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Winter weather clothes and the importance of WOOL!!!!


I'll show you what i wear in the winter and talk about the importance of wool and give all of you that are allergic a option as well

Tags: Clothing (Industry),wool,winter,survival,bushcraft,william myers,preparedmind101,mantisoutdoors,Snow,Camping,Cold,Summer,Ice,Weekend,survival kit,outdoors,camping,Survival Skills (TV Genre),Cabin,Storm,Holiday,Survival (TV Series Serial),Outdoor,Travel,Wilderness (Quotation Subject),Tent,Fun,Family,Village,Day,Lake,Hiking,Cottage,Camper,Outside,Hunting,Chasing,Adventure,first aid kit

Video Transcription

I would do today guys this is William Irish minutes outdoors today I'm gonna be doing a video about winter clothing options don't go away all right so in the summertime cotton is a wonderful fabric to wear it absorbs moisture and exposes that moisture to the confections breezes the wind around you and cools you off 30 to 35 percent faster and the winter time in my opinion wool is a much better option it also absorbs moisture not as readily as fast as cotton does actually in some points the lanolin and wool can actually Sheen water to a point before it actually does soak in after a period of time but if you don't know wool actually retains 80% of its insulating value even when wet so I'm gonna dress the elephant in the room some people are allergic to wool there are a pretty big amount of people that have a fairly violent histamine reaction to wool that can cause rashes irritation you know things like that hives but there are people out there that believe that there are allergic to wool very small amount of people that I've run into in my experiences that think that they're allergic to wool but actually they just have a irritation to cheaper wool and what I mean by that is that obviously there's different breeds of sheep excuse me obviously there's different breeds of sheep and some are class differently and some are regarded as cheaper wools and you get into the more finer more expensive wolves like in New Zealand and Australia you know merino wolves and those are the more finer wolves more desirable wools

they actually classed those on micron levels and you can look those up there there are information out there I believe the finer wools are in the 15 to below micron level and then there's some up to 25 30 even 50 microns I might be incorrect on that but that's just for my research so if you actually take these cheaper less desirable wools and you examine them under a microscope you'll see that the hairs of that 5 or the tips of those hairs are actually shaped like a dagger and in fact some of them can have barbs on them and you just imagine how uncomfortable that would be when exposed to bare skin let alone sensitive skin so if that is your case maybe you want to give you another chance I would suggest you looking at companies for your base layer like wool power icebreaker and - 33 - 33 being one of the cheaper brands because it is manufactured in China but it is from marina wool source eyewear - 33 they're absolutely comfortable sometimes I can tell the difference between them and cotton unfortunately those fabrics are more expensive but if you choose to invest in those I would invest in something that would be your base layer that would give you protection from your outer shell giving you options to wear not cheaper but more coarser wool that may give you an irritation then this even goes back to anglo-saxon era in Britain you know cheaper coarser less desirable wolves were abundant there and the more finer more comfortable wolves that were more costly were usually set aside for the nobility and people of higher standing in the community because those were people that number one could afford the stuff you know very expensive and interesting side note to that point is that even in anglo-saxon era Britain I guess they had a problem with the spinner spinning in for material into their their wool especially the chief of wolves and that would just make their fabrics go that much further expending their profit margins and in fact evidently they had such a problem with this that even they had to write a law that states that if you are just been wool you have to do so outside in public so for everyone to see that make sure you're not spinning in like straws and then in haze and stuff like that which that they did and that like I said that wouldn't just make their fabric stretch and increase their profit margins so if you pull that into our time today if you go to you know common stores like say Walmart and things like that and you look at wool socks on a shelf you'll see in big red letters wool a further examination of that of those socks you'll find that some even contain as little as 17 Wolffe that's in my opinion just enough wool to call them a wool sock other than that there's there's Cotton's nylons things like that excuse me and those are not going to provide the same protection for you that a hundred percent wool sock will do excluding new elastic elastic in the in the stock to make it stretch and things like that so some people do have a genuine pre violence sometimes in fact reaction to sheep's wool it could be the lanolin and you know there's lots of things that can't actually affect your body give you history there are other options out there as well alpaca as one a lot of times I find that some people that are allergic to sheep's wool are not allergic to alpaca wool so there are options out there but at the end of this video if you just have found that you were just having reaction to any kind of wool whatsoever we're gonna give you some other options well alright when I choose the grout into the winter and it's 20 and below and things like that I usually wear at least three layers of clothing four sometimes five you can actually be pushing it it can actually have the opposite effect and start reducing your insulating value when you're wearing wool and even anything actually any kind of fabric that you choose wear as a discipline value you don't want that insulin material to be skin tight you don't want to be compressed and pushed onto your body what you want is rather loose-fitting clothing that can be sealed from the bottom you know I have a drawstring on these that that seal it up to trap the air that's inside and my body's radiation heats that air that keeps me warm so you don't want anything skin tight on your body and that even goes for when you're choosing to lay down and camp for the night but if you're choosing to use a wool blanket you don't want to wrap up in that thing skin tight and just have that thing pressed on you want it rather loose so like I said you're radiant body temperature heats the air that's trapped in that wool and warms your body so let's go ahead and go through what I have on my body right now we'll start with my head well actually let's start with the gloves because I gotta take these things off to actually be able to have any kind of so these things are wonderful wonderful gloves these things keep you absolutely warm

