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cold weather shelters Mantis Outdoors


A short video showing some of mine and chris's winter shelters. one of mine that i use on a reg and a experimental shelter chris was playing with

Tags: survival,bushcraft,woodcraft,survival kit,outdoors,knife,camping,gear,primitive,skills,mantis outdoors,preparedmind101,william myers,family,education,preparedness,wilderness,woods

Video Transcription

hey hey guys doing this is William iris best outdoors and today we're going to show you some of our shelters that we build us some of the ones that I built on a regular basis and some experimental ones that Chris has been doing so follow me into camp alright so Chris always carries a big bag he calls it base camp in a bag and it has this tarp in it which is like the mother 11 yeah what is it 19 by 11 I think so very huge tarp so he does yeah a lot of options with it he has a lot of experimentation he's been doing with lately and yesterday last night was pretty cool one he made it so he had basically an open link to with it wrapped underneath he dug a trench underneath of this filled it full leaves which I asked him you know why are you spending all this energy on digging that hole mean it just didn't kind of compute with me but it was actually really comfortable when he filled it up what I usually normally will do is just lay a log down and fill all that with leaves a little bit less work but sometimes the leaves will kind of spread out of it this way all of his bedding was very contained a lot of work but it worked so what he did here like i said it's opening to basically the fire he had access to the fire that I made and once it the fire died down he had a flap that he

fold down and and then he had a heater a propane heater it is what it is guys with he had a propane heater in here and it worked pretty good Chris how did you feel last night it was ok ok I'm taking it back it wasn't great I wanted to try it but it really ain't worth the money now you know you guys might be scratching her head right now because I mean my channels bushcraft I'm a prepper right we showed my shelter here in a second is that's bushcraft he is testing things he's experimenting with things which is great he's thinking outside the box and he's not just trying to follow all the rules which I don't either left the roles yeah he's just trying to find some stuff that works at experimenting the propane heater really didn't work very well and it's obviously not something you're gonna backpack either we're talking he was talking more of like emergency car kit stuff so it works for me it was a pretty good idea pretty good shelter first backup for him and I gone to my shelter me it was fine with with the with the trench with the leaves i felt absolutely zero cold on my back even though it was in 20s but and I was fine with just the sleeping bag I wanted to see how well that that propane here right work and it just wasn't worth day let me tell you the dark seriously I'm really proud of Chris cuz chris when i first met him he had experimented with like double wedges and stuff like that and he was completely against sleeping on the ground you know it through my we've been together for years doing videos and stuff and you know with me doing leaf bags and him laying on those stuff like i finally slept on the ground for the first time in years and had a good experience with it so i'm proud of i did in the last winter shelter video but it's it still sucked I didn't have a leaf bed so this is my shelter and what I do I make this shelter on a regular basis is one of my favorites it kind of melds a modern technology and primitive technology in my mind and what I do is I just make it basically into with a grabber he/she tarp but this is my my 8 by 8 10 Smith and all I do is you can't see it but the whole shelter is wrapped pretty much just like this on the ground here is my 8 by 8 it goes up down and up just like a basic lean-to I got open taco basically huh all I do on my Ridgeline I have Chris nuts with sticks through the grommet holes and then to attach it to the ridge line itself I put a stick in the grommet and then come to the side with it and that sticks and even in in wind it's Dave so good this side was kind of lesson of me so outside of that all that I do kind of uncover this a little bit here is I will drive a wide stick down right beside my lean to take a ridgepole just like this if you can see in there put it into the y llena sticks up against it and then start throwing leaves a bunch of leaves so it basically acts as a double windbreak on both sides and the reason he had plastic in order to make it a super shelters because he was out with a prepper yeah well I mean you know chris said we were thinking like you know might as well chris said that he had the painter start buzzing yeah use it might as well you know it's supposed to be close to the teens tonight and wrong it totally wrong I mean it was roasted in there I've been in many super soldiers before but that's with silver mylar on the back side and plastic on the outside and even in extreme temperatures down into below zero so you're hot in those I figured with the canvas being able to breathe a little bit that painters tarp in front will just make it really comfortable in here it was is blazing lazy but I like to have a little bit of rocks in front of my fire from residual heat after the fire dolls down that residual heat will still be there and it'll keeping a little bit warmer throughout the night so I could just finish that night out when the fire does go down I always wake up about every two two and a half three hours feed the fire but towards the other tonight I'll just sleep right through about four hours wake up fires dead throw some stuff on make yourself eat ready to roll so that's our shelter systems for this trip I hope you enjoyed it and we'll see on the next one alright guys let's go away miris miss outdoors i hope you enjoyed this video if you did there's some more of my previous videos that are playing in the screens to my left right now there's also a subscribe button over there if you haven't done so i appreciate if you subscribe to the channel to stay up to date with what I'm doing with my school and the youtube channel stay posted on the videos that are going to be uploaded you can go to WWF a spook calm for / manis outdoors or you can go to ww mas outdoors LLC com like in my videos helps me and my channel out a lot I appreciate our reviews comments and support and hopefully we'll see out the woods

About the Author

William Myers MantisOutdoors

William Myers MantisOutdoors

Modern and primitive skills, fun in the woods and product reviews

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