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E-cig fire


how to make a e-cig an emergency fire starter

Tags: Electronic Cigarette (Industry),Survival Skills (TV Genre),Bushcraft,camping,Camping And Caravanning Club (Organization),fire,preparedmind101,William Myers,how to

Video Transcription

hey I'm doing there guys weimar paired mine 11 today we're going to be showing you a new way to affect fire don't go away all right so I was having a conversation with some friends of mine not so long ago and we were talking about things that have multi-use like God I'm not going to pack this because it's a one trick pony and it doesn't have it used two or three uses so on and so forth and I'll just let you know right now unless it is something that solely used just for fire I Ferro rod or something like that I'm not going to pack a lunch Rick Tony and the owner is a wild make allowances for something like fires and look at because fire has so many uses on its own for medicinal properties to making tools to Detroit for my temperature so I i smoke in acidic something you know that something you don't but I used to actually smoke cigarettes and some things happen to some friends and family of are so you know my wife has a conversation put me about green smoke and stuff like that so I switched to indy Sid and I was smoking my e-cig when we were having this conversation there about that that goes on your body that's part of something impact in the woods on one trick pony does one thing just smoke out of it you know I guys think I said well you got me then I was like then I can make fire with it so we're that's what we're gonna do right now I'm gonna get set up don't go away alright guys this is my e-cig right here and okay before I get all kinds of comments this is a eastern white pine bark bandage the the sap from the white pine is antimicrobial and I got a nasty little gash in my finger so I threw that on there real quick okay so what we're going to do is we're going to unscrew the tanks from the battery here we're going to set that aside and what this basically is is a a lithium ion battery and the connections are in here you see I've actually been using this already testing it out and as long as see I don't know i'm not exactly sure what the board there is a in here but if you make contact with the middle and the sides you will get a spark and you but if you make too hard of contact to quickly it will the board I think senses that you're trying to call it a short and just like shuts the ecig down so you got to be really quick this is if a feral rod is easier even a 9-volt battery is easier I don't carry a 9-volt battery and if I lose my Ferro rod I know I can start a fire steel wolf with this and we're going to demonstrate that right now don't go away alright so if we just like shove this in here i'll go ahead and demonstrate that we could shove all the steel wool in here and then once we hit the button you'll see it's not letting us access to the battery so what we have to do is we have to be really really quick with this just enough to get a spark to jump to arc and then allow oxygen to get to that so i'm going to try to do the right now so what we got to do is we got to bring it in here and as soon as we're getting ready to make contact turn it on and then make contact see we got that spark right there nope we're good it's a little finicky but we'll get her yeah like I said a Ferro rod this thing would have been already up three times by now but at least you know that you can do this if you had to just took me like almost five minutes to get how to do it I mean I when I first started doing this like I was I thought there's got to be a way to like steel wool with this I mean it's just a big battery right so there we go we're on now


you got a tinder bundle here well I meant to actually break this this is like five times the amount of steel wool that I need for this but too late now

when there you go guys alright guys let's just stop I guess I'm a little trick you know if you can smoke from a you say well maybe somebody in your party is you know you guys use steel wool for cleaning and things like that steel war I not the guy yep ability works how steel wool you know I clean my firearms I clean like surface rust off my nice with it you know I make fire with it if you take a Ferro rod and you hit a Ferro rod or still more with a fair rock I mean you got molten steel just going bananas the only in a bird's nest there's no way you're going to fail even with marginal material sometimes really kind of damp materials to look at now that a steel what was really going to get you going but you know like i said if you if you spent from the least cig or if your friends or somebody in your party slope from you soon this is this little caper trick may not have now now you know thanks for viewing my videos thanks for subscribing and liking that really helps me out I appreciate all your views and comments hopefully we'll see how the world

About the Author

William Myers MantisOutdoors

William Myers MantisOutdoors

Modern and primitive skills, fun in the woods and product reviews

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