these are flight gloves I believe they're called their military surplus mine are wool lined so that's just another layer of wool that goes all the way up to here keeps me really very warm like I said you can have trouble doing pretty much anything in these gloves designation is n3 n4 b and 4b yeah people to find them yeah all I know they work okay so under that I usually wear mittens woolen mittens these are awesome military surplus come with a trigger finger for when I'm hunting you know I can still wear my gloves mittens are better in my opinion because your fingers aren't tracked by other material they're they're allowed to radiate between each other thus heating the air that's trapped in here so even going further I usually wear fingerless wolf gloves under that and that is also military surplus you could find these my buddy Mitch native survival he's got them on his website you can find them all over but he usually has pretty good prices on things like that

all right up top here I got a this actually is not wool this one of my favorite uh hats I got this from a buddy of mine but it's it's uh it's nylon or acrylic you know so this is not wool but it works underneath that is like I said the company that I mentioned earlier is ice breakers 100% merino wool which adds extra warmth and can add protection to my head so I can actually have another option to wear some for sure like I said less undesirable wolves that will keep you one as well and protect me from irritation I choose to wear merino wool buff that's B uff and these things are absolutely great there's tons of options that are with that from just keeping your neck warm you can pull this thing up and usually what I do but I can't really do it on camera is I'll wear this over my face like that when I'm running around can't really do that on camera it's just a great option you can actually turn this into a full face mask all kind of stems you can put it as a hat twist it put it back down and then put another cap over it I've three layers wore my head and then wear another boof on your on your neck

all right so y'all ever questioned about for real funny shirt that's what this is called it's called a for real hunting shirt you pick these up from Lester River bushcraft I probably other than my neck knife I probably get more questions about this hoodie than anything but it is a awesome awesome piece of gear it is a rather on the pricey side it is made of 100% and if you get them from Lester River bushcraft they will be 100% army blanket wool you saying this is probably one of my more warmer pieces of gear Empire wool and canvas and I'm not exactly sure I believe this Duluth but I set by the Lester River Inn in Minnesota they make it for less true bushcraft Jason at Lester beautiful rivers craft you ever had the opportunity to talk to him he's an absolutely fabulous dude he's uh one of the one of the better one of the better guys that you could talk to he's a really nice guy really cool thing about this is like I said this has a drawstring on the bottom so you can cinch this up and what that does is protect provides me an area that air doesn't readily excape from so like I said my body can heat up that area that is that air that's trapped in there other cool little design features about this is you really kind of be hard to see on this camera but against my stomach is a zipper area like a little kangaroo pouch I have two pouches right here and I have one skinny one in the middle so I have lots of carry options and this thing always ends up like dragging the ground because you know I'll be working with something on just throw it in one of the pockets you know things like that but it is rather convenient just be able to stuff things and know that they're not going to go nowhere so underneath that I have a wool shirt on it's a Filson again they can be rather pricey as well was actually gift to me from a series of students I really appreciate that by the way underneath that is another shirt it's not war I believe it is acrylic and underneath that is my base layer which is -33

wool merino wool alright so these are not exactly 100% wool they are from Colombia their wool pants they're about 80% wool mixture these are pretty comfortable like I said I buy them product pretty big so the air around them

heats up really good believe it's wax but it's treated so they're kind of waterproof resistant as well and then like I said underneath that is -33 base layer alright so now let's talk about some foot options here do you see and everyone knows how to dress I'm not trying to tell you how to dress I'm just telling you how I do things these are like I said 100% wool socks these are really thick I picked these up from the Pathfinder school because he has a ton of these things and there are very good priced I usually put those over my insulating base layer like I said again those are -33 and then for more cold or wet temperatures I'll choose the muck art pros you really have to be careful with these because when you're running around these things are such an insulating barrier that they're gonna keep you warm but you have to be careful if you start sweating running around your feet are gonna sweat and then you can actually say get to a hunting area or get to your base camp be sitting around standing around and you're like why are my feet cold that's because you've been sweating now your feet are wet and you're gonna start getting a little bit chilled easily remedied with spare pair of socks just throw a parent's a spare pair of socks on there you go but I'll throw my pants over that so I have on my legs I have for insulating areas plus the neoprene of the of the MUX and then all throughout my legs I have at least three insulating areas so like I said for those people that are just 100% absolutely allergic to wool we're gonna go through some other options here with Chris

all right just in closing you know wool in my opinion absolutely like percent is the king you're not going to be able to beat its insane value even when it's wet that being said there are enemies of wool like out of the wind so it's not very windy today so I didn't bring my wind breaking II gear but having something on your body that's gonna Sheen the win away and break the wind is definitely gonna keep it just that much you know all this expensive good wool is very expensive your clothing is your first line of defense for battling the elements so in my opinion it is worth the extra money so that being said hope you enjoyed the video please click Subscribe liking the video really helps me out a lot I appreciate all your views comments and support hopefully we'll see you out in the woods okay some people actually do have better I rode the dogs kill me now welcome to my world

and have you seen my video there that's crazy I got how it takes that mess gets about with nothing but talk alright actually


About the Author

William Myers MantisOutdoors

William Myers MantisOutdoors

Modern and primitive skills, fun in the woods and product reviews

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