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flint and steel fire


i show how to utilize resources commonly found to start a fire to effect heat for self reliance

Tags: bushcraft,fire,flint,steel

Video Transcription

alright guys doing the day he's out here signing a new bub come across couple rocks in my backyard gratia video about them that's some flan torture actually out here most of what's in America is actually true about Flint once more found in Europe I figured I'd try demonstrative flip steel fire for you guys today we got Center bundle here take this quiver off get my way yeah they start a foot still fires basically with a high carbon steel knife or a piece of high-carbon steel what you're doing is you're actually taking material off the back of the ninth and some more to take a material off the back of the knife you're not taking material off the rock itself what I like to do is like to wall this up because much service areas it possibly can to catch a spark on and this is char cloth I'll do another video sometime on on how to make that there's plenty of it on YouTube right now actually just look up charcoal or char cloth rather let's see if we can get spork to catch here readjust this charcoal no rush we got time I also get this going I'm actually gonna want to hold it up so that he actually pulls through my tinder bundle and can we have five now you would already have your fire re-built ready to go so you down you're giving it air keeping this thing a lot until you're able to burn wood sighs your thumb yep let's split still fire base guys for reviewing appreciate your sport

About the Author

William Myers MantisOutdoors

William Myers MantisOutdoors

Modern and primitive skills, fun in the woods and product reviews

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