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wild edible and medicinal plants 3


a wild edible walk with a few medicinal plants mixed in

Tags: wild,edible,medicinal,herb,plants,bushcraft,survival

Video Transcription

all right how we doing today we're going to do a couple videos on some plants most of them were going to be edible we're going to do a couple on some medicinal herbs we're going to start out with yarrow don't go away all right guys this is yarrow like I said there are many many many medical uses for them more than I could remember so I wrote a couple paragraphs from a website that I found down just so you guys get the most information that I could for you yarrow is most widespread function is to stop bleeding which is still used for today it has said that Achilles used this plant to arrest the bleeding of the soldiers wounds thus the name of the genius achillea was derived season hikers are usually aware of the blood clotting and antimicrobial benefits of applying yarrow to their cuts yarrow may be applied directly or used as a salve or a poultice for minor cuts and wounds now there are also other Oh like uses that I'll go on and read yarrow has also been used as a remedy for cold and early fever dolls going to make a cameo here in about two seconds due to its diaphoretic properties 80 may be prepared by steeping one teaspoon of dried ro and 8 1 cup of boiling water for 10 to 15 minutes drink three cups per day excuse me the herb has also gained notoriety for its anti-inflammatory abilities thus it has been used for a number of conditions from intestinal female reproductive tract inflammations that's just up some information that I wrote down for you just so I wouldn't forget it like I said this is definitely one of my top ten medicinal plants from ever out you know it's just so you don't have to carry a bunch of stuff and you get that real close in for you so you can see now of course anybody that knows a lot about plants will tell you you know be very careful because you can I mean it's possible to misidentify this with poison hemlock in its early stages but if you're careful there's absolutely no way you would this plane is very very different from poison hemlock if you are careful but if you make a tea out of this you'll know right away it is definitely medicinal this thing reminds me of aspirin and almost every way the taste it's good for minor headaches in my opinion back aches sore you know sword sore joints stuff like that this is just one of those plants definitely have in your toolbox thanks for joining me alright guys this is broad leaf plant tang this is a plant that is an edible and a medicinal at the same time i'll talk more about it in a second don't go away ok guys that is a broadleaf plantain with a real number one ways to identify this dental I this plants from the back side you'll see these veins here I mean that's just one bomb proof way of identifying this plan another way is that I hope I can get that a frame for you is kinda has I'll get up I don't know like a canoe the that's the stem comes down into a little channel there that helps this plant channel water into the roots when it rains it's one of the one of the only plants that does that that I've seen all right let's uh eat one of these and I'll tell you what tastes like alright guys obviously if you selected young leaves they're gonna taste a little bit better for you but um one of the things that I have to say that really gets me is that this plant has an amazing mushroomy earthy taste to it so you like mushrooms this is your game totally all day long but one of the uses of it is it in your mouth chew it up real nice and what you've just done is made a poultice so say if I got stung by bee I would chew on these up stick it on that bee sting one that's gonna remove the toxins and the poisons that that be is pumping into me and plus it has drawing powers so the Stinger itself and any kinds of thorns or any things you could run into that's going to draw them right out make them easier for you to remove thanks for joining me on this alright guys we're back this video here the medicinal this is milkweed and this plant is used as a antifungal and if I take one of these leaves here and show you get that a frame real good see that white latex sap that's on my finger there now this plant is for external let me repeat that external use only on ringworm all kinda eats feet it could be used for anything that you can eat it for antifungal use this is also a good plant to know and if you can see let me zoom in here you can see that SAP just dripping that stem that is an awesome awesome antifungal alright guys thanks for joining me on this one as I'm sure everyone has seen these many times they're all over your yard yours are white clovers and one way to really tell and you will never miss Eide this plant let's get that in focus there come on focus

if you see these three leaves here and you see the v's that are in those leaves white clover and obviously white pedal these are all edible the flowers the stems are the leaves are leaves are a little bit better if you boil them they can't be a little bit bitter let hang on one second and we'll eat one of these all right here's a white clover all right said the flower heads are edible the stems and leaves are edible it's all right it's not bad yeah obviously Connor likes it um you can gather this stuff is everywhere and you know if there's actually a situation where you need it like I got up even if you live in the city the stuff is everywhere you'll you'll know it from now on whenever you see it you'll see it driving you'll see it walk in like I said that being said though it is everywhere so it's a good plan to know in case you need it but it is edible flower heads the stems the leaves everything is edible it'll taste bad um it's kind of hard to explain the taste of it you'll just have to try for yourself but like I said it isn't bad at all the leaves are actually a little bit better if they are collected and pull twice but just one more thing for you to know thanks for being with me all right guys we showed you white clover so I wanted to show you pretty much its almost opposite it's red clover it uh has a way way different tastes I actually enjoy the taste of red clover but as you can see the leaves of the red clover are identified almost the same as wet clover but obviously they are gianormous compared to white clover these leaves are also edible they aren't bad if you collect a bunch of them and all right guys we've been as Warren area right now with a red clover I'm pretty sure they don't spray anything in this area so i just wanted to show you these the red clover flower pills here dad like a fruitiness tool they're really sweet really good really awesome way way WAY heads and shoulders over white clover but hopefully you get a chance to identify these out where you are give a try it's red clover yay hey Shane mm-hmm nopee on doing you

About the Author

William Myers MantisOutdoors

William Myers MantisOutdoors

Modern and primitive skills, fun in the woods and product reviews

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