here I've actually steak put a steak in there I didn't need to put steak in this side because part of my wall was already there so I plots a stake in there they're all about a foot and a half the steaks and then there's another two steaks over there which obviously is pinching this log so it's going to go absolutely nowhere it's very rigid I've done the same up at this end just here somewhere behind there you'll see it there's the steak so obviously Jesus take that side I've got the support that's not going anywhere and I've done the same over that side you can just see there's two steaks there that's just keeping this main support frame in place the other thing I've done which you might not know until you actually build your raised bed but actually because of the way I'm using obviously pine here Pines very flexible wood really this part in the middle will sag when you were on it when there is the weight of the logs on it and you are on it it will sag okay and obviously then your back is closer to the ground you'll it much more likely to then get colder so what I've done is I've actually just round a couple of basically just small sticks underneath there and a slightly larger log underneath there just so that when I put downward pressure on here it's not going to sag and the same goes for here it's going to be really really rigid now obviously some of you might prefer it to be more flexible for your back if you want a more comfortable sleep but you're also you know I'd rather a much more stable structure this is a long term shelter after all so no other I'd rather at last so I've just popped those underneath there that way any downward pressure on there is not going to make these sag or bow in the middle so what I've got now is I've got a load of support structures up there just had my had my lunch as you can see cooking crane is it's doing really well I'm really chuffed with that and the fire pits doing really well as well and so all I got I've got all my basically that is my bed the sticks there they lay them all along here and then the raised bed is complete

as you can see the bed is raised and the idea of having a raised bed basically is to keep your body warm because you actually lose almost twice the amount of body heat through the ground the ground saps your body heat much quicker than the air can so it's always important that if you're doing long-term you know you're staying in the woods for a longer period of time or you're building a shelter like this you definitely definitely want a raised bed just keeps you off the ground allows the air to flow underneath it but it also you know helps your body retain that heat temperature I've put my near the fire but obviously not too near I may if depending how the smoke fares on long term fires I might have to build up a few more rocks here just to stop the smoke going that way but I'll also put more rocks this side to kind of bounce the heat back towards my shelter that's the long-term plan anyway and obviously I've got the sides to do the shelter there well folks I hope you've enjoyed the video thanks for watching the camp update series it's been a really really good adventure it's been really fun I'm very lucky to have the permission I do have here I'm obviously to have the fires and things like that a lot of you have been asking about how do you get permissions and things like that really guys you've just got to go around and ask see if you can find who the landowner is and and then work from there maybe ask neighbors of the landowner and things like that if you can then find who the landowner is and then maybe ask politely you never know but it's also who you know as well you may know someone who uses wood already you know and they may then put you in contact with the landowner what I would say is obviously don't go onto private land and start doing this it's very risky it's illegal you'll be trespassing seek all the right permissions and obviously a lot of you've done it in kind of public woodlands and things like that and you've had your base camps smashed up and trashed by people which i think is ridiculous I hate when people do that you know I don't think they realize the amount of time and effort that goes into these things you can see probably why this sweat of my brow that I put a lot of effort into soaring with my little barker Laplander but you know what guys is very rewarding and I can start to see now the long-term shelter is really really coming together any tips I have for people going out there in the woods for the first time on your own is

100% bring a first-aid kit if you are using knives axes anything sharp you must bring a first-aid kit with you and don't leave it in your bag and then go walking off it should be on you guys either a small one in your pocket or in your backpack if you're taking your backpack but at least try and have it on you you know almost at all times because it's so so important you never know when you're going to get an accident the other thing I'd say is if you feel yourself getting tired when you're using tools I do get tired of the sawing and things like that and axe work just stop take a break get some water on board that's when the accidents happen the moment that you you know it's just not concentrating quite one little slip one little glance up or glance away could be really dangerous so be wary of that guys safety is paramount when you're doing this I've said this in previous videos but I say again I am no bushcraft expert people

I'm not a bushcraft expert I'm not qualified in bushcraft I'm just a bloke out here in the woods enjoying myself and hopefully you guys are coming along on the adventure and you know perhaps pick it up a thing or two I'm still learning so much there's so much they are not there and I'm still teaching myself so I'm hoping to obviously pass that knowledge on as well I think bushcraft is one of those things is you want it to be out there you know you want that knowledge to still be there I hate the thought of all our ancestors you know they'd be sick they'd be Pig sick if they knew that we hadn't learned you know what they'd learn to survive I think it's sad that we just have so much technology you know and we can do so much with the technology we can put a man on the moon but you know probably over half the people in this world probably wouldn't know how to star campfire so you know without without matches so I think it's really important that we pass on that knowledge any suggestions guys for my camp it's I want to say it's getting towards the end but I've actually got a big project to do to rebuild the main shelter this secondary shelter is now actually almost my primary shelter now I'm using it I'll be using it more often a lot of you have said about doing an overnighter in it well now I've got a raised bed guys we'll be doing an overnighter soon so keep an eye out for that in the bushcraft in this camp and I'll also be doing a bit of world camping as well so keep an eye out for those videos be sure to watch all the other camp update videos by the way they're all in the video description below so check them out if you're new to the channel welcome my name is Mike hope you enjoyed the bushcraft videos I do start a camp update one and work yourself up there's also a bushcraft playlist where I've done a lot more and things like that but anyway let me know what you guys do what sort of bushcraft you really enjoy what area of it you really enjoy you know whereabouts you practice your bushcraft it'd be great to know a bit more about my subscribers so comment below and just you know let us know if you're out there you know practicing a bow drill or handrail or even just setting up a camp like me so be great to know anyway thanks for watching guys I really hope you've enjoyed camp up there eight come believe is eight already there will certainly be some more camp update videos coming thank you for watching please hit the subscribe button give the video like if you enjoyed it and I'll see you really soon you

About the Author

TA Outdoors

TA Outdoors

Bushcraft, Wild Camping, Wilderness Hiking Trips, Solo Overnight Camps, Shooting, Hunting and Backpacking. My dog joins me on some of the trips. His name is Jaxx.

My name is Mike. And I'm addicted to adventure...

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