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bow drill techniques


I show techniques to use a bow drill to create primitive fire

Tags: bow,drill,fire,survival,bushcraft

Video Transcription

how we doing today we're going to be demonstrating some primitive fire techniques today we're today we're actually going to be doing bow drill and I'm just going to kind of walk you through some proper techniques and some form so hopefully that will help you out alright so now we're going to get into the actual form of running the drill itself so we're going to go ahead and we're going to step on the drill or the heart board where we want to run and this is the whole going to run right now now we're not going to get a cold right now I'm just basically showing you the proper form if you see my leg my ankle is in line with the hardboard that's going to help me when I lock everything in to keep everything straight my leg is in behind my ankle and what I'm going to do with this back foot is going to turn it so basically I've try pottage myself three points of contact with the ground now the part of the spindle that we want to run on the board goes up then we turn it into the heart board or into the bow this is our hand hold or our block just going like that now we're set up so the reason why we set up like this is because there's a straight path right here to where nothing's going to get in our way so we can run the drill just like that very easily all right let's start a new hole I'll walk you through that process all right so let's go through basically the beginning of this snack like these holes are not even in here one tip that i'll give you especially if you're in an actual situation where you're trying this is if you're making a board don't start your holes on the corner obviously not you know really close because it'll just tip off but what I actually like to do is I like to start and put my foot on the board this way and then put my whole as close to my foot as I can let me explain why you start your holes over here your foots going to go here and God help you if it's wet outside because if you don't get a member out of this hole got to move down the board where your foot just was you're soaking wet foot that is now soaked into this board so if you start your hole here and you don't get an ember you can move down each time a dry board so this is just for demonstration is completely dry out here so that's why we did this way let's move down to board and we're gonna start a hole here just like that now we're actually going to do what's called burning in which means we're going to put our spindle in that crater that we just made and we're going to burn it in and I'll get right back to you all right now we're going to get burnt in if you notice my spindle is actually in my pocket right here never want this to hit the ground I mean I know this might seem a little crazy OCD if you will but if your life depends on a technique like this and if you're down to using this your life does depend on what every single variable in por favor it means you want something underneath your artboard you don't want to throw your spindle on the ground you don't want anything any component to this soaking up moisture from the earth so I always stick it in my pocket or hold it on my foot or whatever if I'm just doing a minor adjustment so anyways I'm going to touch up the point of this and we'll turn in now what i'm doing here is i'm putting multiple multiple cuts in there make it almost look like a soccer ball that's going to give me lots of friction okay i'm also not wanting a point on this and once you kind of want flat surface but on this part that goes in my hand hold you kind of do want to point on that and the reason why is the less surface area you have the less friction you're going to have on that point so let's kind of point this out the way you can tell that if it's to point is obviously you're in get smoking your hand hold about that that's what i want to see right there a little bit smoke I just try to start a fire it now just burning it getting the whole way we're spindle in our pocket careful it might be a little hot bring that up to you guys let you see the whole see this dust right here definitely don't want to just discard that that stuff's good for a good for the fire for sure alright know what I want to do is going to take my multi-tool the saw blade on that I'm going to cut a v-notch right down about a quarter of the way into the hole but that is not the real crucial part from my experience the really crucial part is if you get tight as a V as you can that for some reason really helps out let me try to get that done I'll get that on I'll show you all right what a little deep into the hole but I don't think we're going to have a problem that always going to collect up but let's try to get an hour improv all right now when i get started I'm not gonna want to rush this I'm just going to heat the bow up eat the board up real slow what I'm looking for is that notch that we made I'm looking for it to start collecting them dust a little smoke gets off my nosh is starting to click dust start the fill-up that notch fills up it's go time just kind of pour it on Oh pop out let me deal you got a good amount of dust and a cool you ought to rush anything at this point you got time last thing you want to do is rush

get that into our tender torch that I've made here all right now you want to start out by blowing this thing to kingdom come yeah I start slow there you go guys fire 10,000 BC hope you've enjoyed this video appreciate all your views comments and support see on the woods

About the Author

William Myers MantisOutdoors

William Myers MantisOutdoors

Modern and primitive skills, fun in the woods and product reviews

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