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How To Build A Arapuca Bird Trap -Mantis Outdoors


Birds aren't going to just trap themselves. So grab some sticks and some cordage and knock one of these bad boys out.


Tags: survival,bushcraft,woodcraft,survival kit,outdoors,knife,camping,gear,primitive,skills,mantis outdoors,preparedmind101,william myers,family,education,preparedness,wilderness,woods,arapuca,bird trap,primitive trap

Video Transcription

hey guys doing this Waymarsh Mass outdoors and this is Bobby one of my close friends from we know each other for a while yeah shit she uh she's really good in the woods and you know I liked her too we've been talking back and forth about her coming out and doing videos with us you know Chris prepared my 101 and me as well you know just to get the female point of view in the woods and to show you guys that this isn't just a man thing you know women are just as good out here as we are so today what we're gonna be doing is we're gonna be building a bird cage trap and we're gonna Bob this is actually one of the ones you actually haven't had so we're gonna actually be teaching her this one which is a surprise to me so let's go down and see what we got down on the ground here all right so as you can see down here on the ground we have a two pieces of wood that are tied together and with bank lines and then from there we have pieces of wood that you know get smaller so switch sequentially as we go and that's kind of the key to this trap so how are we going to start out is with these two pieces of wood here we're actually gonna not try to drop them we're going to throw them in an X just like that okay and then we're gonna lay that down on the ground and this is how we start out those down on the ground I apologize if you guys don't have a great shot of this you know on the ground it's not going to be very easy for you guys to see our camera so we start out with the longest pieces of wood that we have and when we start out this it's gonna be kind of loose but as we go it's gonna get tighter

alright so Krista could have handed me this orange drop cloth that that Malcolm gave him we'd probably be doing a video about that here Center didn't woodsman's signal panel there you go so as you can see what we're doing is we just kind of lay in these in to where they meet the wood here and like I said this is going to be kind of loose right now but as we go it's going to tighten up you just got to make sure that we're putting the wood in the largest size and then moving up to the smaller side I'm gonna make sure that the line has enough purchase on the pieces of wood that we're putting in at the time you know if there's gaps or spaces or anything like that I don't really want to worry about that right this second you know one thing that Bobby was saying we kind of put this together ahead of time for her so she kind of would have some pre-existing knowledge of it there was lots of spaces in there if we absolutely had to we could weave thatching in there and things like that small vines things like that to kind of close it off but I'm not worried about adjusting this right now because it's really loose but once it starts to tighten up then I could kind of come in and adjust it to where I need to that's really small that part why does that campsite up over there have to be amateur music day today I wish he learned two more chords gggg a hey brah you know any Five Finger Death Punch you know even at this point still really loose once we kind of graduate up here a little bit it's gonna tighten up if I don't wreck the whole thing here a second I just really got to make sure that your line stays over the wood till it tightens up I just must enroll everywhere doesn't yeah I'm one sticks kind of Paul just wrong when we could probably change it around there we go some a-hole is it funny movie yes the surface isn't that great

that's re things you got a deal with when you're making things by hand huh well this is how it is in the real world not full of edits and all right yeah show people your fault so it how frustrating things can be to build not just cut and show somebody a completed trap surfaces will always be flat but like I said once it starts to tighten up I won't even need Bobby to hold it and that's when I come back and kind of get some adjustments in here I was just thinking something that could assist you if you didn't have somebody in here holding this is maybe just tie a loop on this and tight and have it hang from a tree yep to have a just a steady tension the tension on it yeah I can go let go I mean that definitely is a good idea so now it's getting a little tighter up top you can put one more layer up top here just to tighten everything up but then we can go back and kind of do some subtle adjustments to the cage itself and we'll get everything really nice and tight because I could tell from right now it's kind of leaning this way but you don't want to even worry about anything like that till you get the trap itself typed up but that will all right there we go you see now it's together now it's tight all right so we're back here it's another day you know we ran out of time with Bobby when we were doing this trap we got a lot of other stuff that we were doing but we didn't get this one finished because you know we're just preoccupied but this is the finished trap now as far as you know a lot of people say oh the big gaps and in in here

that's easy all you gotta do is just latticework some you know vines in here and stuff like that close that off be honest with you I've never had very much problem with it with like pigeons and doves and things like that they really they really can't get out be honest with you we've got it just a regular pie you figure for were kind of set up going on here I sent this a little high higher than I normally would just so you guys can see it the construction of the trap and things like that normally I would probably put this trigger stick on the bottom run I just wanted to make sure you guys could see everything really clearly though all right well let's set it off

alright guys I just wanted to bring this simple trap to you guys it's really not hard to do and I have success with it I've caught a lot of pigeons and doves and things like that before I haven't caught really anything other than that be honest with you I've been using this trap for about five six years now with pretty good success so I hope you enjoyed the video make sure you click like share and subscribe and we'll see you out in the woods

About the Author

William Myers MantisOutdoors

William Myers MantisOutdoors

Modern and primitive skills, fun in the woods and product reviews

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